Everything posted by Gary in NJ
Daves NEW Start/Stop Button Ignition System.
That is usually a symptom of: 1) Weak battery (voltage may be good, but capacity is down) 2) Tired starter solenoid 3) Failing battery cables or poor ground 4) A combination thereof
Help! Gas overflow, wild idle variance, pressure in gas tank
I'd agree, sounds like the needle valve (float valve) is stuck. However, if both carbs have fuel coming from the float chamber vent that might be an indication of another problem because it would be unlucky to have both fail at the same time.
- The Z Store
Broken Head Bolt
Do you still have enough bolt left for the easy-out? Can you post a photo? An Acetone and ATF 50:50 mix works VERY well to loosen stuck fasteners.
floor jack
I have a Husky 1-1/2 ton that worked well for a few years but now needs replacement. I'll go better quality next time. If you need more lift on the jack, place a 2x4 between the jack and the lift point.
Broken Head Bolt
It's gonna have to come out. Have you tried soaking it in acetone/ATF overnight and then using heat?
Cars over the years.....Datsun, Jeep and Porsche win!
Longer then my car list (I had 13 in my garage at one time), but I have nothing as exotic as the MV Agusta F4.
My fusible link upgrade...
I was just posting this as general info. You shouldn't hide electrical problems [nods to Sarah] with bigger fuses.
My fusible link upgrade...
I make my living in the avionics/aircraft electrical system business. This statement is our running joke. "I keep blowing fuses" "Then use a bigger fuse" If fuses are blowing, it indicates a problem elsewhere. A fuse that is "less prone" to blow is more prone to cause a fire.
I thought the fuel and exhaust smell were part of the ambiance. Now I have something else to fix Welcome to the club joakcal.
Cars over the years.....Datsun, Jeep and Porsche win!
Here are mine in the order I owned them. If a date is next to it in parentheses, it was a used car and the date is the years owned. Not included are the 10 cars I have purchased for the wife or kids: '69 Camaro (1982-83) '71 240Z (1983-85) '76 Skyhawk (1985-1985) '86 CRX Si '88 Accord Coupe '89 Eclipse GSX '74 260Z (1991) '8? Audi 5000 (1991) '86 MR2 (1991-95) '95 Dodge Neon '98 Dodge Neon RT '04 Silverado (current) '06 BMW 330CSi '08 Audi A4 Quarto (current) '71 240Z (current) With the exception of the Silverado, they have all been manual transmissions. I will be replacing the A4 this summer. It is getting difficult to find AWD cars with manual transmissions. I'd love to own a G37x, but its only available with a 7-speed auto.
A few before and after photos of the 240...
It really looks great. I too love the blue interior.
Best online shop to order parts from?
MSA's customer service is outstanding. I've never ordered from BD.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
I finally started my winter maintenance. I got most of it done. Hopefully I'll get the car out today. It was last driven November 21st.
Rare but important parts? Lets make more!
1972 Choke lever. I bet you could sell as many a 20 a year
Weird noise coming from motor
I think I may have heard the noise. It seemed to be vacuum related. Check all of your vacuum lines to make sure they are properly seated.
Super frustrated!!!!!
Hey if people are going to look at Z's in NJ...I expect an invite
Car Warriors
I saw the premiere episode. I'm not a fan.
Pacesetter headers?
Don't forget to add that they rust fairly quickly unless coated.
Japan Quake
Those are very kind sentiments James given the year your country has had. I'm sure you know first hand what this is like. I can not begin to imagine what it is like to live in the aftermath of such a devastating natural disaster.
Annoying tag line to Z classifieds
I saw a Z advertised the other day as "off-frame restoration". Really? Really!
1979 280zx L28 Engine Rebuild
A leak down tester is the tool you are looking for. You'll need an air compressor to use this. I'm with Leon on this, if the engine is running it sounds like test error.
Hey I'ma new guy
Holy triple post Batman! The website hung-up as I posted the first reply and took each "refresh" as a request to post. Sorry
Hey I'ma new guy
Double post
Hey I'ma new guy
Welcome to the site. An L28 engine swap is fairly common. The L28 came with Bosch J-jetronic EFI. Retaining the carbs on this swap was the correct way to go. Looks like you have the wrong tube going from the carb float chambers to the nozzle. The one on the aft carb looks like it could pinch with the choke engaged. That is a special tube. Bruce can hook you up.