Everything posted by S30Driver
Parts Wanted: Need Series 1 Front Fender Supports
Whenever you have some time, that would be great. Thank you
Parts Wanted: Need Series 1 Front Fender Supports
Thanks Charles, much appreciated!
Parts Wanted: Need Series 1 Front Fender Supports
View Advert Need Series 1 Front Fender Supports Looking for both left and right front fender supports for series 1 240z. Number 26 in the picture. On the early cars 2 bolts attach this, the later cars, it was welded in. Fair price paid... Advertiser S30Driver Date 07/02/2021 Price Category Parts Wanted Year 1970 Model 240z
83ZXT Distributer screw sizes
I would just take the distributor in to a well stocked hardware store and look thru their selection of metric machine screws to match it up. Should be pretty easy to find.
CLutch Kit
It's the driveshaft installed that will prevent the gear oil from leaking. Bolting it up to the motor won't matter.
ZCON 2021 Roll Call
No worries Jim. me & Jim D will swing by and pick you up on our way past the north Dallas area ....
type of valve cover you prefer
Bead blast it, and hit it with 2 or 3 treatments of Gibbs Oil for originality.
ZCON 2021 Roll Call
Plus, yards of beer at the Golden Bee Pub ...
ZCON 2021 Roll Call
Have paid the registration, should be there with the other Jim for the week... Maybe shoot to break Dave WM's altitude record on Pikes Peak
Europe/UK Z owners
Wish I had Rudy's contact info for you. He has a Z car restoration shop in Belgium. He also restores early Mustangs. Met him and his wife Irena in Branson 3 years ago. A very knowledgeable guy. Zup has his contact info. Rudy is to the left of Zup in the picture.
Wanted: Original hose clamps
I think you are right Charles, only issue is the larger sizes have a hex head and slot as opposed to round with jis / philips style head.
Wanted: Original hose clamps
Aside from sourcing original clamps and having them re-plated. there are limited choices for correct originality. @Zupis a expert on the oem clamps, maybe he will comment on his sources.
CLutch Kit
Yes, the step of the dowel pin should sit flush with the flywheel surface. Do NOT use the locktite that comes with the pins. It is only used with the non-stepped pins such as the oem nissan ones, not necessary since the stepped ones are captured by the pressure plate and can not come out. I had problems with the pins fitting and it was not the flywheel. Two of the three pins would not go in, I assume a qc problem with the supplier of the pins. Almost sent them to Capt O for lathe work. lol
CLutch Kit
When you have a chance, test fit the 3 stepped dowel pins in the flywheel and let me know if there are any issues with the fit. Take a look at the clutch ball pivot and check it for excessive wear. A light coating of lube on the ball when you put the fork back. Car looks great!!
Branson 21 Things Really Got Cookin!
We will have to check your ID to see if you meet the age requirement ...
Branson 21 Things Really Got Cookin!
You are so right Mike. it was great to attend a normal car event after the havoc of the pandemic last year. The hotel was sold out, over 110 registered plus guests. Taylor made some drone footage of the show. Will have to find it and post it.
Branson 21 Things Really Got Cookin!
Last week was the big annual spring meetup in Branson MO. It was a great time, taken to a all new level by the leadership of the Ozark Z Club.... Thanks Josh There were cars, there were beverages, there was entertainment, but most of all.... the was FOOD! If you ever need to host a event with food, tap into the Wodopian clan and Scott M for advice. These guys know how to plan and execute with the best in the business! Did I mention there was food... Last year we had a summit meeting and Zup coined the phrase geeZers and the founding group was born. Only 2 rules, you must be 55+ and own a genuine Z car. Mike brought his brother Paul and his son down from Chicago to join the fun. On Thursday was the traditional charity dinner put on by the event, then Friday, the geeZers rolled out a amazing steak & shrimp fajita bar, fed all comers with donations going to the charity. Huge thanks to MikeW & his brother Paul, Paul's son, ScottM & his son in law Taylor, MikeR (of Scarab fame), and Zup. It was fantastic. To top it off, on Saturday, after the show ended, Paul and his son fired up the grills again and treated us to a taste of Chicago. Authentic dogs from the Chicagoland area and Maxwell's with all the fixins. Very, yummy! It was a incredible week of fun and a great launch for the geeZers....
Parts for Sale: 81 - 83 Turbo 280zx ECU
Blue ECU : A18-000 040 is SOLD Black ECU still available
HG leak? Coolant leak help!!
Cliff Let me know where you can find those control valves for $40. I'll take 3.... I think you will find they are around $100
Another Sanden Compressor Bracket Solution
In the final stages of completing the rebuild of a motor for my 77 280z. To go along with it, I wanted to upgrade the stock compressor to a Sanden 508 from Vintage Air. The simplest solution appears to be the slotted brackets welded to a steel plate such as what Freez74 did. I wanted the idler pulley for tension adjustment, so I sourced a alloy zx ac bracket and some 1/4" plate 6061 aluminum to fabricate a adaptor. First was the alignment of the idler & compressor. After a test fit of the compressor on the stock bracket, I had to move it back about 12mm so I cut the idler frame ears, removed the correct length, and welded it back together. Also had to grind some material from the stock bracket for compressor clearance. Next, I carefully measured the distance the stock bracket needed to move forward on the adapter plate to align with the damper pulley, about 9mm. Drilled the M10 bolt holes for the adapter plate to mount on the block and the drilled the offset holes for the stock bracket to mount to my adapter. Ran into a clearance issue with the lower right bolt for the stock adaptor too close to the oil pan, so I redrilled one hole up higher on both the adapter & the stock bracket to overcome this. Loosely assembled my creation on the motor with a belt and all looks good. Just need to do a few finishing touches, paint my adapter and the idler assembly block color, and replace the idler bearing with a new one. I will also slot the holes a couple of mm where the stock bracket mounts to my adaptor to allow fine tuning of the belt alignment.
battery chargers
iI have had this one for 3 years or so, works well, auto detects battery type, has battery reconditioning. i think it meets all your specs. https://www.amazon.com/BLACK-DECKER-BC15BD-Battery-Alternator/dp/B00KNMKRU8/ref=asc_df_B00KNMKRU8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312632042117&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9110843316340757830&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026084&hvtargid=pla-493575186671&psc=1
1977 280z EFI Nightmare
Remember, when you check the timing with a light, to get a accurate reading, you need to disable the distributors vacuum advance. Unplug its vacuum line and cap it so you don't have a leak.
$2.75 in N. Alabama
I thinks so, I'll look next time. The total tax on gas in Arkansas is 22 cents.
$2.75 in N. Alabama
If you want tremendous, the west coast states are generally the highest region, In LA gas is over $5 a gallon. Taxes are a big part - at least .50 in CA per gallon. PA has the highest gas tax, near .80 cents / gallon. (sorry Capt O) Gas where I am is $2.69 today
SS Bumpers from Vietnam
Oops, sorry my friend. Originally had Ryan and changed it to Jeff because of Charles's earlier post. I'm guessing Ryan is correct? Somehow I missed the bumper were stainless, takes care of any corrosion issues. I like watching your videos by the way... Cheers