Everything posted by Mike
Nice Norcal 240Z on CL
Wow, nice car but a bit on the expensive side. It is in the San Francisco area so I'm sure there are a lot of wealthy people who may jump on it. OJ, this does look like your car! Are you sure it's not your car and the guy just marked it up? Hey Ed, I don't believe we have seen your car. If it's a close match, you should at least put some pictures up in your gallery or in your garage on this site. Would love to see it. I'm a big fan of both Yellow and Orange Z's.
That's my 1970 for sale...
Nice looking car, JR. Ad looks great and the link to the photos are working well for the close up photos. Interesting sunroof, don't think I've seen one done that well yet. The fact that it's power is also pretty awesome. Do you have any photos of the headliner and switch you can share with us before she sells?
Jay Leno's Garage Z car episode
Thanks for sharing Taz, here's a link on our site to a pretty informative thread about this subject. Awesome stuff!! http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/thread47445.html Closing this thread, please reply in the above link. Thanks guys.. Mike
Original Warranty Card
Why are you selling her?
Original Engines vs Aftermarket - Thoughts & Opinions
I think a Z is still a Z as long as it has a period correct engine in it.
Rust underneath battery tray
If the rust is bad, you'll want to drill out the spot welds on the tray and take it completely out. This way you can sand and prepare the surface correctly. When you are ready you can weld the tray back in, making sure all of the rust is gone.
240Z at Costco
Pictures? I'll have to go check on this today. I picked one up last year in Yellow. My son LOVES the color orange so I'll have to go find that for him..
Mr K in Commercials
And, of course I cannot forget one of the most famous Z commercials of all time. Dale shows up at the tail end of the ad. <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L8QKK5IDSXE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mr K in Commercials
Awesome photos of the two guys together! Dale even has the Jack Russell with him.... perfect. I wonder where the dog is these days. Also, we need some long-term-living hints from Mr Katayama. Isn't Mr K near in his late 90's by now?
Mr K in Commercials
I've always wondered who was in the Nissan commercials during the last 90's. You guys will remember the actor from the "Dream Garage" commercial. <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PRSiO_98pMU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Well, tonight I spent a few minutes doing some research about this guy. Many people mistakenly thought it was the actual Katayama, but, alas it is not. The actor is Dale Ishimoto and is well known for many truck commercials by Nissan. He started the famous catch phrase "Dogs Love Trucks!" as seen in a few more ads below. My original intent (in searching for Dale) was to see if we could hire him for a small video on the site, but, unfortunately he passed away at age 80 in 2004. Enjoy the research and be sure to post more info if you've got it! You can find some additional information about him on Wikipedia and believe it or not, he was in many movies shown at the iMDb website. Here are a few more of his commercials: <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KGky6X4qfPU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/yuoUD9fOk5U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1XCKSXvhbQU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
HOW TO READ A VACUUM GAUGE in 30 secs or less
Like it. Thanks for sharing!
My Vintage Rallies Texas 1000 Thread
Tlorber, jeeze now that's funny. I can't stop chuckling. Zedyone, that car looks beautiful. Not sure if I'd drive it either.
Me & My Z - 40th Anniversary
Great story! Now, I want to come over and go fishing with you. That lake looks amazing..
need black interior fasteners for the rear light panel
Yes, these are still easy to get. Try MSA
Slappin Batman
How many of you have seen these funny slappin Batman signs? Some are funnier than others... I think I've heard this one too may times to count...
my hand brake snaped off,,,,HELP
I'm interested to know if it would have been easier to buy a whole new parking brake cable assembly system from Motorsport, Zcar Source, or your local dealer? There are plenty of resources where you could have tried and I would encourage you to try there if you can. Mike
New Store Online
Thanks for the new orders, guys! I'm looking at your information now and will ship the CD's over the weekend. This new store is excellent and provides a much easier interface to you as well as the back-end for me is very well put together. Was it easy to use and did the Paypal transaction go smoothly? I found one thing I forgot... a link to the demo. Adding that now. m
New Store Online
Hi all, I've been putting some work into our old store project. I'm proud to say that I've successfully launched a new store!! This new system will give us a lot more capabilities to represent products as well as bring in products from Amazon and eBay to help us with various fund raisers. I'm excited to see the new format and curious to see what you think. I was wondering if some of you could help me test it? I'm interested in previous customers access to the site. The new database was migrated from our old store and your login should still exist. Please see if you can test the "forgot password" feature as well as the look to see if your past orders are still in the system. And, of course I am also curious if the new format is also allowing NEW Paypal transactions. So, if you are looking for an early Classic Zcar Microfiche CD, you're in luck! The new site link is in our header tabs above or at this URL: https://store.classiczcars.com Thanks and let me know what you think!
54.5 MPG by 2025
Hi guys, jumping in to make sure we keep this one on topic. If you want to discuss the smog equipment or removal of such equipment, please start a separate thread. Back to this topic.... I sure do hope this 54.5mpg thing works out. Not because I'm a supporter of the green movement, but, more because I believe in changing the way we look at transportation. I don't know about most of you, but, I was extremely disappointed when we didn't have flying cars on the year 2000. A mandate like this may actually push us to think about alternate ways we look at cars or personal transportation vehicles. Whatever the new technology may be, I like the idea of moving forward and pushing our car manufacturers to try something new -- rather than simply cranking out more of the same cookie cutter cars.
Old Times, Remember 240z.org ?
How many of you actually remember when we opened our doors on the Internet as the 240z.org (or Internet 240z Club)? That was waaaay back in 1998. Interesting thing is, we actually got started in 1996 as a mailing list. Anyway, I was rummaging through some old domain information this evening and happened across this page: http://www.240z.org/whatsnew.htm Here's a link to our main page (frozen in time just after I made a move to something they called a "forum script" back in the day): http://www.240z.org/default.htm Some of those posts are cracking me up. I think one of them I talk about how upgrading from 64MB to 128MB of memory was a DEAL at $220! That was a lot of money to us back then and we sure have come a long way. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have been with us for the long haul and those of you who are actively volunteering your time to be a part of our little slice of the Internet. We have grown into quite a wonderful resource for anyone with a Classic Z and even K! Moderator Mike
54.5 MPG by 2025
Interesting event happened this week. Our commander in chief (like him or not) has signed a rule mandating that automakers get to 54.5 MPG by the year 2025. Here's an article, post more if you've got them. http://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/Obama-Completes-54-5-MPG-U-S-Fuel-Economy-3821627.php
Did jay spill the beans?
There are definitely changes coming. Did you know the government has mandates in place to meet certain fuel economy rules by certain deadlines? We will see a change in the way engines work, most certainly. I don't want to sabotage this thread so I'll start another one. But, I'm excited to see a new 240z ! I just hope they go back to their roots like VW, GM, Mini, and Fiat have done.
Anyone know about Jay Leno's Z cars?
We need to get someone with an awesome Z, preferably from the club, out there to show off a bit. Who do we know in the LA area with a nice Z? m
Anyone know about Jay Leno's Z cars?
Here's a link to a few Nissan's in Jay Leno's Garage. http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/cars/nissan/#item=225423