Everything posted by Mike
I hate this and it sucks!
I've been seeing quite a trend in magazine businesses over the past few years. As an example, we received a last issue of Newsweek Magazine the other day. On the front cover, they said this it the last issue, ever. So, if it's not feasible for a huge magazine with an 80-year history to continue printing magazines, I seriously doubt a small specialty magazine will make it much further. The NY Post has a great article about it. Most magazines are looking at online publications due to the lower costs and mainstream media changes. You can still download Newsweek on your iPad, Kindle, or other mobile device. We are seeing a HUGE change in the way we look at published material. Just look at what happened with Borders Bookstores. Like it or not, I predict there will be a time where all printed magazines will go away. All of us will end up having a mobile device to read. m
New classifieds
Steve, try this URL to get your password fixed up: http://www.datsunclassifieds.com/remind.html The system will email you to create a new one. Your username is still in the system, just your password needs to be redone.
New classifieds
No real emperical data, sorry. The new ad system cost me nearly $1,500 to build and probably 80+ hours of fun. So, I'll probably stick with the new one for a bit. If you let me know how to improve it, I am all ears. The old classifieds did bring in more banner ad money though... for that reason I might just go back. ha I really encourage you to try using the new site a bit more if you can. I know it's something new, but, it has a lot more features that give you the ability to sell products easier. If you have a lot of products, it can also be set up to give you a dedicate page (URL) with your stuff listed. My favorite feature is the "save as PDF" where you can save all of your favorite ads to PDF files for printing or saving later on. , I had to read that one a few times to get what you meant... hahaha, funny as hell after you know what a tranny is (not the car part)
Deleting Your Classified Ad
Ok, so you're using the new Classifieds and the ad worked. You sold it! Great!! However, now you want to delete your ad, right? Well, you could just simply edit the ad and rename it to (SOLD). However, if you want the ad to go away, here's how you can do it. Log into your account, then head over to "my ads" from the left menu. After clicking, you'll see a list of your ads. Now, take a look at the listing, and you should see a small "X" in the upper right of the ad (see screenshot). Click it, and the ad will POOF, vanish. Have fun.
Jay Leno - New 240z in 2014
"Next year it is anniversary for Nissan. We would like to bring something celebrating our heritage"
Jay Leno - New 240z in 2014
A great episode of Jay Leno's garage showing off the 240z. Notice a few times he mentions clues into a 240z in 2014? He also asks Shiro Nakamura directly if a new 240z is coming out soon. Watch it and find out what happens!! ....
Merry Christmas!
Z Autocrossing with new camera- GoPro Hero Wide
Yea, need some pics of where you mounted the camera! Looks pretty sweet.
SK Triple 45mm Sidedraft Carbs and Manifold
Nissan 350Z & Maria Floyd
hot, but the music and video are horrible quality
New Logo
Hi all, just wanted to let you know that more sugar-scoop logos coming soon.... stay tuned.
New Logo
Hi guys, yes you caught me as we are putting together our new branding package for the club. I worked with my favorite designer to come up with a logo that captures one of the most famous parts of the Z-car (my favorite), the headlight. You can see a slight outline of the headlight with the "bloodshot" eye in the middle. We are still working on variations of the logo right now and you can see a few of those reflected on the main page in our family pictures. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new logo ideas as we explore more of them over the next few months. -- Mike PS: If you have ideas, please feel free to submit your graphic designs to this thread. I would love to see what some of you think we should use as our new 'refreshed' look for the next generation of Z heads... Only requirement is the headlight scoop must be integrated into your design.
New classifieds
Ok, thanks for your patience !! All fixed up now. The problem was a result of the "bridge" between ClassicZcars.com and DatsunClassifieds.com . Thanks goes out to Will for helping me test this tonight over the phone. I'll be looking at the search utility over the weekend. But, if you had problems logging in, it's all fixed!
New classifieds
You and me both!! j/k I guess you could just run the search again... But, it's not a bad idea I'll see if I can add a link to the listing to go back to a sort by date... Oh, this is a new one to me. Let me see if there's a way to force it to date on a per user basis. Do you have an option for that in your user settings? Yea, it's a paid upgrade, I think it's a buck fifty to put your ad on top. I selected a few of the old ones and gave them free upgrades, which is why you see them listed as featured ads. I've been considering the removal of "Featured Ads" actually... there is not going to be enough revenue to justify the confusion behind it...... hmm... Yes... no problem! I'm glad we can provide a service like this. It's been fun programming it anyway... I apprecite your interaction and constructive criticism and will be making a few changes to http://datsunclassifieds.com over the next few days.. m
New classifieds
Your welcome. By default all search results are sorted by posting date, newest first. However, the "Featured" ads are always shown first in the list (highlighted with a yellowish background). Then standard listings are shown... I removed the map until we get more posts. The problem is our old software didn't have a location field so none of the legacy ads were showing up on the map. m
New classifieds
az240z, it looks like there are a limited number of users who cannot log in for some reason. I'm looking into the database to see why this is the case.... It seems to be a problem for some of the imported users. I'm still trying to find out why it's only a select few of the users.
New classifieds
Yes, me. I put the entire new classified system together in my free time. FYI, I'm reading the thread and will take every recommendation into consideration. I especially like the comments about how to make the classifieds easier to use. Usability isn't always the top priority when trying to make something work but it was a major consideration when putting this together. Layout, process, search results, organization is all pretty flexible.
New classifieds
I think you mean the new classifieds are SICK!!
New classifieds
Hi Taz, do you like the mobile version? I've been considering removing it because I don't like using it on my iPad. I didn't realize some users may want to use it on their phones... Let me know what you think. It doesn't take me any extra time to keep it online because it's a simple flag in my code.
Anyone have a Roadster as well as a Z?
Hey E, how is the little roadster I sold you coming along? We had a brief discussion over the summer but I want to see some pics man.. how's she doin? m
Transmission problem?
Jerry, sounds a lot like something in the transmission to me. Did you inspect all of the gears or have the transmission rebuilt? m
How Many Z Drivers Also Own BMWs?
Nice addition to the family, Mitchell. I liked the X6 body style when they were first introduced. Black is definitely the way to go...
S30 in 3d
Spoken like a true artist... keep us posted on your progress... Do you need any more measurements?
Updated pictures of my ride.
OJ, I merged the two threads about your cars ("am I sick" and "updated pictures") into this one. Thanks, Mike
Layed-Off Yesterday
Congrats Julio!! I like the idea of creating the Z-Masons like Blue suggested a few months ago. We are all here for each other and our Z family certainly keeps me going when I need it. Of course that's when I'm not moderating posts. .