Everything posted by Mike
Should users log-in to read forums?
Nope, it's all automated. Unless, of course, something breaks. Then I have to get involved.
Oil Pan
Mark, what's wrong with getting a pan from a junkyard? As long as it's straight (no dings), you can refurb it. Take it to an engine shop and ask them to 'dip' it into their special HOT chemical dip. (Remember that movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?!") Anyway, you can then take it to a powder-coat shop and ask them to chrome that puppy.
Should users log-in to read forums?
Should we configure the system so that users must first log in before they can read forums or access the site? Registration is free and we will NEVER charge fees to access our site. But, it might be fair to ask users to log-in before they can read anything at the site. This will enable the administrators (me) to view better statistics and possibly obtain commercial sponsors. What do you think? Please vote and you can also reply to this message. The system is CURRENTLY configured to allow anonymous forum browsing.
Help me build a new exhaust system :)
I was very happy with my 2.5" exhaust system. I purchased a 6-to-1 header and a complete exhaust kit from MSA. While the header was worth it, the exhaust kit was a POS. Don't buy a exhaust kit. Bring your Z down to the local shop and ask someone to 'bend' you a new system and install it while you wait. I spent nearly the same price on my kit after I had to ask one of the local guys make it 'fit' right. It hung too low, the clamps hung down, and it just didn't seem to fit at all. When he was welding new pieces, he 'discovered' (by accident), that the kit metal was very thin. He ended up replacing 1/2 of the system. When you have a custom system installed, they will do it all right. IMHO, stainless isn't worth the price unless you're gonna show off the car. As far as the header, make sure the flange thickness (the metal flat part that holds the header to the head) is the same as your intake manifold. I had troubles because these thicknesses were different. I bought a standard 'turbo' muffler. It worked great and sounded AWESOME. But, I know there are better mufflers on the market. I also eliminated the pre-muffler. Not sure of the exact function of that muffler (besides making it quieter). But, that location is now used for the catalytic converter (sp?). Basically, a piece of metal gets hot and burns off the fumes if they get through .
New Z
Nice, clean looking car!!! You'll soon learn to adjust those carbs and get her running perfectly. Don't worry about the sb'uttering, you'll get used to that.
Sport Z Magazine - Spring 2002 Issue
The club was mentioned, again, on page 10 titled, "Shifting Gears"... Here's what they had to say: "... SO YOU DIDN'T GET WHAT YOU WANTED FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Don't fret. Visit www.240Z.org because they're giving away free Z car microfiche CDs. All you have to do is send them 10 Z web links, submit 5 technical articles to their review section, or volunteer to moderate and post messages on one of their many forums for a month and it's all yours, baybee!" Thanks to Robert, Art, David, and everyone else at Sport Z Magazine for yet another honorable mention in the latest issue!
Sport Z Magazine - Summer 2001 Issue
The Internet 240z Club was featured in this popular Z magazine on page 8. Here's what they had to say: "MIKE GHOLSON FROM 240Z.ORG has put together one hell of a CD. Can I say hell? Anyway, The parts CD is a disc that contains all of the original dealer microfiche created by Nissan for the 240z, 260z, and 280z cars from years 1970 to 1979. This includes original diagrams, part numbers, and assembly instructions. Yes, this means that you can see the complete assembly of your car from the ground up with close-up views of every part and intricate assembly. Just think, when you work on your car, just print out the diagrams you need and go to work. Without sounding like an ad, this is a keeper. ..."
1972 240Z 61K miles, all original,
Okay, thanks. I edited his message and removed the period from the end of his URL address. It works now.
For Sale 1972 240 Z
Hmm... looks like I should do a little housecleaning, eh?
parting 73 240Z
I'm not sure about this, but, will a '73 dash fit into a '70?
1972 240Z 61K miles, all original,
eholley, your link doesn't work.
It all fit!
I can't believe I fit all of that into the small confines of a single-car garage. Then again, I also worked on my car back then.
Front shot of that tiny garage.
This was my old garage a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. See all the sand?! I think they might still be trying to sweep it out of the garage door hinges and track by now!
My sandy beach.
Yep, all that sand on the floor is from my sand blaster. Every square inch of that car was blasted. Did I mention, I hate sand?!
Mikuni Corp Promo Graphic
This is a graphic I got from Mikuni when I was trying to find a complete set of carbs. Since I bought my Miku's from someone else, the kit wasn't complete. I'll need to find more of these additional items before I install.
Mikus installed in a car
Mikuni Carb Mag Article
My Miku's #3
My Miku's #2
My Miku's 1
Nissan President Is ‘Automobile Man Of The Year’
Paris, March 8: Mr Carlos Ghosn, president of Japanese carmaker Nissan was named the automobile industry’s "Man of the Year" on Thursday by a jury of 31 journalists assembled by the French publication Journal de L’Automobile. Mr Ghosn, who was to receive his prize here later in the day, managed to rescue Nissan from near bankruptcy when it formed an alliance with Renault of France in 1999. The company’s recovery came one year ahead of the target Mr Ghosn had set for himself. The Japanese carmaker has since returned to profitabilty due to a drastic restructuring masterminded by Mr Ghosn that cost 21,000 jobs over three years and the closure of five plants in Japan. In 2001, it was largely thanks to the contribution from Nissan that Renault, suffering from unprofitable aging models and economic crises in Turkey and Argentina, was able to report that profits had been held at the same level as the previous year. Mr Ghosn has said he intended to remain behind the steering wheel at Nissan until the end of a new three year plan starting April 1 and which ends in 2005. At that time, the mandate of Renault chairman Louis Schweitzer runs out. Mr Schweitzer has already described Mr Ghosn as his "natural successor." The 2000 prize was given to Ferrari’s head of Sports management, in 1999 to Peugeot’s products and markets director, Bruno de Guibert, and in 1998 to Mr Louis Schweitzer. — PTI
Blatant (*) kissing
Alfa, I didn't see this post earlier. Awesome stuff. I'm going to take a closer look at this.
Blatant (*) kissing
Yap, ok... I think that's their version of an actual 'check' instead of a credit card. Did they ask you for the information from one of your checks and a check number? Just curious.. I haven't used the Paypal Echeck feature.
Blatant (*) kissing
Hey axrph, I noticed that you paid via eCheck. How was that experience? Easy, hard, confusing, or just right on the money? I'm curious because I'd like to promote that option in case people don't have a credit card. I'm also planning to provide options like the mailing address for those who want to send a check. Again, a Saturday morning jobbie.
Blatant (*) kissing
Not sure about the card, but, if anyone needs to come to Oregon... I'm not opposed to playing host. But, there isn't much in Albany anyway. So, I'm sure I won't be fighting people out of my house.