Everything posted by Mike
Clock repair/restore
No flak from management. You're well respected in the community, Ron.
cute chick
Open to the wolves: Website Reviews
Looking great so far!
Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Fairlady Grill Reproduction
Hey guys, just wondering if any of you have tried this Fairlady grill from MSA? I've always liked the look of these but never ventured as far as to find an original JDM piece. Much appreciate photos if you've got them. Seen only a few of them in my ventures. Black one: Motorsport! Fairlady Style Grill, Satin Black, 70-73 240Z, 74-78 260Z-280Z<font color="990000">*</font> - The Z Store! Nissan-Datsun 240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX-300ZX(Z31/Z32)-350Z-370Z Parts It looks like they also have a gunmetal version (too pimp for me): Motorsport! Fairlady Style Grill, Gloss Gunmetal, 70-73 240Z, 74-78 260Z-280Z<font color="990000">*</font> - The Z Store! Nissan-Datsun 240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX-300ZX(Z31/Z32)-350Z-370Z Parts m
Video: Bikini model Jessica Henson gets a ride in a 1000hp 240z
I figured he would have gone over some more rough roads or perhaps some significant cornering...
Video: GTA IV. 1970 Datsun 240Z 2013. AFHQ Car Pack. �ž�±�·�¾Ñ€. �žÑ€�¸�³�¸�½�°�»
GTA IV. 1970 Datsun 240Z
Video: GTA 4/EFLC Datsun 240Z 1970
Zcars in Grand Theft Auto
Video: Bikini model Jessica Henson gets a ride in a 1000hp 240z
Professional Model Jessica Henson gets a ride in Mike Garcia's "OVERKILL Z" A 2jz powered 1000hp Datsun 240z. For Bookings go to Jessica's website!http://hensonjessica221.wix.com/modeling
- S30 in 3d
From unfortunate death to rebirth...2+2 content here!
Welcome to the club! Let us know if you have questions! I owned a few Z's and one of them was a 2+2, great car. Not much room in the back except if your a kid or a pet of some kind.
- Zcon 2013 Getting there Photos
Zcon Photos 2013
Hi all, I have to admit this year hasn't been the greatest year for me to manage the gallery. It's been hard to keep track of all the events and pushing people to send photos. But, soon that will all change. We are looking to launch a better gallery soon. In the meantime, we've created a folder in our gallery for those of you who are willing to share your photos. This is especially nice for those of us who can't make the Zcon and would love to share in the fun. Let me know if you'd prefer to see sub-folders in the gallery broken out by day, but, for now there is a single folder for the Zcon: 2013 National Zcon - Classic Zcar Club Photo Gallery If you like, you can also create an Album in your own gallery and put the photos in there. Either way, those of us who can't make the trip would certainly love to be there in spirit. No better way to do it than photos. Thanks and have a great week! Mike
ZCon 2013
Who's gonna share photos with those of us poor saps that can't make it?! Here's the link to the gallery: 2013 National Zcon - Classic Zcar Club Photo Gallery
Happy Indepence Day (Weekend)
Hope everyone had a great 4th. It's going to be a great weekend to take that Z out for a spin! What do you have planned?
Video: 1972 DATSUN 240Z for Monte-Carlo Rally
A historical car from Nissan that won 3rd position at 1972 Monte-Carlo Rally.[spec]1972 DATSUN 240Z- Dimention: 4,115 x 1,630 x 1,305mm- Wheelbase: 2,305mm- Weight: 1,050kg- Engine: L24- Displacement: 2,393cc- Horsepower: 220ps/6,800rpm- Torque: 25.0kgf-m/4,800rpm- Tires: FR70-14 (Dunlop PW72)
Video: Historic NISSAN Z-Cars (S30,S130,Z31,Z32,Z33,Z34) at NISSAN HQ Gallary in Japan
Historic NISSAN(Datsun) Z-Cars: First generation (S30) 240Z-G (Fairlady Z 240Z-G/Japan), Second generation (S130) 280ZX (Fairlady Z 280Z-L/Japan), Third generation (Z31) 300ZX (200ZG 2by2/Japan), Fourth generation (Z32) 300ZX (Fairlady Z 300ZX), Fifth generation (Z33) 350Z (Fairlady Z/Japan), Sixth generation (Z34) 370Z (Fairlady Z/Japan) ,
Video: Nissan 370 Z (2011) & Datsun 240 Z (1971) with ORIGINAL Z Car Designer, Yoshihiko Matsuo
Nissan 370 Z (2011) & Datsun 240 Z (1971) with ORIGINAL Z Car Designer, Yoshihiko Matsuo. In celebration of 40 years of the Nissan & Datsun Z Car, MotoMan welcomes back Randy Rodriguez, the designer of the Nissan 370 Z from Nissan Design America in San Diego. Randy brings a very special guest to the party, the designer of the original Z Car, Yoshihiko Matsuo. They discuss their design stories, inspiration and their cars.MotoMan. Ordinary Car Guy. Extraordinary Adventureshttp://www.youtube.com/motomantvSubscribe now to experience our adventures in the car world.http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/MotoManTVTwitter - http://twitter.com/MotoManTVWebsite - http://www.MotoMan.TV
432R is beautiful; but
new Z owner from Malaysia..Hi All!!
