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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Sounds like an awesome car! Just keep buggin your dad and I'm sure he'll give in. Give him the puppy eyes thing.
  2. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Tell us a little bit about the situation. Did this occur as a result of some other work on your car? Or, did it start performing like this out of the blue? If you did some other work on the car... I'd say your answer might be to put the work back to the original configuration and try to see if that fixes your problem. But, if it just started doing this... replace all your bulbs and check the fuses again. In fact, don't just look at the fuse... pull it out and check it with an OHM meter.
  3. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Try one at a time. I find that if you get back to a working state... and start adding pieces slowly that you will find the problem.
  4. Mike posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Take a look at the image on the auction. It looks like the weatherstripping includes a metal channel that seems to clip in place like a continuous 'c-clamp' or something.
  5. Mike posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Has anyone seen this type of weatherstripping for a Z? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1832804540&r=0&t=0 Guy claims that it will work better than factory or aftermarket. Of COURSE he's gonna make that claim. Sheesh. Anyway, I really wonder if it would work. After installing my hatch weatherstripping over the weekend, I could go for something that's GLUELESS! That stuff gets everywhere! [m]
  6. Mike posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Ya, Abbie was a little shocked that I grabbed and lifted her on my shoulders.. Ya, I was mad that it broke in the first place... so, I had to jump up and down on the engine. I also did a similar action when I found out that it would take 6 weeks to get a new engine delivered!!
  7. Mike posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    I'm the one with the glasses on.
  8. Mike posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Okay, here are the images from last Saturday when we pulled the engine. I sure miss that whole process. Glad I got to do it again. Now, it's just a waiting game for 6 weeks until the new engine arrives. http://www.240z.org/photopost/index.php?stype=1&thumb=1&si=Mikes+280z&perpage=12&sort=1&cat=500&user=4
  9. Mike posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  10. Those tires look pretty good! What was the final size you decided to buy?
  11. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey guys, Now that I've got my engine out of the car, I wonder how I can deal with the A/C system. I'd like to continue using it and the compressor appears to be working fine. It spins easily and the whole system felt somewhat cold when I turned it on last time. But, I'm sure it needs to be re-charged. Since this system is so old, is it even possible to have it serviced? I seem to remember a time when you could service your own A/C. Is that still possible with an old system like this. I also remember that the government (here in the US) forced a change to a new type of A/C that was ozone friendly. I guess my main question is, can I do any of this work myself and where do I get the tools to work on it? I know I am supposed to 'capture' the old freon, but, how? And, can I just go buy a canister of new stuff?
  12. Mike posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Ya, I'm assuming that a majority of our membership is male. The editors of Sport Z Magazine were telling me that their audience is something like 95% male as well. I just wanted to know what the stats were like here on the site. I'm not going to use the information for anything in particular. It's just a curiosity thing. The voting booth is completely anonymous, so, there's no way to track the information back to a person anyway.
  13. You would be better off if you purchased 2-3 manuals. I've found that only one manual isn't enough. For instance, one of my manuals (can't remember which one off hand) has more torque settings than others. So, when you are trying to get the job done, don't just rely on a single reference material. Use a couple and then cross reference to make sure it's correct. I think I did a write-up on this at one time. Search the forums for reference materials or manuals. I think you'll find it. [m]
  14. Mike posted a post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    One thing we are forgetting here is usability. What's the purpose of the tire? Tires can be use for so many things, it's almost impossible to claim that wider is better. If you're going to do off road rally... would you choose a wide low profile tire? Nope, you'd probably go with a tire designed for off road use which is taller. Gonna do some road rally on pavement? Well, you probably want a wide tire and low profile so the tire doesn't lean around those corners or drift from side to side. How about oval track? I don't know much about this one, but, I would think you should use a tire designed for high speed and longectivity (sp). If the car is a daily driver, you probably don't want to go with low profile tires and big rims because it would be uncomfortable to drive. Yes, it might look good, but, if you drive an hour to work and another hour back every day... it can really wear you out. So, something around the 15" or 14" rim with a 60 series tire is applicable. And, do you need wide for this commuter? No. In fact, wide tires might be worse if you drive in a rainy climate such as up here in Oregon. Hitting a high water area on the highway at 60mph isn't fun... I couldn't imaging how the car would hydroplane if you had a wide racing tire on the vehicle. So, there you have it. Determine the use and then go for the right tire.
  15. Mike posted a post in a topic in Polls
    This is a study to see how many male and female Zcar owners are out there. We are curious to see some statistics on this.
  16. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Seriously, they aren't that bad. The car is completely Z man... In fact, I'm amazed at how many things they did better than the early model Zcars. Ya, the hatch area might look wierd because of the modified roofline. But, the car is great. I dunno, maybe I like it so much because it's been soo long since I've driven a Z.
  17. Mike posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Hell no!! I love those rims.
  18. Mike posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Well, I got the engine out today and it's looking good. A new engine is only about $1,500 to my door, so, this is a viable solution for me. If it just takes too much money, I'll take the engine and put it in my 240z. [m] PS: I'll post picts of the work we did tomorrow.
  19. Mike posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I don't think they are that ugly. You DO have to install new rims and tires to make it look better. The stock narrow rims just don't look that good. Take a look at mine after I did a little work to her. Click HERE to see it. [m]
  20. I took my old '71 240z up to 130 at one time. I'll never do that again, but, it was all over the road and totally unstable. The transmission really makes the engine whine up to 5-6,000rpm at that speed. 100 or 110 is probably the safest max speed for that kind of car.
  21. ATK engines is supposedly pretty good. I'm planning on purchasing an engine from them very soon. http://www.240z.org/links.php?op=visit&lid=227 Looks like you can also get things like turbo chargers, heads, and transmissions as well.
  22. Here's a site where the guy put a turbo on a 240z. http://www.usq.edu.au/users/degroot/240z/ You can also check in our links area for stuff like this.
  23. I think you are talking about Mike Kelly. He makes these custom suspension parts in his shop. Not sure exactly where he is at, but, I looked at his stuff and it's top notch.
  24. Take the wheels down to your local tire dealer and ask them to install one of each size. You can then make your decision based on what you can see. After you make the first decision, ask them to finish mounting them and take the car on a test drive. Some of the dealers will also let you take the tires for a week or so just to see if you'll like them. In fact, here in the PACNW a company called Les Schwab will let you take the tires back for up to 30 days!!
  25. Mike posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Baddog, I took out the most important part of that explaination. Your engine is running hotter and your oil pressure indicator is low. Something is fishy here. Make sure you used the right oil filter, oil, and you added enough oil. I had the same reading on a car I just started (after it sat for over 15 years) and I blew the head. I think it was due to low oil pressure, but, I can't be sure about that yet. I don't want to spook you... but, just double check everything you did. And, also check that connection to the oil pressure sending unit. It's a little electric device screwed in to the engine block. It's got a single wire and it's located just to the right of your dipstick.

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