Everything posted by Mike
I live in Portland Oregon
Hmm... I'm 33, 0 kids, 0 wives, 0 girlfriends, 2 parrots, a '71 under restoration, a '75 parts car, 1 crotch rocket, and a house renovation project.
Banned on Ebay
Hmm, yea I see what you mean. He must have just done a few changes and added text. Sorry for the mixup.... Nonetheless, both images look great and I give credit to BOTH of you. Feel free to contribute more works of art. I'd be glad to feature them on the main page. And, remember this site is free, so we aren't making money on your artwork. It's just there for other Z fanatics to enjoy! Thanks again.
Hey! We hit 4,000 members today!
Yea, I just noticed that today!! Awesome job noticing the details Keith!!
Banned on Ebay
What are you talking about? The girls? That was a piece sent to us by our artist. Not to mention, the club is free (we don't charge for it). -- M
went for as ride
Excellent!! I actually considered putting a Skyline twin turbo in my Z. But, at this point I'll be happy to get it going again. [m]
Turbo Connecting Hose
This came through the mailing list. It should be posted here for someone who may need it.
Man at work
Umm.. you might want to move a little further away from your GAS furnace and water heater. Maybe.. it's just a good idea.
how do i pull the distributor?
Victor, what year did you replace? I'm thinking about doing this very same thing. Was it a simple plug-and-play install?
how do i pull the distributor?
It's an easy job. Just disconnect the vacuum hose, electronics, and then the two bolts holding it in place down by the engine. I think they are 10 or 12mm bolts. You shouldn't have to mark it because the connection to the engine has an offset slot that makes it impossible to put it in backward. There is probably a gasket between the distributor and the mount-point on the engine, so, you might need to tap it from side-to-side to get it to break free.
What's your favorite part of the site?
Just wondering what some of you consider your favorite part of the club site? I really like the random Zcars page. Every time I want a short burst of random Z's from our gallery, I just open that page and hit refresh every time I want more.
- ?
Window & Door Seals
Do the later 260z and 280z door seals fit the 240z? They are better design.
Window & Door Seals
Ok, thanks for the explaination, Camo. I did get some feedback from the mailing list. Kmack sent this:
Window & Door Seals
What do you mean one piece all the way around?
Window & Door Seals
A long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away) I purchased a set of window & door seals from Performance Specalties. Since then I understand that they've greatly improved the kit. My main concern is the door seals. I've heard that the later-model door-seals have the metal clip part molded together with the rubber seal. The kit I have requires me to glue in the rubber piece and then snap the metal trim on top of it. WHAT A PAIN! Has anyone purchased a kit from Performance Specialties lately for an early-model Z ? Ie: 70 to 72 240z? And, does this kit come with the metal clip molded to the rubber seal? I understand that many shops are reselling the kits from PS, so, they might all be the same. I even hear that Nissan is selling the PS seals as their own now... Anyway, if you have made this purchase lately... speak up!! I'm about to make the purchase. But, I want the better seals. -- Mike
Check THIS out! S20 engine in So.Carolina...
Guys, don't use this site to send information about somebody else. I deleted the post with his contact information.
Vented or Not?
I don't really like the look of the vents on earlier Z's.
Her first REAL drive
I've got some sweet picts of UTE's with those huge roo-movin bumpers from my trip to Melbourne last year. The locals couldn't figure out why I was soo excited by that standard feature. Then again, I was also excited to see all the Cockys (Cockatoos) flying around in the wild.
Brand New Coilovers
How do you put these on a Z? Some serious mods needed?
Brand New Coilovers
Where do I find picts of these?
- Brand New Coilovers
single inlet barbed + filter
- Her first REAL drive
Newspaper & Wheat Paste
Show us where your from
Guy, I don't see a Post button.. Are you clicking on New Reply?