Everything posted by Gary in NJ
Nice spark plug pics
Make this one a sticky.
Dash Repair Process/Pictures
Yeah but my Martins & Gibsons are not the best cutting tools.
Playing with a wideband
Steve, Do you use a Colortune? It would be interesting to know what the Colortune indicates (my "hi-tech" tool for tuning) compared to the actual A:F ratio.
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
Jared's car is now a blog post on Autoblog. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/03/28/ebay-find-of-the-day-worlds-best-datsun-240z-resto-mod/
Your ideas/input requested for planning a garage
My garage is 36x24 with 11 foot high ceiling. I have three garage doors and a 3' wide entry door. It's fully insulated. My suggestions: - Have several outlets in the garage for compressed air and at least one hose on a real. If the garage is attached to the house, put the compressor in that basement (or the second story of the structure) so you don't have to listen to it cycle. - Put 115VAC and 220VAC in the garage. Have an outlet 8' in the ceiling from each garage door. This will allow you to 1) install electric garage door openers and 2) have electric cord reals hanging from the ceiling. - Have enough windows to get good natural light and free heating. Install "great" lighting in the ceiling and above the work bench(es). - Have more then one work bench. I have two 8' work benches & sometimes I still need more. - I know this sounds strange, and it's just part of my OCD, but keep the garage spotless; always. I've never lost/misplaced/forgotten anything in my garage. I have an awesome shopvac permanently installed with every cleaning attachment possible (helps keeps interior carpets clean too ) My garage is my hang-out. When my friends come over we hang in the garage. Of course, I have a stocked fridge in the garage too.
7 inch cd touch deck
Double DIN will not fit. Nor will any head unit "plug-up". You're going to have to do some wiring (I like soliderless connectors or crimps) for power, ground speakers, keep alive and if used, switched output to an external amp.
Playing with a wideband
The needle profile will have more effect then the dampening oil. The dampening oil only effects the rate that the suction piston moves during throttle transitions (to compensate for throttle valve movement). While this will effect the A:F ratio during wide transitions, its effect is negligible. Talk to Bruce about a a needle profile that will help you to maintain a 14.7 A:F ratio for the widest range of throttle valve setting (not necessarily rpm).
Frame rot and then some
That does look like a good donor. I bet you could haul that away for $100...or less. He's getting rid of it either way.
Motor Oil survey
Now you know Now don't go start a "what's the best song?" thread, it will have the same kind of reaction
what kinda gas cap is needed for 72' 240z?
You need a 240/260/280Z gas cap, like this one: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/SFC05/11-3221
Random plug thats disconnected and a twisty knob that doesnt do anything?
Not as painful as a ingestion seat. "Feed Me!"
Motor Oil survey
It's just oil people. Can we get past the most over-hyped subject on the internet. It's just friggin' oil.
Does your idle change with temperature?
The throttle opener system is operated by the servo diaphragm and control. It is activated when there is negative pressure in the intake manifold. From my understanding of the system, it gives the throttle linkage a "kick" under deceleration and at the moment right before the engine dies due to a low idle.
Salt and Sand Spreaders in your area
Welcome to NJ They went a little overboard with the sand and salt for the few inches of snow we got last night. It's going to take a month of rain to clear the roads off.
Tech Guy stripped my stub axle
1. They owe you a new stub axle. 2. Don't let them near your car again.
Does your idle change with temperature?
While most of us defeat the emissions system, most do keep the idle control valve in place because unlike the air pump system, it actually serves a purpose.
Does your idle change with temperature?
Is the idle control valve still in place? Does it function?
Fork oil in SU dashpots?
+1 atf
Car is Older Than I am!
My '72 was built the month of my 10th birthday. When the car turns 40 next year we will both celebrate milestone birthdays. I'd rather be the cars age. Enjoy your 2+2.
240z Exhaust Header
Another option would be to purchase a used manifold for $25-$50 and plug the airpump ports.
Why do these cars sell for so little $ ?
Agreed. First thing I would do with that car is replace that low-mileage original automatic transmission with a proper gear changer...Just Sayin!
will early 260 interiot parts fit my series 1 240?
260Z interior parts will work in a 280Z, but not in a 240Z. The L28 engine/trans (whether Z or ZX) will work in your 240Z and is a common modification.
Newbie help
If the car hasn't run in 15 years, why do you think that the engine and transmission have to be rebuilt? Was the car parked because the engine and transmission were not working or damaged? Before dumping big money into the car, get to know it and discover what it needs. Address those on a priority basis.
Help! Gas overflow, wild idle variance, pressure in gas tank
I believe that might be the source of the problem. They are VENTS and need to be vented to ambient conditions. Run them individually and see if it clears-up the issue.
How often do you drive your vintage Z?
Once or twice a week for a 10-15 mile drive. Once a month for something a bit more involved. But even with that amount of driving it only amounts to about 1,000 miles per year because I only have 8 months of driving weather. The odometer in my car reads 1,001 right now. I couldn't tell you if it's 101,001, 201,001 or 401,001.