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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike commented on Dtsnlvrs's comment on a gallery image in Members in the Military
  2. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Nice! Where can I get a copy here in Oregon?
  3. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yea, that's a violation of copyright if it doesn't belong to the artist. He donated that picture to us a long time ago. But, he should also keep in mind that the car photo was taken from here and the girls were part of a Playboy (?) or beer ad. -m
  4. Mike posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Gema, can you get ANY of the old connectors ? Ie, if someone wanted to keep their existing harness and replace the connectors, are they even available from Nissan? What, in the form of wiring, *IS* available?
  5. Is it 12g's worth of quick?
  6. You guys sure talk a lot of smack and don't have anything to back it up. Just remember that not everybody is in this game for the fastest quarter mile. He did an excellent job on the engine, chrome, and fancy stuff like that. If it wasn't for the ugly flames, that car would be pretty damn sweet (to me). A prime example is in the latest Sport Z magazine. There's a feature on a 300ZX with a bunch of tuck-n-roll interior work, custom stereo, gawdy paint job, and slammed to the ground... While I don't prefer that kind of ride, I must remember that guy spent a lot of time, money, and pride on the job he did. That's the kind of stuff I appreciate more these days. When someone spends a lot of effort on something, I like to recognize that for what it's worth. Seems like it's a lot easier to tear something down than it is to build it up....
  7. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You'd be gettin a spankin right now if it wasn't so damn TRUE!! Haha.... good one. My car rarely sees the light. In fact, it rarely sees me anymore. That's what women do to a car project.
  8. Yea, that or he doesn't know how to drive it right .... ? A car with that much invested, I'd have a tendency to baby it too. -- M
  9. Does anyone know how much he has invested into the car? My figure was a guess.... .... nevermind, just found the quote from his Ebay ad: Why isn't this guy an active member of our club?
  10. Starting bid is $12k. Not bad considering he probably has $30k into it....
  11. Pretty sure I saw that Z at the MSA show.... Nice ride.
  12. Mike commented on Ivan's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  13. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Here's one of a few gals taking a pose with some of the fans. Just missed the money shot on this one... guess I was too slow.
  14. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I went to an aussie V8 Supercar race last year. It was pretty awesome! The car racing was good too. :cheeky: I have some great footage and picts from the event.
  15. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey, there's nothing from keeping the women from posting pictures of men. Just keep the pictures PG rated... -- M
  16. Don't forget to post picts in our member mugshots gallery!!
  17. Mike commented on jeff1216's comment on a gallery image in Member Mugshots
  18. Mike posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Durr.. I didn't think about this at first. But, we are talking about the engine compartment harness at the moment... forgot that won't have anything to do with the harness going to the back of the car. :stupid: But still... new harnesses for Z's are probably needed.
  19. Mike posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Steve, I'd be interested to see the differences between the '71 and '73 harness. Doesn't the '73 have an extra set of wires to run the electronic fuel pump? If so, I'd like to copy that harness instead of my '71..... I will be running Mikuni's and need an electric pump. -- MIke
  20. Mike posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Keith, I don't have any aftermarket items in the engine compartment. And, I'm thinking the quick disconnect will probably be more of a pain to install than it's worth. What about just a stock wire-for-wire replacement? The only pain in the arse will be getting the connectors for the ends of the wiring. If I sent you this wiring harness, could you simply copy it with new connectors and fittings? -- Mike
  21. Ok guys/gals, we now have a gallery called "Member Mugshots" specifically designed for this reason. Go upload your photos!! Put your username in the title. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=552
  22. Mike posted a gallery image in Member Mugshots
  23. Excellent work on that gallery. Would you like to have this job permanently? I'm thinking you can create the page, zip everything up and then send it to me. We can put a link on the main page... this would be fun for everyone. In fact, why don't I create a gallery just for this? Hmm.... going off to do that now. -- Mike
  24. Ok, you guys asked... Here's a pict of me next to the late Dale's car.... This car is in the Nascar Cafe on the Vegas strip. Yep, I was touching it. Just wanted some extra chi to rub off on me (or was that mojo?). [m]

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