I don't think he's a bot because the subject is related. Maybe he just didn't see the dates. Funny thing is, I haven't seen this thread in awhile so it was fun for me to revisit.
warning about hybridz
I just checked Hybridz and don't see a problem with their server. There are a LOT of factors that could be at play here. - An ad that appears on a banner. - Over-paranoid antivirus software (trying to upsell you to a paid version) - Toolbars installed on your browser. - A virus on your computer. - Something buried in HybridZ that only appears on certain forums. All-in-all, I highly suggest getting rid of Avast or AVG. These programs are free, but, they are packed full of warnings and false positives to scare you into buying their paid versions. If you want a good antivirus software package, fully supported by Microsoft, please try using Microsoft Security Essentials - Microsoft Windows . I use this program on my Windows clients and have never had a problem. The last of unwanted virus warnings and hardcore up-sell tactics. Mike
- Used Parts
Hagerty Zcar Price Guide Tool
Found this tonight after looking at a new insurance policy at Hagerty Insurance. BTW, these guys are not sponsors but I understand they are highly regarded in the classic car insurance market. Anyway, check out these links to the price guide based on model/year. 1971 Datsun 240z https://www.hagerty.com/valuationtools/HVT/VehicleSearch/Report?vc=849199 1974 Datsun 260z https://www.hagerty.com/valuationtools/HVT/VehicleSearch/Report?vc=875649 1974 Datsun 260z 2+2 https://www.hagerty.com/valuationtools/HVT/VehicleSearch/Report?vc=868914 1975 Datsun 280z https://www.hagerty.com/valuationtools/HVT/VehicleSearch/Report?vc=883222 1980 Datsun 280zx https://www.hagerty.com/valuationtools/HVT/VehicleSearch/Report?vc=1331850 1960 Datsun Fairlady (Roadster) https://www.hagerty.com/valuationtools/HVT/VehicleSearch/Report?vc=1339592 You can search for your own: https://www.hagerty.com/valuationtools/HVT/VehicleSearch What do you think?
Classic Z Insurance
Thanks you must have been typing your reply the exact same time I was typing mine about the forum search. Is your quote for both cars?
Classic Z Insurance
Did some searching and found many of you already recommend Hagerty Insurance. I made a visit over to Hagerty (http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=CGCunC6Z0UYnwKY6PlAL7-oDQD_Tdm7YD9Ovu9j3AjbcBEAEgoOnsBFCM9bns-P____8BYMnm_ovMpNQZoAHY3u7yA8gBAagDAcgD0wSqBLgBT9BpSyNBUJilrPMZHgW9rEFYZBGJVE3F2-clegMl4izcf2rRjBDJCMbsQswAcZktpBw2YagFlMMVWDxOOqtM4vxARYWzT-uvit45Vx8x31mR6YlDgIfv0Ha85XXdenNfJnVWzfDMN7xpdFcCgSVaP34VbBN48ptklzjFfW2V4zIWrOdNRSUs63TOh_ZbXbS7FbJjVZDjJbQKltPJyx_OtSdt40arRshdQ_0Y4aoBkWC6qxkp1ahs54gGAYAHkKGRDQ&num=1&cid=5Gg4Jq2K8P8Fdq7V9xPOhhUi&sig=AOD64_12Ln7cHXsEYByydZk7NBUdb0ortg&client=ca-pub-5869105080540878&adurl=http://www.hagerty.com/Collector-car-insurance/Auto-insurance-overview%3Faff%3Dgoog_br%26utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_content%3Dbranded%26utm_term%3Dhagerty%2520insurance%2520company%26utm_campaign%3DHagerty%2BInsurance%2BBranding%2BGDN%26mkwid%3DclQEEBRnU%26pcrid%3D16536192524%26kw%3Dhagerty%2520insurance%2520company%26mt%3D&nm=26&mb=2) ... and found a rate of $375/year for better coverage ($0 deductible). I used a total value of $20k for the car (restored cost), and zero deductible... not a bad deal. Has anyone actually had to file a claim with Hagerty?