Everything posted by Mike
Image upload not working this evening?
Image upload not working this evening?
Age & Wisdom Datsun Style
For me, here's a small list: Pick a stock color to paint my '71. It would be more valuable later. Don't buy NOS front fenders, just fix the fenders that came on the car (they weren't that bad). Don't install poly bushings, just use new rubber bushings. Don't drill holes in the floor. Never do this. Buy that electric fuel pump bracket you saw on eBay. They are hard to find now. Install stock front valance, the series 1 doesn't need to be modernized. I'm sure I'll keep adding to the list. Mike
Age & Wisdom Datsun Style
So, basically I was thinking about this today and thought it would be a great discussion topic. The question came up as I was working on my Z again this year. Are there some things I would have done differently in my older age and, if I could advise my younger self, what would it be? Related to the topic of this forum, of course.
Referral link
That link is a referral (obviously) but the actual link can be found on the main page blocks. It comes from "Tell a Friend" and clicking the Share option. Each user has a unique referral code and you will get credit for referring others. Other people cannot use it unless you specifically sent it to them or post it somewhere. Mike
Chat GPT - AI Bot
Well, thanks for derailing my thread.. issue fixed. 😛
Chat GPT - AI Bot
Ok, thanks I'll look into it.
Chat GPT - AI Bot
Since the AI bot pretty much scans the Internet for various bits of information, it looks to me like it took those words from our club description and put some extra content around it. It's not always correct because I did run into some strange information a few times. It's worth some time to re-generate content over a few inquiries before it gets the information mostly correct. But since it simply scans the Internet, who knows what kind of real true answers you'll get from the thing.
Chat GPT - AI Bot
Here's what is says when I ask it "What is the Classic Zcar Club"
Chat GPT - AI Bot
So I've been working with AI for the last several years of my career. Most of my experience is with graphics and video AI. However, after running into this new text-based chat system, called Chat GPT, I decided to give it a try with our Z hobby. Here's some text generated with my inquiry "Tell me the history of the Datsun 240z"
Thank you Veterans!
Wanted to give a special thank you to our veterans for your service and sacrifice on this day. THANK YOU service men, women, and your families. Grandfather - Commanding officer in the Navy. Stepfather - F4 Phantom pilot in the Air Force. Uncle - Tank commander in the Army. Uncle - Corsair II pilot in the Navy. Uncle - Marine ship engineer in the Navy. Mike
Need help adapting Cobra GT3 seats to my bracket
Nice! You can do a search on the upper right of the screen and search the term. Make sure you set it to search 'everywhere' to get the most amount of results. Here's a link to one I did as an example https://www.classiczcars.com/search/?q=seat rails&quick=1 Enjoy!
Classic Zcars Site
I did some work on the site, it may have been around the time you logged in. However, that said it looks like things are a bit more speedy! I configured our caching system to render our pages first (before any external resources).... apparently it was configured to wait for all resources to load before it would show you a page. Let me know if you guys see any problems. Mike
Signature went away?
Ok great, good to know. I have a feeling the 'show signatures' option is new and it defaulted to off. So you'll have to switch it on manually. I'm trying to see if there's a way I can turn it back on for every user in certain groups. We'll see how it goes... m
Signature went away?
Hmm... not sure. Let me do some digging.
Signature went away?
Must have been a few changes after the last update. I didn't even notice it. Ignore topic is back now, it was disabled because it required a separate update. Not sure about signatures though, maybe it's now shut off by default. I'll leave it this way unless you guys think we should really go back and enable all of them by default. m
Motorsport Auto's web site "upgrade"
Looks great so far. They have some more work to do with images and clean up, but it's a great improvement.
Wick Humble Second Edition
Yeah he did a great job on the first edition... should be good
'69 through '73 Steering Wheels - Wood, or Plastic?
No matter what material, those photos could almost be turned into a piece of art! Very well done! Mike
Happy 4th of July guys!! Proud to be an American, even if things are tough right now. Have a safe celebration today!!
1978 280z Fusible Links
I know this is an older post but I also wanted to chime in about your member ID for discounts at MSA. You can see your member-id under your profile. Click your name in the upper right and select 'Profile'... it will show up on the left side like this:
Let’s talk about gasoline
You can buy non-ethanol fuel at your local boat dock. Ethanol is highly frowned upon in the yachting world for gas engines, and typically very good quality. I remember the days when I was running my grandfathers airport fuel business in San Diego. I used to buy 130 octane leaded gas for around 55 cents or so. I'd pull my Z right up to the truck, connect the static line, and pump it directly into the car. Those days are long gone and you cannot fill a car with aviation fuel (for tax reasons apparently). But my Z ran like a top and I remember seeing greyish soot in my tailpipe instead of the typical black soot. I still remember taking her out on the taxiway and driving as fast as I could (those days are ALSO long gone). I loved being 18-19 years old with a classic Z...
AMCO Front Bumper Bar for '71 240Z
I dunno, I think that original roof rack with a pair of old wooden ski's would look pretty trick on a restored z.
Branson Z Fest
Branson Z Fest is a Datsun/Nissan/Infiniti gathering located in Branson, Missouri that takes place the weekend after Memorial Day as well as the third week of October. BZF is hosted by Ozarks Z Club since 2019, in conjunction with support from the Z Car Club Association as a Regional Z event. Branson Z Fest – our main event takes place the weekend after Memorial Day and is a 5 day Z family gathering, full of everything from outdoor game night, to group pictures with friends, to our highly competitive, yet fun, cornhole tournament. Of course, our favorite part, cruising the back roads of the Ozarks Mountains. This is a getaway for enthusiasts to have an affordable event, meet great friends and connections in the community and share the Z passion. 2022’s main event will take place June 1st through the 5th. More info here: https://bransonzfest.org/ -
Birthday Wishes
Thank you!! As I get older I try to forget these but the system sure doesn't forget!! 😉 Hope y'all are having a good time with your Z's. I need to dig mine out of the garage and have a little more fun this summer. Mike