Everything posted by Mike
Testing again.. using quickreply. I can see the embed show up automatically above. Now I am going to click the submit reply button.
Testing embedded video by pasting this code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hLXOVCZr-8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hLXOVCZr-8
Jewell ZX
From the album: Diego Perri
© Diego Perri
Diego Perri
Some great images from this wonderful car photographer!
Donington Historic & Samuri Z Meet
Whether you’re a long-time enthusiast or have never seen a historic racing car in action before, you’ll find plenty to entertain you at the Donington Historic Festival. After five very successful years the event is firmly established as a major fixture on the international historic racing calendar, attracting many thousands of spectators, hundreds of world-class historic racing cars and huge numbers of classic car club displays. Event Information: http://www.doningtonhistoric.com/the-event/ Meet the Samuri Z club at the event! Information here: https://www.facebook.com/events/409707602560742/ -
BRE Reunion & Datsun Show
Brock Racing Enterprises Announces BRE Reunion & Datsun Car Show Be sure to mark your calendars and plan to attend! Febrary 20, 2016 At The Newly Remodeled Petersen Automotive Museum 606 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 Spend the morning with the BRE Team in two separate events! This is it! It is actually happening! All The guys together at one time! Mark your calendars for this Historic Datsun Event! February 20, 2016 at the Petersen Automotive Museum It’s the BRE Reunion and Datsun Car Show! Your Datsuns will be judge for Best in Class, Awards will be handed out by the BRE Team members! Then it’s time to go inside for the Official BRE Reunion. Log onto www.nostalgicdatsun.com or you can see the flyer here: http://the-chaplain.com/bre-reunion Visit the BRE Event page here: https://ww04.elbowspace.com/secure/20141125105225142432
Here comes the salt
Some interesting information I came across about this subject. Interesting reads none the less. http://news.outdoortechnology.com/2015/03/24/winter-driving-what-are-they-putting-on-our-roads/ chemmatters-feb2006-salting-roads.pdf
Here comes the salt
Yep, here on the west they also use sand. They've been talking about spray chemicals but the environmentalists are all over their asses about it. I agree that salt makes the ice older, but it does melt. The thing I don't understand is why they continue using something that literally acts like acid on everything it touches. Have you ever seen how salt eats away at concrete ? We use it on sidewalks here and I can literally see pits and cracks caused by the stuff. I wonder if there has ever been a class action lawsuit against the highway dept from car owners. It's horrible on cars.
Here comes the salt
And, this is what causes your floor pans to rust.
Most Expensive Z So Far
Here's a video tour of this car:
Most Expensive Z So Far
Ha! Yea doing a build like this isn't likely to bring in a profit. The only real way to bring in a profit is to restore a car to exact stock specifications.
Most Expensive Z So Far
I realize this is an old thread. But, it looks like high bid ended at 43k. Anyone know if this was the winning bid? If you've ever done a full restoration, you'll agree that 30k isn't hard to accomplish. When other people do the work, there are a lot of labor costs involved. Considering all the specialty items on this car, 43k might be realistic.
I need to know what this fluid reservoir is.
Ok sounds good! I'd encourage you to look at where the tubes are going when you get home. May need to pull out the LED flashlight and do some searching.. Can't wait to see the pics.
I need to know what this fluid reservoir is.
Is it connected to the radiator? Looks like an engine coolant overflow tank. BTW, post some pics of your car in the gallery. I'd like to see this new turbo Z of yours...
370z and 240z in Yellow
From the album: Awesome Z Cars
A camera pic I took a few years ago when I was driving my yellow '71 and parked it next to a 370z. Yellow looks good! -
Awesome Z Cars
Various Awesome Zcars I've found..
Blue - not Gone, and not gone
Aha! He went to Antartica ? Maybe there's less technology down there and he's sitting on a beach enjoying a martini.. Of course with a big jacket because I heard it's cold in Antartica..
Rare Beauty for Sale 1996 300ZX Convertible
Nice car. Wish I had a bigger garage.
Cars Onboard Episode 9 240z
Kevin Yeung
- 1980 280ZX Barn Find (kind of)
May the Z be with you...
F*** the Internet
Instead of F'ing the Internet, how about this instead? F'ing the internet just sounds a bit dull and won't keep you in shape. She looks a little more fun, and you'll get the exercise you need.
Kick Panel Speaker Mod
I found this interesting mod so you can add front speakers without cutting your door panels. Looks like it would work pretty well without modifying the interior of the Z too much. Has anyone tried these yet? http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/Classic01a/50-1293
F*** the Internet
Blue, you deserve to take a break man... but we will certainly miss you here. You have some great experience with the Z and we enjoy everything that you do on this site. Speaking of that, I am not sure why I haven't done this already, but, since you've been helping out so much I am going to add you to the supporting member group. By doing this, ads should disappear (except maybe the banner on the left). Supporting members won't be shown ads. There are two ways to support the site, one by helping us pay the bills, or second by putting in time to help out. You've certainly helped out a tremendous amount around here. Hope this helps offset some of your frustrations with "the internet" .. FYI, whenever I get to the same point where you are at with technology, I like to disconnect and go sit on a beach somewhere with a drink of choice. m PS: Thanks for recognizing this site hasn't "sold out" as so many others have over the years. I would totally remove ads from the site if there was another way to pay for the costs associated with running it and all the time I put in. If any of you have ideas, I am all ears...
Los Angeles Do It Yourself Shop Thanksgiving special discount 40% OFF
Let me know and I'll be right over... FYI, I really think it's a great idea to put a garage together and open it up to people who need to work on cars. My biggest challenge moving to Seattle is finding places to work on the car. We are buying a place with a pretty small garage so my shop will be minimal. Challenge will be to make it pay for itself. If there were enough guys getting together maybe we could create a club with a shop.