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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It looks like the hood is simply unlatched. I would ask him why all the parts are in the box. And, check for rust on the floorboards and bottom edges of the exterior. Also, look under the battery compartment for rust-thru. Judging from the rusty master cylinder caps and appearance of the engine, I believe this car might have some rust issues. But, I could be wrong. Make sure you lift up the carpets and jute material to see the metal underneath the drivers and passenger seats. You can buy a rusty car and fix it up.... Most Z's of this kind of shape (and cost) will have some kind of rust anyway. But, if there is a LOT of rust and it's worn through you will have a lot of work to do. IMHO, the worst area to fix is under the battery.
  2. Mike posted a post in a topic in RACING
    I had a similar situation like this in high-school. A girl joined our football team and it was the biggest media blitz in town. Reporters were at our every game and they interviewed her every move. The coach had to put her in every game because it would have been bad press to not do so. Eventually the populartity wore off and she quit the team. I guess we'll find out how good of a racer this girl is when the hype wears off.
  3. feel free to put them in the gallery... this site will last when other sites go down..
  4. Mike posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    You also have to consider that spacers put a lot of stress on the outside wheel bearing. The outside bearing is designed to hold a certain amount of lateral force and the wheel centering is very important. If you put a large spacer on the disk, I assume the weight on the outside wheel bearing could cause it to prematurely fail. I am speculating that a properly modified car would include a longer spindle pin and larger outer wheel bearing.
  5. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    If they are trying to "total" it... it just means the value of the car is less than the damages. Ie: If your car is only worth $1,500 and the damages are $3,000... they will call it "totalled"... You do have the option of taking the money and NOT totalling the car. But, sometimes they want it so they can make extra money on the parts. I would ask them if you can keep the car and take the money. You won't get enough for the damages, but, at least it's something.
  6. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Try the wallpapers... there are a few good ones in there.. http://www.classiczcars.com/modules.php?name=Links&file=viewcategory&cid=16
  7. I agree with Carl. How are they positive they put enough lube in your diff ? Did they measure it when pumping it into the unit?
  8. Dude, you need a microfiche CD so you can look up parts for your car. Click HERE to buy one.
  9. I tried both a plumbers wrench and a crescent wrench on mine. Both of these damaged the nut and was not able to break it free. I finally took the struts down to the local Nissan shop and they used the 'special' tool to break it free within 30 seconds. Mine were so tight they had to put a foot on the bench to get some leverage! I advise finding the right tool if your nuts are as tight as mine. Of course, tightening your new nuts shouldn't be as difficult. Is there a torque specification for this? -- Mike PS: Yea yea... no nuts comments..
  10. Hate to hear that man... Glad you're working through it. Give yourself a year to heal and "find yourself" again. I went through a similar situation, but, throw in the fact that we were married for 11 years (dating over 15). I could go into details... an entire Jerry Springer episode. Anyway, I feel for ya. You'll be fine after awhile. It sucks, but, it's true.
  11. Mike posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    It's impossible to find replacement connectors. Treat them with care!
  12. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Michael, We have a copyright release from Nissan. Go ahead and scan them and post in the gallery. -- Mike
  13. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yep, there's a size limit of 1024x768. Resize your images to that measurement and then try the attachment again. If you do the math, that image size is approximately 1 megapixel. If you have a 5 megapixel camera, you can see how the images will be MUCH larger. Therefore, anyone who takes images using a digital camera will need to resize the images before they can be used as attachments in the messages. Now, if you upload images to the gallery, they will automatically be resized down to an appropriate size for the gallery. I will do some checking to see if I can allow larger pictures but then make the server automatically resize them to save disk space. -- Mike
  14. Mike posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Ok, I moved things around a bit more in there. The 240K is more obvious and you have an entire category just for 240K. I am doing this in preparation for moderators. Now that an entire area is set aside for 240K, I can give the keys to a moderator and they can create sub-forums and work on that area on their own. Who want's to be the 240K moderator?
  15. Mike posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    It wasn't a demotion! Hey now.. I love all of you Aussies!!! Do you not like the location? Where else should I put you? The work I did last night was just something I did to make it easier to navigate. Maybe I made it more difficult perhaps?
  16. Yea, I am not sure what that was all about. Was he ever mad at me for something? You did say.. "still mad at Mike..." Guess I am clueless ..
  17. Better to rub off your frustration somewhere else than on your bike. I know how it is... I have a Hayabusa. That split second you think.... "I could just run" Then your other side kicks in and reminds you that you can't outrun a radio frequency. Anyway, frustrations are better kept off the bike. Ride the bike when you want to get out for some refreshment. There's a fine line.
  18. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Good point 'Wafer.... I must point out that age doesn't necessarily mean wiser or more mature. I've seen 60-year olds act like they were 15.
  19. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yea, chickenwafer's comment was out of line. I bought my first Z not knowing a single thing about it. I liked the car because it looked really cool and had some power to get a little frisky. IN FACT, I knew so little about this car that I created a mailing list that still exists today (see 240z Mailing List from the main menu). I created the mailing list for completely selfish reasons actually... I didn't know anything, so, I wanted to bring a bunch of guys together so we could all talk about these cars together. The selfishness comes with the fact that I wanted this so I could work on my own car based on advice from these guys. Anyway, next thing you know... we have THIS website and thousands of visitors per day. All of this because I didn't know SH*T about my Z.
  20. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Dude, it's time to get a new wallet.
  21. Mike commented on zguitar71's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  22. Mike posted a gallery image in Club Merchandise Artwork
  23. Mike posted a gallery image in Club Merchandise Artwork
  24. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    There's also various ways to use a search engine like the one we supply here. Just because it's used one way, doesn't mean that it will bring up all the information on the topic. Sometimes I have to try 3-4 times before I find something on any forum before I find the info I need.

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