Everything posted by Mike
Yea, that's not like her at all. I have seen too many happy customers to think otherwise. Does anyone have information about her or live near that area? Hope things are ok.
FREE Z Car Videos
We also have videos here. But, they are in the gallery which is going to be back soon.
Photo Galleries
Don't worry guys, I'm workin on all of it... :rambo:
It's Alive!
Don't worry, the girls will be back...
It's Alive!
Don't worry, I'm going to design a better theme than this one. I don't like the grapics with this system right now. But, it's simple.
You guys be careful out there! (My little crash story)
And, watch out for Surburbans?!
my website
Yea, sweet site... good job on the graphics.
They are just too busy because of all the business we are sending. This is one problem with business that can be handled with a good look at the ordering system. Have you ever seen that IBM commercial where a team of people launch an online sales catalog? They all celebrate when the site is launched and a few orders come in..... while the celbration continues... a few more orders come in.... a few more.... a lot more... and thousands start to pour in.... After celebrating, the team stares at the screen in awe and suddenly realize they didn't plan for all the orders created by the launch... At the end of the commercial it says, "This is when you realize you so need IBM." I'm not promoting IBM, but, I'm just trying to say this kind of problem is NORMAL for any business. Especially small businesses.... Give Chloe a chance, but, stay on it. If you aren't getting a response, please let her know with a phone call or something. I've actually been in this situation with the Zcar CD. At times we had a lot of orders coming in and I wasn't able to keep up until I created a good system to keep track of the orders. Anyway, just a few points of opinion. -- Mike
Nice lift. What kind is that? How high are your ceilings ? I'm looking to possibly get a lift, too. But, I didn't know if I could with my 8' ceilings.
panorama in Italy
Keep our most important rule in mind guys... POSTS MUST BE Z RELATED -- Mike
HAHAHAH.... HAHAHAHAH .... HEHEHEH.... Sorry, I just had a moment. HEHEHEHEHE..... HAHAHA I just can't stop chuckling. -- Mike
Beware of George G. Robbins (aka: reddat)!!!
If you made an attempt to work with him and he didn't respond, I would give him negative feedback. Give him a warning that you are going to do this and perhaps he will make it better. -- Mike
Beware of George G. Robbins (aka: reddat)!!!
Oops... sorry Carl. I edited your message instead of replying to it! Your quote was kept. Sorry about that. I messed up.
Taking The Block Apart While Still In The Car
Guys, he's just messing with you. DOH!
There's no way to obtain a serious car value via a few digital pictures. It is impossible to do without seeing the car and doing a proper inspection. However, it *IS* possible to obtain a few opinions.... especially on this site. hehe.....
look Ma, no top!
look Ma, no top!
For Sale:72' 240 Engine and..
Datman, I'm in Albany and would like to see your engine. I'll send you an email when I get home from work. -- Mike
Black Thunder
Which car?
Where are the MSA pix?????
Some of that is my fault. I wasn't able to go to the show this year... I am bummed. But, it just wasn't possible. If anyone has a ton of pictures, send them to me on CD and I'll post them in bulk.... I am planning on going to the national convention... Let me know... send me a PM and I'll give you my address. -- Mike
How did you pay the guy? If you used Paypal, they can help get your money back.
82 Zx
Ok, here's the info on location and price.