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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I frickin LOVE LOVE LOVE Tokyo. My first trip was earlier this year and I plan to go back for sure. Great photos, thank you for sharing!! My favorite is the cop yelling at the smirking motorcycle rider..
  2. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
  3. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I suppose there’s some lesson here about being careful what you say when joking. This particular lesson comes from Mai-Lee Acea, who told her husband, Tomas, that he could bring his ‘87 Nissan 300ZX project car inside their Miami-area house to protect it from Hurricane Irma. Well, he could as long as he could get it through the sliding glass door, which, Mai-Lee confidently thought, he couldn’t. I’m sure you see where this is going. When you say “through” a door, I suppose there’s room for interpretation there, because Tomas got his Z “through” the door by dismantling the entire glass sliding door wall, making an opening big enough for him to back the Z into the living room. Mai-Lee doesn’t seem to thrilled by the development, but, to her credit, she’s honoring her end of the deal, and the car is safely weathering the storm inside. The sliding doors were replaced, and covered with metal shutters, and, to be extra careful, the whole Datsun was wrapped up in plastic, like a colossal six-cylinder sandwich. Despite at first wondering “What the **** did you do to my glass door?” Mai-Lee did have some nice things to say as well, admitting in an interview: According to the Miami Herald, she’s still a bit bitter, saying: ... though I think overall she’s dealing with it pretty well. The family has evacuated to a safe location to wait out the storm, and hopefully when they return both car and living room will be restored to their former glory.
  4. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Looks like Key West was a big hit, glad to know some of you guys are doing well...
  5. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Good luck braving the storm.. must be dark in your house now I'm sure!
  6. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    We do have some members down in FL. From what I can see the map shows about 14-15 people down there. @billcapp, @26th-Z, @Carl Beck and others are regulars on our site. Good luck and our prayers go out to you and your families...
  7. $4-5k sounds like a fair price. Of course this is difficult to judge over the computer. Have you asked someone to give you a price on the repairs?
  8. You should be able to.. Have you tried the gallery too?
  9. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Don't worry in a few months we will be complaining about the cold and rain...
  10. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Yes! the air has cleared here in Seattle... thank god. although I'm bummed summer is starting to fade
  11. Mike posted a post in a topic in For Sale
    I, frankly, don't understand why someone would want this in their yard as "art". There's no obvious reason why a car should rot when an enthusiast could take it and turn the car into something beautiful again. I do understand why you wouldn't want to part the cars, it takes time. But, I do think you should get these cars to good homes, at fair prices, so they can breathe life again....
  12. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I seem to remember our vendors have this part. MSA: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/12-4328 Zcar Depot: https://zcardepot.com/electrical/fusible-link-wire-green-oem-260z-280z-74-78.html
  13. Mike posted a post in a topic in For Sale
    Thanks for the post, @BruceGorsak.. Good luck with the sale. I'm sure there are some people who could use the parts..
  14. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You'll need an electrical wiring diagram for this project. http://www.classiczcars.com/files/category/1-wiring-diagrams/ I haven't checked the other sites, but, this is the one I know about in our downloads area. Mike
  15. Mike posted a post in a topic in For Sale
    Wow, very nice early model. Has a few rust spots to figure out, but, a very nice investment.
  16. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi guys, let's keep this post on a positive note. I did send an offer to the admin to help them out but it looks like they have wind in their sails again. Let's hope the wind lasts and they are able to stay online. I am willing to help them out in any way possible but I cannot send funds. Other than technology, I cannot use our funds to help their site at the moment. I can always host, or provide technical help though. Anyway, it would be a shame to let their content go because they have some great info. My offer was to host their site on our server because we have plenty of bandwidth and storage space. Once they are ready, I'll keep the offer open. Anyway, about the support button, I am going to work on getting something up soon. Our store options are kind of confusing at the moment and I'll have to spend some time looking into the usability. The new layout should be an improvement but I still think the content inside the store needs to be improved (which is my job). Thanks guys.
  17. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Awesome!! Thanks for sharing. I love Japan... would have made a visit to meet some local guys in Tokyo but I was only there for 2 days earlier this year. Would love to see a write up if you get a chance. You can post it here or in our blogs section. Cheers! Mike
  18. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I just sent Dan a message with my contact info. Maybe we can help save the site. There's certainly no reason to lose a good Z site.
  19. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    We can host their content. Who do I get ahold of to discuss?
  20. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hi @w3wilkes, the search is functional on this site. It's probably better than Google because it will include hidden areas not visible to non-members. But, you have to select the correct option when searching. For instance, if you have a topic (thread) open, the search will always default to the current topic. Here's what it looks like when I click search while reading this topic, for instance. Notice that it has "this topic" selected... The forum search is specific to the area you are in. If you want to search the entire site, you can go to our home page and click search, or, you can just select "All Content" under the drop down, like this:
  21. Glad you found the problem!
  22. Wax

    Mike posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I was recently introduced to the Griots Garage product line. They have some pretty killer stuff. https://www.griotsgarage.com/

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