Everything posted by S30Driver
- ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
Zcon 2017
Sounds great ! Many Jim's will converge on Austin I am sure. Gives me incentive to restore my AC by then. Has the actual Zcon date of the event been set yet?
- market, demand and rarity for 240z Series I
Please close the AD
I agree about the pacific NW area. It's one of the few things i miss about living there. There was even an original Tucker in a garage about 5 miles from where I lived, in Auburn.
- ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
73 240Z in Olypmia WA
Appears to have a sunroof. Otherwise looks like a pretty good deal.
- ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
The QEW is not tolled, nor is Hwy 401, the main East West super highway. So you should be able to drive from Niagara falls where you cross to the hotel toll free. However, in the Niagara / Buffalo NY area, there are or were tolls on the bridges going up to the border. Been a while since I've been in that area.
RedBird Loved Again..... another CZCC Win!!!
Very nice, you're on a roll ... The car shows in this area have no import class, I compete against corvette split window coupes & 65 mustangs.
quarter window seals
If it is the long seal that screws to the quarter window, it is one of the evolution of improvements Nissan made on the 280z. They could be utilized on the 240z but would not be correct. Looks like they may now be NLA.
ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
It's the drinking establishments Captain, Toronto has many... I am sure they will just give you even money. Our dollar is around 1.30 in Canadian dollars. It's the other way around Cliff, he would lose 30 cents for every US dollar. Just go to any big Canadian bank when you get there Captain, Royal Bank etc.
- ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
- ZCON 2016 - Toronto (Who is going?)
1 too many in the family
Sorry Cliff, I must vote for the Camry to go .... Just don't go out until its cooler.
- zcon toronto
Ultra Portable Jump Starters
Earlier this week, Amazon had the little micro booster on sale, so I picked one up. $79 with the optional compressor. Very well made, came with a 96% charge, nice carrying case, and Mike W endorsed. Thanks again Mike W for putting me on to it!
Just ordered some custom seat covers for the Z
"Those do look amazing! If you don't mind, what did the upholstery guy charge you? " Zedy, I think 73str86 was interested in the upholstery shop labor charge, I too am interested so I can have some solace from the pain of doing that job myself. They look great, I like the unique vent application.
End of an era for me.
So sad to see this happen to you and that beautiful Z car. Glad you are recovering.
Heavy Duty Starter from California Datsun
Here is another option to source a gear reduction starter .... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CJNV78/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2NDSEKXCIOHGL&coliid=I2014Z0ZR35CU7 I have one on my 77 car, works very well & no relay is needed.
Non Original 1971 240z value ???
Don't ponder long, if the description is anywhere accurate, it's a great deal.
Hello from across the pond! Searching for a 240z
Nicely done! And, as a big fan of orange, congrats. Beautiful looking car.
1978 280z black pearl?
I am no black pearl expert, but I have seen a few real ones, the silver / red pinstripes don't look right, too wide. The authentic ones really narrow down toward the ends of the car. May have been replaced due to deterioration. The wheels are just the standard 6 spoke ZX 81 -83 non turbo rims.
[2016] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
It was a great location Jim A, lots of shade, a good band, and fun people. "Congrats! I wonder what the guys with all the shiny supercharger bling thought about you pulling the best engine category!" Bruce, they are still shaking their heads, wondering what the heck went wrong ...
[2016] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Zup's JNC car gets love at Detroit Iron car show! Saturday was the Lincoln Ar. car show. The 5th Annual Chicken Rod Nationals. A local show show totally slanted toward classic american & hot rod cars. Think your beloved Datsun can't compete with the the big boys of Detroit Iron where chrome bling & raw horsepower are king? Think again. On a perfect day, with a turnout of over 120 cars, many of which were very, very nice high dollar machines with Weiand Blowers & Chrome bling under the hood, the judge's were wowed by Zup's immaculate and pure engine compartment and awarded him ..... Best Engine ! An amazing accomplishment, I was so happy for him that his car received that recognition - totally unexpected. It was a fun day at a very well run event. Proceeds went to a local charity.
Project Boondoggle (or, so I went and bought a Z!)
Looking good so far .... you are right, It's not a trivial job. I wrestled the seat cover over the bolt holes for the seat back mechanism, just like the originals.