Everything posted by Mike
71 Japan GrandPrix (kenji tohira) replica
It might be ok to put them up as long as you follow a few simple rules... giving credit where it's due and not charging for them. But, I could be wrong. We have a copyright release from Nissan at this point. But, that's so we can re-print their microfiche and manuals.
You can actually see many of the most recent posts and also sort them by the last X days and so on.... Look at the upper right of the main menu page and you'll see what I'm talking about.
71 Japan GrandPrix (kenji tohira) replica
Post the picts... don't worry about the others..
Hiya... This could be worked out. I'll have to figure out how to do it. For now, the main gallery page shows the latest 10 or so...
OT - I can't wait for cold weather
Vic... I tried this over the weekend! Talk about an awesome idea. Thanks for it. I'm going to make this during Thanksgiving and Christmas as well. Adds a great smell to the house and everybody loves it!!
'71 240z Fenders
I drive from Albany to Wilsonville.
350Z Commercials on the net ??
Did you know that we participated in that (vanity plate) commercial? Nissan asked me to ask the members about the different vanity plates that people were using. So, we polled the members and gave them the results. They thanked us for the help and told us to watch out for the commercial soon. I saw it a few weeks ago... pretty cool! Not sure who's Z was shown.
I'm a traitor... the ennemy within...
Don't fret... when the sun comes out again these guys will pull the Z out of the garage and wonder why they ever thought about selling it.
'71 240z Fenders
They welded in patches.
'71 240z Fenders
The fenders have been sold. Thanks. Bumpers? Not sure where to get them now. Send a different message and I'm sure someone else will have that info. -- M PS: Try one of our advertisers.... Too Intense Resto might have something available.
skyline motor fresh off the boat
Businesses can use it for sales (to a reasonable point) if they help support the site. To do this, click on ADVERTISING from the left main menu. That will point you to our different packages. The reason we are doing this is to help pay for the site and also keep the 'commercialism' to a controlled level. Anyway.... I'm not raising a huge issue about it. I just wanted you to be aware that we have options to get your name in front of our members. If you're interested, let me know.
Good Deal?
Interesting. I would ask why it has no interior. You're looking at at least $1,000 (US) to get that replaced. Carpet, seats, door panels, vinyl, etc.... But, I'm curious as to WHY it has no interior. I'd offer the guy $1,800.
skyline motor fresh off the boat
Storm, to be fair to the people paying for advertisting on this site, please refrain from using the forums as a sales tool. We have a few advertising packages available if you are interested in using the club to persue business. -- Mike
Good Deal?
What kind of Z is it? And the year? How many miles? Sounds like a decent deal.
Paul Henley has done a write-up of a rotisserie he's working on.. Check it out at: http://www.zparts.com/zptech/articles/phenley/rotisserie/index.htm This might help you find some additional information about this setup. You might also want to search the links database on our site because I know we have at least one link to a company that sells the hardware for this.
I've seen these done before. However, all of the setups I've seen are restoring the 'shell' of the car. This means you must remove the engine, tranny, diff, suspension, and basically everything attached to the shell. I don't know if the rotisserie will hold the car with the suspension still attached. Somehow I doubt it.
wiring directions for electronic ignition?
What parts of the electronic ignition did you use? I'm considering taking part of my 280z engine and using them in my 240z project. This is one of them.
In the what if ? series
Holy crap... now that's an air balance job!!
G Nose
Here's a link to Alan's Z. He's from the UK. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?thumb=1&stype=2&si=HS30-H&cat=500&perpage=12&sort=1&ppuser=2116
how loud?
Well, I have to say that I do like riding my sportbike. I purchased the fastest production bike (Suzuki Hayabusa) at 1300 CC's. It's a very nice ride and is extremely fast. I like the heavy bikes because they are smoother to ride (more comfortable). It is fun to go fast. But, I can tell you that it's just something to do. To say that a Harley is crap is just not right. I mean, everybody has their own preference. And, if I was to buy a cruiser, I'd save up my $$ and buy a Harley over a Honda or Suzuki. Why? I just love the sound and they are legends. If I couldn't do a Harley, I'd go with an Indian. The ultimate combination would be a smaller sportbike (probably a Ducati) for carving the corners and a Harley/Indian for the weekend cruises with my woman. Let's not forget the fact that Harleys also hold their value while a sportbike loses value with every passing mile / year. I'm getting a little tired of buying things that continuously lose value (stock?!) and I'm looking to keep my money while still enjoying the good parts of life. I would consider cruising down the back roads on a motorcycle something every person needs to do a few times in their life. [m]
how loud?
You guys don't like that sound? Man, I just love sitting on a bike and revving it to no end. Not sure if it's the "$15,000 vibrator" taking affect or just the awesome sound it makes.........
skyline motor fresh off the boat
How much for a RB26DETT and when can you get one?
Back carb backfire!!
Okay, here are a few ideas: 1) Make sure you have spark. a) Remove the main wire from the distributor cap (center wire) and place it near a metal surface. Crank the engine. You should see sparks. Put the wire back. Remove spark plug #1 and place it on a metal surface. Crank the engine. It should spark. Repeat for all plugs. c) Check the firing order on the wires from the distributor cap. You'll have to check a manual for this info. Check both the cap and the plugs to make sure they are connected properly. 2) Make sure you have fuel. a) Remove the aircleaner. Check for proper operation of the SU pistons. c) Crank the engine.. do you smell gas? d) Buy some starter fluid and use just a little to see if the engine is trying to start but has no fuel. e) If the SU's have sat for some time or if they are way out of adjustment... tighten the mixture nuts all the way down and back them off about 3 full turns. 3) Make sure your engine has compression. If you have tried all of the above.... something basic is missing. These cars operate on a very basic scientific theory. So, it's probably something simple. If there is fuel, air, and fire... it should ignite and SOMETHING should be happening. If nothing is happening.... the fuel might not be good? Starter fluid should help determine this.
skyline motor fresh off the boat
How much do you want for a RB26DETT shipped to my door (Oregon)?
4spd to a 5spd
Hey sled, Do you remember which sleeve you used for the new throw-out bearing? There are different sizes and you should use the one made for the transmission you're installing. Here's a link to a write-up about this issue done by Eric over at Zparts.com. http://www.zparts.com/zptech/comparisons/pages/4tobear_specs1.html Did you ever manage to get them apart again? This can be difficult sometimes. [m]