Everything posted by Mike
Mikes 71 240Z Rims
You'll have to be a little more specific. I've had 2-3 sets of rims on that car over the years. You're not talking about thse are you?
2+2 vs 2 Seaters
Here's an example of my 280z 2+2 at a decent angle. Bigmac also has a pretty nice 260z 2+2. CLICK HERE to see his ride.
2+2 vs 2 Seaters
I think that "at certain angles" the 2+2 looks pretty damn good. Although, I favor the design of the 2-seater early Z's, the 2+2 isn't that ugly. I mean, c'mon.... have you seen other cars on the road? It's still a classic Z!! The ZX on the other hand... is just an ugly pig.
Mikes 71 240Z Rims
Hi Alex, I just now saw your post!! Umm... my rims were manufactured by Boyd. I purchased them at a local Les Schwab tire dealer (a pretty big franchise in the Pacific Northwest region). I don't know much about the rim besides the manufacturer's name. I did manage to find their website, but, I think my wheels are pretty old (not supported or sold anymore). http://www.bcoddingtonwheels.com/main.html
Triple carb install = won't start!!??
Eric, Check one more thing for me. Did you remember to put the rotor back in the distributor? Been there. I'm skeptical because you are getting absolutely NO kick over at all. Remember to check for the basic necessities. How about starting fluid? If you squirt some of that in the intake, does it try to sputter up? It should. If it doesn't then you have some other problems. Timing is also key here. If the distributor isn't kicking a spark to the cylinder at the right time then it just won't work. This might be difficult to do, but, set all of the spark plugs out of the engine on a table next to your Z. Don't disconnect them, but, try to crank the engine and look for the proper firing order. I don't remember it off the top of my head, but, it might be 1,5,3,6,2,4. Please double-check that. Oh, one more thing, pull the fuel supply hose and crank the engine... does fuel shoot out of the hose? When you're done with this whole thing... you'll realize that it's the SIMPLEST answer. So, don't go out and buy anything new parts yet. PS: I also agree with Alan and think 1.25 turns out might not be enough to get it started. Try to loosen them another turn. It might be too much, but, maybe they aren't working right? Just an idea.
The view from my front door...
It's to keep him out when the wife gets mad.
Triple carb install = won't start!!??
Also check all of your electrical connections to make sure you are getting low voltage through the system. I've accidentially disconnected a single wire at my resistor and the whole car wouldn't start. Of course, you did say that you have spark. So, that might not be your troubles. Go back to the basics. 1) Fire (electrical) 2) Air 3) Fuel Does it just continue to spin over or does it try to kick every now and then? If it doesn't kick at all then you are missing one of the 3 key components above. Because if there's fuel in the cylinder, then the spark will ignite something. Put it this way... fuel is getting TO your webbers, but, is it going from the webbers into the engine? Have you ever worked with Webbers before? PS: You'll want to check into getting a heat shield to help reflect the heat away from the bottoms of your webbers. The heat from the headers can get pretty hot and it just rises up and will affect the performance of your carbs.
Motorkhana anyone?
Zed, what exactly is this kind of racing? Got any picts?
Where can I find a good mechanic?
What if they don't wear pants at all?
- Rallye Videos
Event types
I'm not sure if it exists or not. I know we have the little street rallies every now and then. But, for some reason I don't think the off road rally races exist over here. Someone (in the original thread I starte) told me about a club in the Pacific Northwest. I'll have to check them out. But, I know nothing about rally racing at this point. Maybe I'll see if I can find a 240z so I can race it.
Zs by the Bay - ZFEST 8/4/2002 in norcal
Here's a message I just received about the event. Z's By the Bay http://zfest.org August 4th Fremont Ca For those of you are ZCar Enthusiasts, we wanted to let you know about an upcoming event in August. One that Zdriver.com along with ClubZ will be hosting. The event will be held August 4 at Ohlone College in Fremont, CA (Northern California). There will be awards, guest speakers (Such as Andy Craig 4 time SCCA National Champion), designated area for a swap meet, and a good possibility of the 350Z being present, and G35Coupe.We are estimating 300+ Cars showing up for this event from stock to highly modified cars it will be one event you will not want to miss! Also for those of you who have never been to the Bay Area to do some site seeing now is a great chance, with places such as The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz both in San Francisco or take a short trip south to Monterey and Carmel and visit the infamous 17mile drive where the Pebble beach golf course is located, north to visit the wine country of Napa Valley. (So bring the Family) An online registration form has been set up on http://zfest.org so please pre register and make it out to event if you can. This event it open to all Z's 510s and roadsters Lastly, we need your help getting the word out about the show. This will hopefully turn into an Annual event however we cannot do it without the help and support of the Nissan and Datsun community so please spread the word. For those of you making the trip up there is a Howard Johnson right across the street from the show. Rooms are limited so call (510) 656-2366 and book a room before they fill up. We hope to Zya all there! Yuichi Kurosawa and Kyle Jester
Getting Started Rally Racing
Well, this post could be a general 'How do I start racing?' question in general. But, more specifically, I am looking to get started racing. But, I don't have a car that I can modify. I'm really looking to be a driver for a team. How does someone go about doing this kind of thing? I could imagine some kind of school for racing and then the school places you in front of prospective sponsors. But, really... how does this work? Is this something I need to start doing on my own with the hopes of picking up a sponsor?
