Everything posted by Mike
How big is it? Attach it to a reply in this forum and I'll size it down for you. Or, just bring it into a graphic design program like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or Fireworks. Those programs will let you resize the image. Or hell.. even better. Graphics Workshop Professional is a shareware package that can resize with the click of your right mouse button.
Looking for a 240 in the NW area
Hmm.... well, Uhaul also rents trucks! Trouble with a truck is... though... you'll have to pay for mileage. But, there's no way to track mileage on a trailer.
Looking for a 240 in the NW area
Not sure if you have a truck or not... but, I just rented a car-hauler from U-haul for around $80. That price was for two days. Good luck with your search.
Sport Z magazine
I see your pic just fine.
Sport Z magazine
Hey now... we're just a bunch of typical guys. If you think it goes away with age (referring to the 'grow up' statement)... you really don't know men all that well. Just kidding with ya. Yes, the bikini stuff is a little on the dark side of the force, but, it's all in good fun. [m]
Looking for nice wheels
Actually, I have seen the Z-racing wheels at Sears. We were in that store last weekend and my brother commented about how they would look on a Z. Especially with the Z emblem! Not a bad price. I'm a little sticker shocked right now about wheels/tires. I had to buy a set for my truck. Centerline rims are around $200 a pop!! But, I just *HAD* to get 'em. Truck was in dire need. I was running the Firestones and they were dangerously used. Little did I know that I had to buy new wheels to go with bigger tires. Skinny wheels on a big tire just doesn't work. Anyway, thanks for the info... I'll take a look at the Z racing wheels at Sears.
L6 Engine Calculator
Not sure if it's accurate or not. It was sent to me by one of the members. I can't remember who it was at this time. Yes, it would be good to know if it's accurate. I don't think it was put together for fun.. It's meant to be something for actual engine work. Hopefully the person who wrote it will visit the site and let us know about it.
Rally anyone?
Rodd, I'm still trying to plan the trip. One week will be to work (only 9-5), but, I am considering a week to 'roam' Australia.
Rally anyone?
Rod, is that a pict from the museum? (I assumed it is) Where is the museum located? Australia? That is awesome and I'd love to see that. If it's in Australia, hopefully it's around the Melbourne area because I will be coming down there in Feb-March of this year.
New Zcar CASH Class?
Yep, but it was all in good fun. I'm actually used to this kind of treatment. I get it all the time. haha...
body molding
Eastwood has a cool little spot weld bit used to remove body panels. Not sure if you want to be that invasive. But, it's an option. Go to http://www.eastwoodco.com and do a search for spot weld.
New Zcar CASH Class?
This was a message sent to me back in 1997 by Carl Beck. It was a rip on my restoration, but, it's halarious! (I found it after sifting through the archives for something else) Go CARL!! ---------------- Hello Everyone: I know its not popular, but I feel someone must speak out here... What Mike has put on display for us, in plan and public view, is not a "restoration project"... no, no, no,... Don't let Mike fool you... it's a cry for help! :-) We have a car here, that will have to have a new VIN assigned by the State DMV... Instead of "HLS30 xxxx" - it will have be "FORD 2002" Yes FORD - Fanatic Over Restoration Done - followed by the date Mike will actually get it back on the road....:-) You see, while he talks about getting this project done, he really doesn't want to put everything back together. You'd never be able to see the marvelous detail, the attention to every petty part, bit and piece.... No, a car like this is best shown - while its apart. In these strange cases, the whole is less than the parts. (there must be a word for that). Mike will get all the parts done, lay them out on the display table and put a tent over the whole thing... then spend endless hours just inspecting and refinishing individual bits and pieces... he is consumed by holding them, touching them, turning them over in his hands, stroking them.... you get the picture (disgusting isn't it;-). I suggest that we all lobby the Z Car community - to add a "Show" Class - for just such Z's. We could call it the "Z CASH Class";-). "Z Car Assemblages Show Hole" Participants in the Z-CASH class would set up tents, erect display tables and leave the chassis on a rotisserie (so we could see the bear under charrige)...then lay all the various assemblages out on the display table... Judging would be on the basis of the perfection of each part - with extra points awarded for creatively over-restored parts. Things like chrome plated distributor to oil pump rods, or gold plated seat bolts... things that you would never see if the car was re-assembled... There is a major advantage to this show class for both the owner and the viewing public... The owner would never be faced with the trauma of assembling the car, only to lose site of 60% of his hard and beautifully done work - and when the owner decides to sell - he could actually get "more" than his money back out of the project, as all the individual parts would be worth many times the value of the whole car (were it assembled and sold)... and the rest of us could find those hard to find parts, beautifully restored - on display - at every car show... I think we should all let Mike come out of the spare bedroom (where he keeps most of the parts for this car) - Stand proudly - and start the "Z-CASH" class.... I'm sure there are many many of us that would be encouraged to come out and join him...(not me of course, I'm not one of those odd-balls with a Z Parts fetish ;-).... Have you seen anyone else get so excited over a stainless steel brake line?.... I rest my case;-)...... Nice work Mike;-)... later, Carl
Looking for nice wheels
I'm looking for a set of nice wheels for my recently acquired 280z 2+2. I'm in the Portland area and will travel as far as Seattle to pick them up. Post pics! I like wide and agressive. But, something that won't give me too many problems with rubbing. Here's the car that I'm going to use them for:
My Zed - 260z 2+2
Jeeze mate, I just love your car!! What sort of specs do you have on it? Tell us about your mods.
What is your favourite colour Z?
Nice lookin' 2+2 bigmac! There is hope for the 2+2's after all! That's great because I just got one. Where'd you get that airdam?
Engine Stands
Ah, yes that's where I saw the engine stand in the first place. It would be very cool engine stand (if put together the right way). But, I was wondering if Nissan sells these stands or not. I should look at the Microfiche CD. It's got a list of specialty tools for working on a Z. I wonder if that stand is listed and has a part number.
Found a Z, need advise
Ninja, That's a nice looking ride. Is it yours?
Found a Z, need advise
Oh man... That was low.
back to the nissan resto on ebay
Somebody want to give this guy a bad rating? From the sounds of his ad, he is full of bull****. If it was a Nissan restoration, it wouldn't come with a "boatload of extra parts"... Buyer beware of this creep. [m]
back to the nissan resto on ebay
What's the link?
If anyone is looking for a WILD ride!!
Man, now that is a rocket!! A $45,000 investment... The sale is now at around $15-$16k and his reserve was met. A $30,000 loss is a hell of a bite in the arse. Oh wow, it says "fuel cell"... I wonder what is powered by the fuel cell. Oh wait, that might be description for the fuel tank. (I got that confused with the new fuel cell power technology).
Electric Fuel Pump Problems
I'm trying to trace the reason why I am not getting fuel pumping in my '75 280z. I took a VOM and measured the voltage at the fuel pump leads and discovered that it's not getting power when the key is turned on. Does anyone have experience troubleshooting this kind of problem? -- Mike
Nissan Skyline GTR motor swap for sale
Racer, Can you put a few picts up here? I'd like to know what a Skyline engine looks like. How much is something like this?
New 280z 2+2
Here are cudos to everyone who has helped me with this car!! :D :cool: ;) :D Thank you sooo much. Now, let's see how long it takes me to get it started and running!
New 280z 2+2
Yes, thank you!!! As far as 'next to nothing'... Yes, I mean the trailer rental and all the money I've dumped into it today. I'll probably have about $1,000 to $1,500 into the car to get it on the road. Free can mean many things. In this case, I hope free doesn't cost me over $2,000 for a daily driver. Even at that price, it's not a bad deal.