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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Keep in mind that the server will re-sample all images that are uploaded, so, your interpretation of his actual image size won't be correct. Here's how it works.... I put a limit on the file size and the image size. I believe the current limits are 2mb files and 1024x768 resolution. The server will then process your file into three different files. Each file is stored as: high res, medium res, and a thumnail. The system will also apply another compression on the images using the JPEG standard at a 90% quality level. I think the system might actually reduce the DPI of the image as well, but, I'd have to check on that one. Most web graphics only need to be shown at 72dpi and cameras store photos at 300dpi. The system is confiugred this way to allow others to download what they want to see and not have to wait for extra large images if they have a slow connection. Now, if you process your images and reduce the size before uploading, this will reduce the amount of time needed to upload an image.
  2. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yea, but zguitar might be uploading 1.5mb images. That was my point.
  3. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It also depends on the size of the images you are trying to upload. You both might be trying to upload different size picts and the time will vary depending on that. A simple way to understand this is looking at the maximum Megapixels your camera is rated at. The more Megapixels, the larger the file. Simply put.. We could get into a huge discussion about image size, quality, compression, color depth, etc etc... But, I'll keep it simple for now..
  4. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Dude, post this in the classifieds. You'll get a better response.
  5. Mike posted a post in a topic in United States
    Alright! I'm looking forward to this one guys! Need any help let me know. -- Mike
  6. I moved this poll to the Body & Paint forum because it's not a front page poll for all users.
  7. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I just picked up the game tonight. The drifting is a hoot! I also like the off road racing. Pretty fun game even with the default cars. I can't wait to start opening up new ones.
  8. What?! Now you rained on my parade. I was gonna go run cat-wizz in my car because I thought it had a high-octane rating. After it blew up (and attracted all of the neighborhood cats), I was planning on making you responsible for my actions. Besides, everything on a forum like this must be 100% accurate right? :pirate: Just playin...
  9. Ah, I remember back in 1988 and 1989 when I was working for my grandfather. He owned an airplane fuel business in San Diego. I had just graduated from Highschool and he asked me to come run his business for a summer. It was a great job with many fringe benefits.... One of the benefits was Avgas at COST! That entire summer I ran my '71 240z on 100/130 (green). My engine never ran better! The pinging went away along with stuttering off the line. Idling was absolutely smooth and I noticed that my tailpipe was no longer black... it was a light-grey. Anyway, it was really nice that I could pull up to the truck and fill the car whenever I needed. The special permission to run my car on the tarmack was also a thrill! Talk about your 0-60 tests... I think I played with that every day.... I was later told that my '71 was designed to run on leaded fuel at a higher octane that what we can buy now. While the 100/130 was a bit overboard, the car did very well and could handle the extra combustion due to the higher compression engine. I also found out later that hardened valve seats are desired in these engines to accomodate for the lack of lead. I later attempted to purchase Avgas for my car (from a local Oregon shop) but was turned away. Apparently they can't sell this fuel for your car because the government didn't get their CUT on the taxes. There is no safety reason why you can't pump Avgas directly to a car. Most Avgas trucks utilize a "static line" which is connected to an airplane. The static line is used to prevent grounding sparks transferred from the plane to the truck. When fueling an airplane it's advisable to reduce the quantity of sparks for obvious reasons. The risk of a spark from an automobile is a lot less of an issue. So, the reason why you can't pull up to the Avgas truck is simply due to the government. They seem to always be there holding out a hand..... filthy beggers. I suggest you find a good "friend" in your local Avgas guy. Oh yea, don't use Jet-A on a gasoline engine. It'll damage your car. However, it will work GREAT on that diesel engine! My grandfather used to fill up his diesel Buick with that stuff and it ran a lot better!
  10. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    There have been many threads about exhaust size in the mailing list over the years. I think the major points were related to sound. A 2.25" exhaust is quieter than a 2.5" exhaust and the performance differences are null. I had a 2.5" exhaust and absolutely loved it. Of course I didn't drive my Z long distances. The sound from this setup is amazing and I had people asking me if I installed a V8 in my car...
  11. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    So far my favorite controller has been Logitech's force feedback pro....
  12. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Wow, those graphics are pretty sweet. I'll have to go get it soon!!
  13. I put my vote in...
  14. haha... yeah, you got me. I just think that all traffic cops need to be challenged.
  15. Just go to court and plead NOT GUILTY.
  16. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Anyone have the ability to get some screenshots of the 240 ? I'd love to see it and haven't got the game yet.
  17. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Anyone have the DVR (tivo) with a DVD-burner? That would be a way to capture the commercial. PS: The easiest explaination for this unit? A Digital Video Recorder. It will record video on a hard-drive instead of a VHS tape. The best quality? It's intelligent and will find your programs and record them.
  18. Mike posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Man, you guys are sure quick to jump on the critical end of things.... Has anyone bothered to take a calculator and add up the percentages? If you do, you will see that they all equal 100%. The numbers represent a percentage of the total votes. Taking all of the percentages and adding them together will give us a total of 100%. Now, how these numbers equate to the percentages is a bit confusing. When this poll was set up, it was decided to allow users to vote more than one time. Therefore, when a single person votes, they can pick multiple selections. At this time 68 people have voted. It doesn't tell me how many choices they made.... It simply tells me that 68 votes have been cast. -- Mike
  19. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Right on!! Next we need to work on the T-shirts so we can get a lot of 'club pride' going at the shows this summer....
  20. Mike posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Excellent Poll!! Now I know why you volunteered to take on the polls... excellent ideas!! I had just about everything on your list except for tinting and climate control. But most of the stuff is coming back to a "better than stock" status.
  21. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You guys get any pictures of the 'gang' wearing their CZC hats?!
  22. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Welcome to the site! Yea, we are proud of the friendly environment and dedication to Zcar talk. Any question you have about the Z can surely be answered by one of our motley crew... -- Mike
  23. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I'm more amazed that you were watching Full House.
  24. Hey Phred, thanks for posting the pics! I remember when you sent me those a few years back. Do you happen to have a drawing of those plates in case someone wanted to fabricate their own?
  25. Mike commented on Turbo Meister's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection

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