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  1. There is a rolling shell advertised on the classiczcars classifieds in Maryland http://www.classiczcars.com/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4735&cat=1
  2. Of course as soon as I say "they are never listed for sale in my area" one pops up on craigslist: http://pensacola.craigslist.org/cto/1662558624.html It's a rust bucket but maybe I will try it on for size.
  3. Thank you for all the feedback. That is what I remember from when I was in high school but my comfort standards were much lower back then. Also, I live in the Pensacola area which is closer to Mobile, AL than any of the major cities in Florida. I have been checking local listings for a while.
  4. Hi, I am new here and looking for advice. Early Datsun Z's have always been some of my favorite cars and eventually I hope to buy one. Unfortunately, they are never listed for sale in my area and the last time I sat in or drove one was when I was a teenager. Can anyone tell me if the headroom and legroom are comfortable for a 6' 4" medium build guy with tall sitting height? I don't want to invest time and money on a long distance purchase and find out I don't fit.

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