Everything posted by Gary in NJ
Noisy differential
It could very well be a wheel bearing. Get the car in the air and rotate the wheels. The movement should be smooth the full 360 degrees of rotation.
How to prime fuel system with mechanical fuel pump?
Gravity. - or - Suction. You can get a large syringe and draw the fuel through the lines.
240z rpm/stuttering/no power
Get it running and make sure that you don't have any vacuum leaks. You did make significant changes to the intake and exhaust, so it stands to reason that you will need to make carb adjustments.
The Z Make Playboy's List
The Z series made Playboy's top 25 cars list. Funny, some of their models have made my lists in the past too. http://www.autoblog.com/2012/05/01/playboy-counts-down-its-25-greatest-cars-of-all-time/#continued
Who doesn't love 240Z photo's........Ole #797
When I die and go to heaven, hopefully there will be a green Z waiting for me with a butterscotch interior.
Series-1 Inspection Lid Clips - Another Attempt at Reprinting
Are the parts SLA or SLS. SLA parts are usually fragile.
The Hitachi SU some insight required.
Andrew was concerned that he had to turn the mixture screw 4-1/2 turns - at both carbs. This suggests that the carbs, for what ever reason, are lean. If the nozzles didn't reset to their full-up position, that would create a rich condition. I think he's on the correct path with the vacuum leak(s) he has discovered.
Mud Guards
OJ was banned? How are we going to know what's happening on eBay now?
Mud Guards
I once dated a girl that could have used mud flaps. But that's a different topic...
License and Registration Please
I have Historical Tags (QQ in NJ) and paid $94 for a 4 year registration, so $24 per year.
$69 NISSAN 280Z Chip 60 Horsepower Increase, yada, yada, yada (GForce chip)
The interwebs are using mind control.
The Hitachi SU some insight required.
If you suspect a vacuum leak from the brake booster, you can always disconnect the hose at the carb and temporarily plug/cap the orifice. In fact, that's true for just about any suspected vacuum leak with the exception of a leak at the manifold mount. That type of leak can be traced with a can of carb cleaner. Don't use US/North American specs for ignition timing. Our distributor is different.
The Hitachi SU some insight required.
This. The nozzle adjustment simply exposes sections of the needle. If the needles are "low" then you have to expose more needle by lowering the nozzles. The cold air also effects the mixture adjustment. The colder (denser) the air, the more fuel you need. These two factors could contribute to nozzles that are lower then expected.
Craigslist 280Z Richmond Va
Nothing to see here except a dead craigslist link and spam. Move along now...
My Z build
Makes me think a PO installed HeliCoils in two stripped spark plug holes. You just may be using the spare head.
The great BEFORE and AFTER thread
Wow, so far you get the "Back from the Dead" award. I'd love to hear the long story.
5th gear problem?
5th gear? Show off. $1,000 seems to be the going rate. Check out the shop and make sure that they really rebuild transmissions.
I put some miles on the new RT Mount. There is a lot less driveline wind-up. Shifting, especially between 1st and 2nd, is much smoother. My strap was fairly new and in good shape, so I didn't have a lot of clunking to begin with, so there isn't much of a change there, but a change for the better none the less.
Well after looking at the RT mount and Energy bushing sitting on my shelf for two years I decided to finally install them. I tried to do it the "easy" way and not disassemble too much of the rear (just drop the front mount and loosen the rear nuts) but that just wasn't to be. In the end I had to remove the lower front differential bushing and drop the drive shaft to get the RT mount installed. Not a big deal. What was a big deal was my drive shaft; it was just about to leave the car. Yep, when I went to remove the nuts from the drive shaft U-joints I was able to remove all four of them without tools. All four nuts were loose with about a thread or two left. Had I not installed the RT mount I would have never known about that impending disaster. I haven't test driven the car yet because I also drained the tank (5 month old fuel) and need to get 5 gallons of fresh gas. I expected to see rust and sludge come out of the drain, but it was pure fuel. My tank appears to be in perfect shape. Anyway, I'll report my impressions tomorrow.
How Many Z Drivers Also Own BMWs?
For years I lusted to own a 330Ci. In 2006 I purchased one. Great car to drive, horrible car to own. It was in the shop every 3 or 4 weeks for failed sensors and other gremlins. After driving it for 50,000 miles I gladly sold it 2007 for an A4 Quattro, one of the most trouble free and uninspiring cars I've owned. My next new car will be a BRZ (when the dealers come off cloud 9).
What should I do with my father in law's Z?
Excellent choice! Once you get to know the car you'll love it.
What should I do with my father in law's Z?
The more you get to know the car, the more you'll like it. If it's not for you, it will easily sell.
New Marriage...
Enjoy the honeymoon. Congratulations. Like everyone else, I can't wait to see photos.
Stick shift vs Automatic
Automatic transmissions are great. My wife loves the one in her minivan.
New Z owner
Yeah, what Keith said. Enjoy the-Z experience.