Everything posted by Mike
Finally Got Em, My New Fat 3 Piece 17" Wheels
I love those rims!! You definitely have to post picts after they are on your car.
Z - 35 Years of Nissan's Sports Car
You'll get that anywhere. Anytime you get a bunch of guys who think they know everything. I do believe people around here need to take things a little less seriously.
Z - 35 Years of Nissan's Sports Car
Did you possibly consider that it was the truth and the car simply needed some work to get them where they got? I mean, they didn't do so bad and made the Z a pretty famous part of racing history.
Chain hoist.
Nice jig. You might want to check and make sure that beam will hold the extra weight from an engine. I don't want to see that roof come down on you!
Totalled my driver. Pics
Nice job to that guy. Since it's a commercial rig, you'll probably be able to go for a bigger settlement. He probably should have been paying more attention especially since he's got explosives on board. Sheesh....
Will ya miss me ????
Sounds like a lot of fun and an opportunity of a lifetime. How many people actually take time off to go on adventures like this!? That's awesome and I'm jealous. Take some picts and be safe.
Worried....how do u protect ur z from being stolen
Guys, please kill the flaming in this thread.
What is the most attractive part of a Z?
It's gotta be the transition of the roof to the rear hatch area. The side shot of the 1/4 window in the rear.
Driveshaft Removal
Yep, the infamous clunk can only be cured by replacing all of the rear-end bushings. U-joints, diff mount, etc.... I finally got rid of mine by replacing the two bushings that hold the diff in place (cross member).
Hurricane Katrina
Not sure where you get your information, but, I've seen nothing but offers to help from our allies. I was in Hawaii when this storm hit the US and the Hawaiians were adimate about sending people as soon as they could to help. The number one thing on their minds was Katrina. #2 on their minds was the little league success. They were pretty excited about that one. Anyway, I'd take a look at various news sites and see what you can find on the subject of help from other nations. It's out there, you just have to look. Our news people seem to focus more on the negative side of things rather than the positive. That's our media for ya...
Hurricane Katrina
Not sure if I'd want to ride a jet-ski across that muck. A boat would be much safer. Lots of debris to get stuck in the intake and cause damage to the jet. Also remember that water is NOT something you want to touch. Diseases are running rampant by now from the dead animals and possibly humans. There is also raw sewage and chemicals in the water. I also saw a news report that downed power-lines are an extremely dangerous risk as well. It's definitely a challenging time for everyone in the wake of Katrina. My prayers go out to all those affected and especially to any of our members who have felt this storm in some way. -- Mike
Hey yall !! New to the club
Hi Zway!! Welcome to the club, we are happy that you've joined us!! Have a good time.
San Francisco Zcar Casting Call
I received this today. Let's get some Zcars in this movie!! ----------------------- Dear Car Enthusiasts, we hope you will forward this to your local SF Bay Area chapters and members. Thanks Beau Bonneau Casting Staff 1950-1981 Autos needed for Movie, starring Will Smith Beau Bonneau Casting, a casting agency in San Francisco, is casting extras for “Pursuit of Happyness,†a true rags-to-riches story, starring Will Smith. This is a period film set for 1981, and will be shooting late August through November in the SF Bay Area. There is a continuous need for local extras with cars, truck and motorcycles manufactured 1950-1981. Please note: There is a stronger need for general cars vs. classics, however, all '50-'81 models will be considered. Please forward this notice to fellow car enthusiasts! Note: the email provided below is only for potential Extras with Cars. If you're interested in doing general extra work on this project go to www.beaubonneaucasting.com. general or being notified regarding our other projects, please scroll to the Casting Networks info at the bottom. Please read email thoroughly for instructions. DO NOT call our office. Non-Union extra work in San Francisco pays $68 for up to eight hours and overtime applies thereafter. If selected as an Extra with Car, you will be paid an additional flat fee of $35 for your vehicle. These are standard rates for film extra work set by production, not by Beau Bonneau Casting. You must be a minimum of 18 years old with a valid driver’s license and clean driving record. Cars must be drivable and in decent condition. If you have a 1950 - 1981 car, truck, or motorcycle, live in the Bay Area, and are interested in doing extra work, submit the following information ASAP: * One recent color photo per vehicle, side-view preferred * Car Year, Model, Make & Color * Your First & Last Name, Height, Weight, and Age Range ( 20’s, 30,’s, etc.) * Two Contact Phone numbers & Email address * One recent color photo of you, full-standing view preferred. PLEASE NOTE: Businessman types or men in general with comb-able length hair are needed - Sideburns & moustaches a plus!!! SUBMISSION OPTIONS A. E-MAIL (preferred): cars@beaubonneaucasting.com – Vehicle Year, Make & Model should be the subject line of your email. * Make sure to include ALL the information above. B. Drop off: Beau Bonneau Casting 84 1st St. San Francisco, CA 94105 - (near Transbay Bus Terminal & Montgomery Bart station). *Notify the front desk you are submitting car photos! Requested info must be included on the back of each photo. Come by Monday, Wednesday, or Friday anytime between 10:00AM-5:00pm (except holidays) so we can see you in person. We may be able to possibly cast you on the spot! Do not send pictures with sentimental value; photos will not be returned! PLEASE NOTE: Submitting does not guarantee employment. Production will be selecting cars, not Beau Bonneau Casting. You will be contacted only if your car is approved and you will need to attend a paid wardrobe fitting because this is a period film. Please send/drop off submissions sooner that later. Do not call our office regarding this project. Thank You!! Beau Bonneau Casting Staff P.S. For more information about our company and to view current needs, go to www.beaubonneaucasting.com. Click on Actors & Extra Work, then the Currently Seeking link. Casting notices will also be sent out through Casting Networks, SF with Direct Cast as soon as specific needs and dates become available. We use Casting Networks, SF to find people for our various projects. If you would like more information about Casting Networks, visit this link: http://www.sfcasting.com/sf_home.asp. Click on the Talent section to learn how to register! Please note: Casting Networks, SF is an online database ONLY. They DO NOT have any information regarding this or any other casting.
