Everything posted by Mike
New engine won't run!
One time I had an engine rebuilt but the guy put the distributor gear in 180 degrees off. I had the same problem trying to start it. Have you tried swapping the firing order?
cyclist leans against my car at a red light...
I'm still waiting for you to comment about the brake light. Was it really out?
hi.. new member from malaysia
Hi Brenco, welcome to the club! I tried fixing some of your images on the first post but it looks like you fixed them later in the thread. Nice work and, again, welcome to the site! And, FYI, you can also upload your photos to your own gallery on our site. This way the photos don't get lost in case Photobucket changes their hosting around (again). Here's a link to the gallery: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/useralbums.php
Cutaway Engine
Great idea, something like this would be a heck of a learning tool. I've seen non-operating cutaways (with small electric motors turning them over) in aviation museums quite a bit.... was a great way for me to learn about how some of the older jet engines were designed. Although an operational L6 would be a challenge to build, and very cool to see, I am not sure how the investment would be all that beneficial over a full cutaway engine. I mean, you would spend an extraordinary amount of time just getting the thing to run. The time could be spent on color codes, documentation, and videography. For me, I'm still waiting for someone to replicate the cross flow head. m
Merry Christmas!
Hope all of you have a great Christmas no matter where or who you are with. Be good to each other and enjoy the ride.
- Merry Christmazzzz!
My 240K(c110) build thread
I'm still trying to comprehend 255 hours. What a project! It looks sweet.
MSA discount for CZCC
Hi guys! Yes you will receive a discount. I used to have an easy way to find your member number but lost it with our latest upgrade. Glad you got the number!! And let us know if you got the discount. If you have any issues with the discount please send me a PM before you buy.
How much would you pay? Chevy 350 / Turbo 400 1972 240Z
Just wanted to mention that we aren't all stock here. We have an area for modified classic Z's as well as the stock conversions. Check out the main forum area.
? last scarab made
You can also try listing it on our classifieds site. http://www.datsunclassifieds.com
I'm blaming Arne! Going, going.....hopefully gone to good home soon!
And the tides turn... bobc, don't forget to come back and visit! I think there must be a tendency for Z owners to love either the Porsche 911 classic or the Jag E-type... something about the way they look. All too similar! Bob, you still have the blue GTS?
Comparing Zs to Porsches?
And the tides turn... bobc, don't forget to come back and visit! I think there must be a tendency for Z owners to love either the Porsche 911 classic or the Jag E-type... something about the way they look. All too similar! Bob, you still have the blue GTS?
Hi from Portugal
Hi Mario! Welcome to the club and Z ownership! Hope you have a good time here at the club and feel free to ask any question about your car.. Mike
Hurricane Irene
So, I am in NYC for business over the next few weeks. First we had an earthquake last week, and now hurricane Irene is bearing down on the city. My thoughts go out to all the members who are affected by this storm and hope you (and your Z's) are all safe and sound. I know many of the members on the East coast and hoping that the damage is minimal. Take care! Mike
Parts cd help
Hey guys, just checked out this thread. Yes, the CD is still available. Unfortunately we have some issues with the newest models of Macbook without doing a little tweaking like Arne suggested. As far as ordering a disk, send me a PM and we'll work out the details. Mike
got screwed on a 280Z!
EatingZ, My advice is to not get too frustrated by this whole thing. Law enforcement won't give a damn with this issue, they have too many things to do. Unfortunately, you're in a bind and should go contact an attorney to figure out how to handle this problem. You can usually get the advice from an attorney at little to no cost at an initial consultation. After that, he might be able to help you find this guy and serve him with documents to get the title. This, of course, will cost you. If that doesn't work, you can also simply go down to the DMV and ask them what you should do. Ask for their opinion and don't talk to the bitter-burnt-out agent, try to find the one who can help you the most, maybe the local DMV manager, it can go a long way to ask for the leadership when you first get there. First of all, remember this is your fault for not picking up the title when you gave him the cash. Then move on from there. Mike
ZCON Roll Call
Any chance you guys can upload the photos to our gallery? I noticed that putting them on other galleries (like Flickr and Photobucket) will eventually expire causing bad links (let's say in 6 months). If they are posted here, the photos will be online forever.. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=3686 Attachments to this thread will also last forever but the gallery is the ultimate place for them.
ZCON 2011 Photos
Awesome! Wish I was there. Any chance you can upload Zcon photos to our gallery? I'd love to see more if you have them. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=3686 Mike
Pixar loves us
I also took my son to CARS2. He's two years old, saw one of the cars, and said, "Z-car-oh" ! Sure enough, the movie was full of them... I remember seeing the gong and it looked a lot like the hubcap with a different logo in the middle. There were a number of spots where I could swear I saw a Z, blue, orange, silver, and perhaps a yellow in there. Some of the scenes were too quick and I didn't have the remote to control the movie..
konig opal wheels or panasport????
Do you have sample photos of both types on your series car?
Anyone familiar with X1/9s?
Sure, I think that's a lot more practical. :-P Neat looking car though, I remember seeing these on the road back in HS.
1970 fairlady rhd
Hi peterb, it's tough to give a value on a car unless we have some additional information. Can you send some specfiics about the car such as mileage, condition, matching serial numbers, VIN, and any work that's been done on it? You can also upload photos to this forum post and this will give us a great starting point. Let me know if you have any troubles sending over this data. Thanks! Mike
Jay Leno's Skyline GTR
Ran across this today, a great little snipet with mention of Mr K and the early Datsun's... <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2AmmaZeRoFE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Midwest Z fest 2011
This was announced at Branson Z fest this year . The Oklahoma Z car club will be sponsoring Midwest Z fest 2011 Oct 13-15 here in Midwest City , OK. We have a hotel lined up and reserved already. We are getting a website made so people can register and book a hotel room. Midwest City is a few miles just east of Oklahoma City. www.okzcc.com is the local website for the Oklahoma Z car club. -
ZONC Feather River Run - June 18, 2011
Nice! Hey put this in our event calendar and it will show up on the front page every day. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/calendar.php?do=add