Everything posted by Gary in NJ
Synthetic Oil Change Interval
How much do you drive the car and how is it stored? My Z get's about 1,000 miles per year. At that rate I change my oil by calendar time vs. miles. My car is in a dry garage and I change the oil every spring. The filter gets changed every 3,000 miles. This rate of usage doesn't justify the use of a synthetic oil. In fact, in certain circumstances synthetic oils can do more damage then dino oil. In my experience in aviation, cams can get sprawled from low usage as synthetic oil doesn't "stick" to surfaces the way good old dino oil can. As a result every start is a dry start.
Rebuild a distributor?
You could simply run a wire from the connector to one of the many ground locations on the inner fender or the engine itself. It certainly can't hurt anything by connecting it.
Tell your brother it's time to get glasses. It's possible that the crafty owner modified the 370Z plate to read 390Z to reflect the result of some engine work. Hell, I saw Mercedes badges on a Hyundai Sonata two weeks ago. Not a lot of brain power going on there.
Progress Pics of Cosmetic Refresh of Neighbor's Z
Love the interior. Hate the dash toupee.
Backfiring (from the intake) and other troubles.
Did anyone mention that you should buy the Z-Therapy DVD? It's the best $35 you'll ever spend on your Z.
Layed-Off Yesterday
Good news! I hope you made the most of your 3 month "vacation".
Lets talk Spark Plug wires!!!
Ditto. That, and I've used NGK wires with great success since the early 80's.
Christine's Z
I'd love to see more photos. Awesome signature tag!
What colour of paint is best for restoration re-sale:
If you have access to a Butterscotch interior, you can't do better then green (BRG).
Jay Leno's Garage Z car episode
This is the third thread on this subject. Can we consolidate these?
first thoughts on flutter, low power. 72 240
I would start with a good baseline tune-up. That would include cap, rotor, wires, plugs, points, condenser, fuel filter, ignition timing, valve adjustment, carb sync and float bowl height check/adjustment and a review of the vacuum lines, fuel lines and throttle linkage. With this done, you'll more then likely know exactly what is right and what is not right with your engine.
Idle Speed and Engine Performance
Why let your dad have all the fun? Maintaining a Z is half the fun of ownership.
Idle Speed and Engine Performance
Engine idle is called out in the FSM (factory service manual). Do a search and you'll find a few spots do download the entire book. What do you have for carbs. If it's a '73 it's likely that the original carbs have been swapped-out for earlier '70-'72 carbs, typically called "round tops". If this is the case, follow the tune-up guide for an earlier 240Z. If you were simply complaining about the idle, I'd suggest that you have a vacuum leak, but if the car has lost performance and is now not idling properly, it's a good indication that you are in need of an engine tune-up (plugs, points, rotor, cap, wires (maybe), ignition timing, carb sync and valve clearance). This "drastic change" is a simple result of driving the car. Modern cars can go 100,000 miles between tune-ups. Cars like a Z have scheduled items at 3,000, 6,000 & 12,000 mile increments. One final thought. There is a method for setting idle in the FSM. I follow this method, however I set my idle at 800-900. I just like it there. In every Z I've owned I find that this idle speed helps with throttle tip-in and driving smoothly from a full stop.
- Phantom wire
Missfire after valve adjustment
In the title you say it's a misfire but in the body of the message you say it's a no-fire. Which is it? In any event, you can track this down a few different ways: 1) Compression test 2) Vacuum test 3) Spark test (place a spark plug in one of the wires of the dead cylinder and rest the electrode on the head) Did you change the cap & rotor at the same time? Is it possible that one is defective or has grease/dirt on the conductive surface?
Hot Air Hose from exhaust manifold to air filter box 240Z?
If you feel that you must have the winter air (warm air) feature, you can put a heat muff from a VW Bug (the air cooled ones) on one pipe and run SCAT tubing to the manifold. Piston aircraft also use heat muffs so you can 'em one at Aircraft Spruce & Specialty or Wicks. Make sure that your airbox has the Winter/Summer diverter.
Introduction and a few questions
Tom, where in northern Jersey are you? I'm in Warren county and would be glad to help you sort out the car.
Introducing my '73 240z
I had a 240Z when I was your age (30 years ago). I changed my relationship with cars forever. Your 240 looks great. I hope you get to enjoy it for many miles and many years.
Burnt valve?
Yes, a worn or scored valve guide. Either way, the head has to come off for the repair. Zed Head is 100% correct. Right now a leak-down test (differential compression test) is your friend.
Why I Don't Love My Subaru BRZ - Yet.
Quote of the day!
Why I Don't Love My Subaru BRZ - Yet.
I give the reviewer credit for taking 10:13 to say what he could have said in 00:13. "I'm going 35mph and there's no drama" No $hit Sherlock. I don't care if you are in a BRZ or a ACR Viper, on public roads there shouldn't be any drama. "The car doesn't have any soul, any personality. I was considering a GT-R but didn't get it because it doesn't have any personality" Ahh, yeah right. A well balanced car communicates to the driver all the time; whether droning down the highway or flogging it on your favorite back road. My Z(s), MR2, 330CSi, CRX always told me what they were doing and what type of road surface we were driving. Even my Silverado communicates with me...I may not like the message...but I know where it's at. In my wife's Accord or Caravan, "mum's the word". Drama and communication are two totally different experiences. Perfection doesn't make a car soulless our boring, not listening the what it has to say it what is what makes it unsatisfying to drive. From everything I've read, the BRZ/86 has diarrhea of the mouth. It's always communicating. I don't want to drive one yet because I'm 99.9% sure I wont be able to leave the dealership without signing on the bottom line.
Automobile Magazine October 2012 Issue - Datsun 240Z vs Scion FR-S Article
I enjoyed the article. The brZ is on my shopping list...actually...its at the very top of my list. The writer got some details of the Z incorrect and perpetuated some tall-tales, but the comparison was interesting.
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
- What makes a Z a Z? What modifacations go too far to be called a Z?
The story of HLS3022980
Great story. I wish I had that type of background information for my car...or any used car that I have owned and loved over the years. When you can attach a personal story to a car, it transforms the car beyond metal and rubber.