Everything posted by Mike
My first ever drive in my Z
Is that why she stopped to look at you? The alarm?
How I (Carl Beck) got to 240z.
This was posted to the mailing list by Carl. I thought it was interesting enough to post here. It might be an inspiration for someone. Hi George/Everyone: My Dad owned a Shell Service Station in Ashland, Ohio. So I grew up watching him fix cars;-)... One day when I was about 8 years old, a man stopped for gas in a then new Ferrari...a little red roadster (250 I think)... I had never seen anything so beautiful.. and that is when I fell in love with Sports/GTs. First Story: When I was a senior in High School (1963) our local Ford Dealer (Jack Topping) owned a 1956 M/B 300SL Gullwing. He wanted to sell it and was asking $4,500.00 - I had managed to save about $2,000.00 but at 18 years of age, I could find no one willing to finance a car. Every year I went back to look at that Gullwing - as Jack had not sold it... So a few years later, when I had $4,500.00..... the value of the car had gone up.. and he was now asking $6,500.00. All through College and into the service - I chased that car with my savings, but never caught up with growth in the value of the car ;-( Second Story: Years later I was living in Columbus, Ohio going to college. I had a 55 T-Bird then and there was a used car lot on Hight Street - that specialized in used Sports/GT's. They had a Cobra with the 260 cid V8. That was around 67 or 68 as I recall. The price on it was something like $6,500.00. I loved the car, but when you are in Ohio, in the Winter - you really want something with a bit better top, windows and heater... So a year later I bought a 911 instead.. and kept the T-Bird as no one wanted to give any real money for it anyway. After college it was off to the Air Force - and my first duty station was in Spokane, Washington. In March of 1970 I saw my first Z Car - and meet Paul Jaremko...Needless to say the combination o the two (the Z and Paul) lead to my buying my first DATSUN. Wrote him a check for something like $3950.00 with tax and tags - and sold my other cars (as he couldn't take the T-Bird nor the Porsche on trade - and give me anything reasonable for them). Then in Dec. of 71 I sold the 70 Z and bought the 72 Z that I still have. For those of you that don't know your "DATSUN" history ;-) Paul Jaremko won DATSUN their First SCCA Championship in the USA. Today - I sure wish I could afford that new M/Benz SL - what a beauty! But $85K to $110K is just a bit overpriced for me;-)... ------------------------------------ Internet 240z Club - http://www.240z.org To unsubscribe: http://www.240z.org/mailman/listinfo/list
Nice shot of the Car but not me
- The heck is this?
Australian resources
We can also post something here on the site in the articles area.
The heck is this?
There's just something totally awesome about a red button that says PUSH. I love it.
Nissan Racing Simulator Game For PC.
One more quick point... if you read my last message, note that all of the RAR files need to be in the same directory as the install files (after they are unzipped). Try this and I'm sure it will work for you.
280z Value
I'll see if he has any pictures. Good idea.
Nissan Racing Simulator Game For PC.
I think you are missing the other RAR files because some of your stuff is missing. A RAR archive can be split up into many smaller files. So, instead of one large archive, it's many. A split RAR archive will have a parent file with a .RAR and children files with .R00 .R01 .R02, etc. Problem with RAR is that you can download part of the archive and it will attempt to uncompress. It should fail and give you an error, but, it doesn't. Anyway, the install.zip file should be unzipped into the same folder as all of the .RAR files. When that's done, just double click the INSTALL.EXE. When you do this, you'll see a VISPeR Installer appear in your task bar. Wait for a long time (around 30-sec to a minute) and it will appear.
280z Value
Hi all, One of my co-workers would like to know the value of his 1976 280z. He's the original owner and all of the serial numbers match. It's NOT a 2+2. The car has no rust and has been garaged its whole life. The paint is a bit dingy, but, that's expected. He said around 200,000 miles are on the car. I've worked on the engine with him during lunch one day. It's in good condition, but, at that mileage, I suppose the engine should be rebuilt. I didn't see any smoke, but, it's running rough. He doesn't drive it much anymore and is considering selling the car. Everything is stock. The engine is EFI. Not sure what else to say about it. Let me know if you need other info to give me an approx value. Thanks!
Nissan Racing Simulator Game For PC.
My theory? Never let a techno geek (or engineer) design software. 90% of the population would never know how to use it.
I find it hard to believe that your mechanic can't get ONE carb to idle below 900. You should be able to bring it down so far that it will almost die. I also saw dieseling when I used the 'cheater' idle screw to keep my idle above 1000rpm. I did this because it ran like crap before I knew how to adjust SU's. The cheater idle screw, located on the very top of all the linkage, should never be used. Carbs that are balanced and adjusted correctly should not need this screw.
Nissan Racing Simulator Game For PC.
Getting all of this to work even for me was a bit of a technical thought process. You must first save the files to your drive, find a package that supports RAR formats and will uncompress multiple files (winrar does this), and then put it all together to get the setup to work. Then, you must uncompress another folder manually to get the sounds. The game really isn't that good anyway. It has a few Skylines in it, but, the play isn't something to write home about.
My new walpaper...
Go delete your offline and temporary internet files. You can also right-click on the image to get the URL. Paste that into a browser... bingo. Ozlime your link seems to work ok. Steve, I can see " __hr_" or something like that in your link that shouldn't be there. Something that AOL is doing? Copy Ozlime's link and your link into a text editor and you'll see what I mean.
LHD 240Z in 1969 TOKYO auto show
Nate, wasn't it you who said that Americans are stuck on themselves? Spoken like a true American. I see a smiley in your post so I can only assume that you're kidding. I just want to make sure that everyone stays happy here because we have members from all over the globe. Kats is from Japan -- his English is impressive!! And many others are from UK and Australia. Anyway, that was a general message pointed at everyone to keep things going in a good way...... My comments above the 'serious' topic were intended to be humorous. :cheeky:
My new walpaper...
Steve, that link is no longer valid. How about attaching the image instead?
Virgin Wanted (WebPlayer that is)
I think I know what you're talking about... have you checked ebay at all?
For Sale
Dakota, somehow I don't think you're kidding.
small dash hole for 1969-1970
Hi Alan/Kats, Ok, I see the problem from the original picture. You are right, he did an excellent job fixing the hole! I can't even tell there was a problem. Kats, are parts and services expensive in Japan for early Z cars?
Nissan Racing Simulator Game For PC.
Thank you!! I couldn't figure out how to make my car go!!
small dash hole for 1969-1970
Hi Kats, That dent in your dash is normal. It was intended for a switch that was never installed. My 1971 240z has the same problem.
Nissan Racing Simulator Game For PC.
Looks like you need to copy the URL's into a new browser window. That site doesn't allow direct linking from another site. Open a new browser window, and copy/paste the URL (address) into the new one.
Cracked Exhaust
Zoom... Post a message in the wanted area of our forums. Ask to see if anyone will DONATE a stock manifold to you. I don't think these are very hard to come by and should be laying around somewhere. Man, I remember throwing away at least 2-3 of those a few years ago.
350z Race Debut
This was posted to the mailing list by Guus (Z-point). http://www.aus300zxclub.com/events/bathurst/bathurst.htm Pretty nice stuff!
Off comes the FOR SALE sign
Guys, I think we have our first CONVERT here. I am excited to see that you decided NOT to sell your Zcar because of our club! We are doing good in the world!!!!! All kidding aside, I'm glad you're around. Let us know when you have more questions and I know someone will be able to give you a good answer.