Hello. I was driven away by the 240sx crowd.
Hi ShinHed, that's awesome to hear! We work hard to help our fellow Z friends!! Hope you find that car soon and enjoy the site.
I broke it and I don't know what it is!!!
hehe... I have to chuckle at this comment. Datsun/Nissan did an extremely poor job with their electrical work, IMHO. The whole car is like this. You should see the roadster. Broken connectors, broken wires, rusty connections, boots falling apart, incorrect guage, etc... It's all a part of owning a Z. :rambo: I do have to admit it's not as bad as an MG or a Triumph. hehe...
Bondurant Pace Car Restoration
Has anyone seen this bit of information at Classic Datsun Motorsports? Apparently they did a replica restoration so they could put it in the museum. Check out the whole story: http://www.classicdatsun.com/zz/TheBondurant240Z.htm Kudos to the boys at Classic Datsun!! Nice job. (I do realize it was completed in 1999. I just found it on their web site...
No spark to the plugs HELP!
Disconnect the main wire from the distributor and set it next to a bolt (the strut nuts work great). Crank the car and see if you have spark there. Did you forget to put the rotor inside the distributor?
I broke it and I don't know what it is!!!
Huh? This looks like the electrical wire that runs to the sensor. It doesn't modify engine performance as far as I know. It simply sends a signal back to the guage in the cockpit. Unless I'm not aware of a something... Any more info on this? The car should run just fine without this sensor, but, you will notice that your guage is not working. -- MIke
I broke it and I don't know what it is!!!
Geeze, could you find a larger picture? That one is too small... (j/k)
What did I break?!
You might want to think twice about tightening all of your bolts every weekend/month without using some kind of torque wrench. You could end up over tightening something and causing damage. Your sheared off nut is a good example. Buy a good Craftsman torque wrench and set it to the correct ft/lbs before tightening.
ATTACKED! A road rage story
Sue his arse for two things. Bring him to criminal court for attempted assult with his truck and also sue him in the civil court for the time you've been put out of work and/or problems you've had with your eye. From the way the guy acted, he probably doesn't have much to take. But, you'll be able to get something out of the deal with his insurance. You have to be careful who you mess with anymore. Who knows if this guy was on drugs or just pissed off at the world. Or imagine if it wasn't his fist but a big knife.... Both of you are lucky. Hopefully it was his vehicle and not stolen so you can find out where he is at and sick the lawyers on him. Mike PS: (FYI: I am not an attorney or attempting legal advice, this statement is merely a suggestion based on my personal opinion and not the opinion of the club. Perhaps the other best thing to do is to walk away with your health and check it off as experience?).
Carolina Z Club Z Jam, August 13, 2005
Don't forget to put this in the calendar so it will show up there too...
Classic car destruction.
I'm sure most of those cars weren't able to stop in time. The stopping distance on an old Shelby probably isn't as good as a modern car... But man... I couldn't imagine standing there looking at my car after it piled up on another one... It just tears up the soul.
Gas Prices?
Wow, I have seen prices of regular gas (petrol), in Oregon, go from $1.45 up to $2.75, back down to $2.15 and back up again to $2.33. What are the prices like elsewhere in the US and the world? I'm in Montreal, Canada on a business trip at the moment and gas is around $0.99 a litre!! It takes about $50 in Canadian dollars to fill a Honda Accord!! -- Mike
Looking for restoration shop in LOS ANGELES
Well, Vista isn't as far as San Diego, but, I know a reputable shop down there. Les Cannaday has a shop in Vista and his website is http://www.classicdatsun.com/ . They were actually chosen by Nissan as one of the restoration shops to participate in the Z-store factory restoration program. Tell Les that I sent you (Mike Gholson of ClassicZcars.com) because I've been buggin them to sponsor the site for quite some time.