Everything posted by Gary in NJ
pic of 73 240z starter
If you think you may have a short in the solenoid it may be worth remove the screws and taking a look inside. There should have been a jam-nut on the post to keep it from spinning.
Number of Mufflers - performance ?
Now THAT is a good looking exhaust. Nice update.
pic of 73 240z starter
Download the factory service manual for the '73 (resources tab on top) and take a look. xenons30.com
Side mirror question
They were the dealer installed sport mirrors. The "objects appear closer" convex mirrors weren't required in the early 70's.
Getting around 11 MPG, running rich, need help
Bosch L-Jetronic fuel injection is an "unintelligent" analog system. I'd much rather have the SU's. They are simple and EASY to understand.
pic of 73 240z starter
Well, by jumping the terminals and getting the starter to turn you've confirmed that the starter is good and the battery has the power to crank the engine. Unfortunately by hooking up the starter with reverse polarity you more then likely have damaged the electrical system. The problem could be the ignition switch, relay and just about anything in between. You're gonna have to get out a multi-meter and start trouble shooting.
pic of 73 240z starter
There is a wire that comes out of the starter and gets attached to the solenoid. This should be attached to the M terminal (Magnetic). It sounds like you have the wire attached to the B terminal (Battery). If you have it backwards, you have effectively jumped the terminals.
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
I like your car Jared. Wish I had the money to make an offer that wasn't an insult. The car is worth whatever someone is will to pay. You'll know that figure in short order.
pic of 73 240z starter
You could have damaged the battery. You didn't get sparks when you put the positive cable on the block? Check your static voltage and the voltage when the engine is cranked. You should have above 12.5 volts static and above 10.0 volts when cranking (second time I gave this advice today). If the voltage is good, it could now be a wiring issue.
Ignition Key
The slide-out-in-any-position key is a feature
pic of 73 240z starter
The positive battery cable goes to the solenoid. You will notice in the top left of the photo the negative battery cable that is attached to the starter and block.
help starter problem
A fully charged battery is not necessarily a healthy battery. A battery can hold a static 12.8V charge, but if it drops below 10.0V with the starter engaged, you will get the clicking you described.
pic of 73 240z starter
Here's a '72, if it helps.
I Must Be Crazy
I Must Be Crazy
Alright, now you're an enabler. I'm gonna have to photo shop that BRG with an off-set white stripe.
I Must Be Crazy
I do like that Chis. I'm leaning towards a front spoiler and rear skirt with the integrated bumper guards and maybe the side skirts. I've never been a big fan of the bolt-on wheel arches. Funny, these are things I would consider sacrilege on a 240, but I wouldn't hesitate to do on a 260. I'm such a 240 snob, I should be ashamed of myself.
Over Revved and no compression
Glenn, When I conduct a differential compression test I put the piston in the cylinder to be checked at TDC, then place the transmission in 1st gear (with the e-brake on and the wheels chocked). If you have a helper. have them sit in the car with their foot on the brake. I then open the valve on the tester to allow 80 pounds into the cylinder. 78 pounds is the magic hold number, but if the cylinder holds within 10% (72 pounds), you have a good/OK cylinder. Below 72 pounds listen to the exhaust, carb or crankcase breather for escaping air. Based on where air is escaping from will tell you where you have a problem, i.e air at the carb is the intake valve, air at the exhaust is the exhaust valve and air at the breather are the rings. If you don't hear air from any of those and can not maintain at least 72 pounds of pressure, spray soapy water around the head gasket.
I Must Be Crazy
Chris, you've read my mind. Except for the wheels and sound system, my 240 is stock. I was thinking aerokit, stroker engine & some interior updates (limited to the seats and sound system) for a project car. This would also give me the freedom of painting the car black or BRG, either with a cream interior. I might even add AC to keep the wife happy. I'm selling myself pretty good here. Can somebody please stop me?
73 240z shuts off while driving
Cutting holes in my new dash
Pilot pilot hole, then a NEW step-bit.
Here is my 260z.
I love the interior. Awesome. What's it worth? Did you buy it as an investment, or to enjoy it? If you are like most of us, you bought it because you HAD to have it. In that regard it's worth whatever you paid for it.
240Z at Sam's Club
I got two...on ebay. So I over paid, but I can't seem to find them in my local Walmart. I'll keep looking. I have an orange one at work. It's off the stand. Everyone that comes into my office picks it up and marvels what a great looking car the 240 is. I predict that the model wont have the antenna and wipes by the end of the year.
I Must Be Crazy
I love my Z, but I'm always looking through Craigslist, Ebay, Penny Saver, etc looking for a Z bargain. This week I spotted a 260 (74-1/2). It's in the process of being restored and is about 85% complete. The owner has lost interest in the project. The body is straight, it appears to be rust free (frame rails & floor boards are new, no rust under the battery) and most of the parts needed to complete it are there. The car has recent paint, but I think I'd have it resprayed. The flat tops have been replaced with round tops and it has a 5 speed tranny. With a little effort I could have this car done. Here's the thing, I've never been a fan of the 260. I don't like the way they sit and I don't like the bumpers. Bumpers can be fixed/switched (I may even consider the front air-dam that has the built-in bumper) and the right springs can make all the difference in the way a car sits. I wouldn't mind a project, especially one that's off to a good start. My concern is; get I get all of my 240 love from a 260. Have any die-hard 240 guys ever found some love from a 260?
73 240z shuts off while driving
Indeed it could. The fuel line down stream must be "wet" (inlet above the outlet), otherwise fuel flow will be interrupted and the engine will cease to run.
rotten pillar... possible to repair?
Be methodical as you strip the car. Bag-n-tag everything and even take a photo to create a photo database of what you have. I do see a lot of decent body shells for sale, but they are typically in California.