Event types
Speaking of rally events. Is there some kind of master list of the different types of rally races that are even possible? I've heard of everything from a real calm "obey the speed limit" type street rally up to the radical off road rally races overseas (WRC comes to mind).
Rally anyone?
You guys can now start different threads related to rally racing. This means that you don't have to continue using this particular thread to discuss all of the ideas. Just FYI.
specification of L28
240Zlover, Let me get this straight. Are you requesting that someone posts the specs for an L28 engine?
A black ZED against a bike....
That's got to be a 600 bike. Because there's no way any car would beat some of the new 1000+ CC bikes on the road.
Rally anyone?
Hi guys, This is sure a popular thread!!! It's so popular, you now get your own forum. Congrats! As you'll notice, I've also created a bigger racing area with different racing forums as well. Keep it rockin!
What's our club name?!
Hi Marty, Thanks for taking the time to respond. But, I must ask something. What's really different about the 260z and the 280z that would cause the 240z owners to become frustrated about finding information? The 280z has EFI. Granted. But, that's about it. Most other components on a 280z is nearly identical to the 240z. I have added a special forum for EFI information. And, in fact, I am hearing many stories about people installing EFI on their 240z's. So, I would tend to disagree here. The traffic on the big list is prettty bad. And, yes, we started the 240z Club as an alternate mailing list in order to keep the discussions about the 240z only. But, that is related to a mailing list. Since we began, I've added this website which provides us with online forums. The nice thing about the forums is our ability to provide topic-based discussions. This helps users sort through the information to find what they need. In fact, we also have a powerful search engine which also allows us to search for information related to a certain topic. How about this idea? The club name can change to whatever we determine as the best fit (Classic Zcar Club is currently ahead of the game). But, we can leave the mailing list alone. Our mailing list can be limited to 240z discussions. In fact, if we determine that there is a need for additional mailing lists, I can add them as needed. But, I doubt that we'll need more mailing lists with the online forums. Anyway, to keep up with current affairs and make sure the club moves with the changing times... we will continue to persue a name change. However, in order to reflect on our past 'roots' we will keep the mailing list for the elite 240z gang and continue our old rules that all posts to the mailing list must be related to a 240z in some fashion. How does that sound? Sorry for the rambling, but, I just finished my coffee and I don't want to work.
25 Z cars and shop full of parts
Hey guys, post that inventory sheet as soon as you can. I'm in the market for various things. But, I don't know exactly what I need yet. I need to get out into the garage!
240Z Body Dimensions
George, It's telling you that you don't have Acrobat Reader installed. (acrord32.exe) Go download it and install on your computer. http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
Nissans new logo!!!
Guus, I moved this to the Nissan in the News forum because the image was too big for our main page.
!976 Project Race Car 85% Done.
Thoran... picts man... we want picts!!
What's our club name?!
Agreed. I think my comment to support "all" zcars was merely something I said during a thought process. After thinking about it for some time, I decided that we should remain 'classic only'... I disagree here. Because when we were just a 240z club, I didn't see much activity on the web site. While the mailing list was active with 240z chatter, the website was slow and not many people participated in conversation and/or supporting the club. Ever since I moved to this new database/php system and opened it up to the EARLY or CLASSIC cars, we've been busier than ever. And, I can also hear the argument coming... just because it's busier doesn't mean that it's better. Right. I want to make sure we ARE better. The pure reason for the name change (or formalization) was the 350z. We also had people asking why is this a 240z-only site when most of the other components on a 260z and 280z were all so similar. I'm thinking of the future. When someone thinks about a classic Zcar, they no longer just think about the 240z. They think about the classic lines of the 240z, 260z and 280z. What's that finger mean? Is it your IQ? just kidding I will stay away from supporting ALL of the Zcars. There are plenty of other sites out there for that. But, I think we should consider opening ourselves to discussions about the other early Z's. These cars are so similar, it would be unfair not to support them. Again, the line is drawn at the ZX. We are classics. Remember, as time progresses on there will be fewer classic Zcars on the road. I think we should consider this move a good thing. (the mailing list will not change) [m]
motor shot
Very nice!! What kind of plug wires are you running? And, I don't recognize that oil filter. What is it? [m]