Everything posted by Gary in NJ
What is my Engine Bay Missing?
Fuses protect the wires from high temperature (fire) due to over current. In the case of the S30's there is a fusable link for the main battery bus & starter circuit.
turbo it or stroke it
While I do enjoy a good turbo rush (my DD is 2.0T A4) I prefer the instant gratification of a normally aspirated motor.
Am I too Rich or Lean?
In my opinion, anytime you make a change to the mixture, you should re-sync the carbs. A 1/4 turn on one carb does not necessarily translate into a 1/4 turn on the other.
Am I too Rich or Lean?
Next time you experience this problem, give a pull on the choke lever. If the problem improves; you are too lean. If it gets worse, you're too rich.
Paint shop spoiling chances at bring car to ZCon 2011
Unless they are doing it for free, there is no reason to have to wait that long. Their "business" is to earn money. If your job isn't worth their time (that is the message they are sending you), go else where.
Let's Paint it Yellow
They look comfy.
Hay fellas, we made the list!!
If you get one, you get both I do learn so much from their debates.
What is the official name of this plate and where can I buy one
Shouldn't we be asking "why is this plate warped"? It seems strange that it would be warped and it could point to another problem with the way the distributor has been mounted on his block.
Hay fellas, we made the list!!
Carl will be here soon to straighten that statement out. Although this time is can't be attributed to a US bias
Total Restoration Project. 71
I love baby pooh yellow.
What is the official name of this plate and where can I buy one
zparts.com could probably get you one.
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
I interpreted the email as E did. However, I think the OP does not fully grasp the relationship and workings of an internet forum. With that said, I hope he DOES ask questions and provide information. I'd like nothing more then to help an old-timer out. Lets go Franceso, get in the game. Ask a question...we want to help.
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
I think what we have here is a failure to communicate.
New Kid In Town
Welcome. Good job saving the 260 from the scrapper. Photos man, we love photos.
Hello! I am a brand new member and I have questions! Here goes:
This is an open forum, not customer service for Nissan USA. Ask questions and evaluate the information received. We do this for love, not glory.
So, after a few years here and 900+ posts I suppose it's time I showed off my car...
The car looks great. You can continue to post
SU idle/mixture adjustment pls help
With that little bit of information, I would strongly suggest the Z Therapy DVD.
bird nest problem
I've had luck in my hangar with a calico snake and a wooden owl.
Old member, new name, finally a Z owner
OK, got ya. It's at that point of restoration where it looks like more harm then good
Old member, new name, finally a Z owner
Welcome back. Do you have the photos backwards?
any way to clean windshield wiper squirters
Added header - Now idle is too high - HELP
I would expect that after installing headers a full carb adjustment would be in order.
Car won't swallow?
No advice, but maybe a relevant story... A friend of mine had a "hard" landing (slow crash) in his RV4 experimental aircraft that ended with the aircraft up-side down. There was major damage to the fuselage and VS, but no damage to the engine and wings. As an aircraft builder myself, I helped him rebuild the aircraft during the winter. He got enough test-flight time during the spring that he was able to make a long trip to Oshkosh, WI for an airshow later in the summer. During the trip he ran out of fuel and had to land on a highway. No damage and no problems as the local police allowed him to take-off from the highway (very unusual, but it happens). When he got home we did a drain/fill test of the wing tanks. The capacity that was 16 gallons per wing when the aircraft was first finished was now 12 & 14 gallons - almost an hour less fuel then he thought he had. We looked inside the tanks with a boroscope to see if something had gotten in there to take up the space. All was clear. Then we made a full sized wooden template of the wing to check it's shape. Sure enough, the bottom of each wing tank was pushed in about 1/2" to 3/4". It was very hard to see looking down the length of the underside of the wing, but with the template in place it became very easy to see. When my friend had the "hard" landing, the wheels came in contact with the wing tanks; changing their shape and therefor their capacity. So it is possible that the tank "looks fine" but is in fact miss-shaped. If not, you got to read an interesting story
- Soon to be 280z owner in the D.C. area
Old flat tires, fix a flat?
I would not use fix-a-flat. It gums-up the inside of the tire and rim. The rim becomes a pia to clean after using that stuff.