Trying to fix night lights but now headlight doesnt work
I'm trying to fix my night lights and i found the reason for the problem ( burned switch contact) but when I'm trying to hook up it up to the headlight switch by adding a relay hoping it would solve the problem. BTW I didn't even get a chance to hook the wires together to my headlights switch and now my headlights went out. I don't know why it no long work...now I'm trying scratch my head to diagnose the problem. Can anyone help me. I don't know a lot about electrical but just enough to hook relay to headlights. I did manage to took some pics to see it anyone can help me.
barn find...1970 Datsun 240z
One of our main concern when we bought the car...The Battery Holder! Here are some of our working progress on the holder. -We mark around the rust spot so we can made a precise cut and measurement. -Cutting out the rust one wasn't as much pain as cutting out the donor car -After debating if we should use our welding skill or not . My friend came up with a brilliant idea...rivet the battery holder! -After cutting I than compare both...wow what a different! -We than rivet the holder into place with million of rivets hahaha just to be safe -Put Por 15 over the holder just in case it rust again...and yes this time i bought the acid catcher/holder
barn find...1970 Datsun 240z
I forgot to mention after we got the car home we tried to start the car...we replace the battery from my Acura and ready to put on armor suit...1st we tried to start the car on its ownbut it didn't work...what do u know I came up with the idea of using brake cleaner to spray some extra juice directly to the fuel line waaallla it started running 1st time since 1990 wow what a shocker :0 But anyway here are some of my working progress. 1st- I treated everything with Rust Remover from O'reilly 2nd- After it has been treated I than put on 3 layers of Por 15 3rd- This is the first time my dad and i are trying the weld, we've a lot of ground to make up with our welding tech but at least the metal stick together
barn find...1970 Datsun 240z
Here are come brake down of what I've invested in the car: -Car .....................$1200 -Pick n Pull.............$80 -Mobil 1.................$35 -Antifreeze.............$15 -4 Pistons Cal.........$32 -Weatherstrips........$170 -Head Lights...........$40 -Rear brake kit........$30 -A/C rebuilt kit........$20 -Por 15..................$60 Total.....................$1682
barn find...1970 Datsun 240z
here are some of the restoration procedures. my dad n i we went to Pick N Pull that was 100 miles away from where we're it was worth it. We found a donor car with rust free battery holder, we cut some of the donor car's metal pieces including metal around the gas cap. Here are some of the pics.
barn find...1970 Datsun 240z
Thanks everyone for the comments Even though this car is not a low vin 5***. I've put so much time and effort to bring this back to life. we towed the car home with my dad's truck n his tow bar to save money, what do u know after we stopped for some gas we realized that the car's caliper was on fire!!! the whole rotor turned red with green flames :0 we manage to go ahead and towed it home anyway hahaha. after we got it home, immediately my friend spray the rotor with water, he sprayed for 5min until it stopped. after that we pushed the car into the garage to take a closer look at what we have to deal with. Here are some of the pics...
barn find...1970 Datsun 240z
Hi everyone, Thank you for looking at this post. Well just a little background about the car...my dad and I we spot this 1st Series when we were working (remodeling the Z neighbor's house) we spot the car but didn't get a chance to take a closer look at the car, just before to complete the project we went over take a peek inside...what do you know(everything is still intact and everything looks original on the car) as we were looking the owner came back from work...we started talking for a while, he said he Wants the car to be Gone...Bingo!! but what do you know he isn't willing to let it go for cheap...at first he wants 2200 but after a long talk and pointed out all the rust (lots of it) he's able to go down to 1800 but at that price is it still too high for the car...i offered him 1k of course i know he's going to resisted the offer so we meet in the middle hahaha not really i told him 1200 and that's all i can offer. after a long though he than accepted the offer. I than told myself am i in a big money pit and worse is i have to part the car out :?
About A/C in a '71
yeah i'd def agree, if it has the York compressor than it's factory A/C (luckly for me, my 70 does have York compressor and i bought the a/c rebuilt kit from Napa
1970 240z, Please help me! thank you
1970 240z, Please help me! thank you
thank you so much for the advice, i live in Milpitas, California. i was thinking if rust spot like that i can get fenders and doors from other Z cars from 70-77? i've double check the only rust problem is the exterior panels, no frame damage, it does have factory A/C, E31 cylinder head, everything is original including the spare tire hahaha. With this all been said do you guys still think the car worth it? thanks
1970 240z, Please help me! thank you
I just came across a 1970 240z that a friend of mine have for sale, even though it has a pretty low vin # 6235. There are lots of rust under the doglegs (both sides), doors, near the gas door, rear hatch, battery tray. He's asking for $1700 for the car. I was thinking is this too much $ for the car in current condition? Please give me some advice, I would greatly appreciate thanks.
I got work out out for me!! GRRRR
oh ooopss sorry, i'm trying to delete one but dont know how to. can u show me how to, thx
I got work out out for me!! GRRRR
Hi everyone! i recently decided to repaint my 240z. I first got the car when i was 17 and now i'm 18. I though it would be cool to restore one of the all time classic. I've spent lots of hours on the car since i just started with it. -The first thing i have to do on the car was to make the engine run, first i remove the engine head and put it to a machine shop and resurface the whole engine head, then they told me that i have to buy new exhaust and intake vales, it cost me a furtune to get it running. -second i respray the whole car with flat black, at first it looks so cool but when i go crusing with my friends and look at their car all shinny, with nice body kit, so i order my air damn hahaha. -third i than start on the interior, omg the seats were rediculos old and smell :/, so i went the the junk yard and bought two used seats from a mitsubitshi and mount them in the car. -while i was still in high school, thinking i have to make some money if i want to fix up the car the way i want it. i went ahead searching around for jobs and was luctant to get hire. i worked for about a year and able to save some $. - After graduate from H.S i decided its time to make my dream a reality. i went a head and started strip out the car, wow wat do i know the car over up with bondo!!! it took me forever to remove the cracked bondo. I did some research and bought 2 qut of POR 15 to cover up the rust. - As of right now (10-23-2010) i bought polyester primer and start spaying the whole car. it took me 2 gallons to get it perfect - i save the hardest thing for last!!! its the welding grrrrrr.... at first i though it wouldn't be very hard. but as i dig deep into the project i realize that i though i know how to weld metal, and it turns out the be the opposite. like most commonly known rust spots on the 240z is the dog legs, the previous owner tried to restore the car by putting bondo hair over the rusted dog legs and now i have to deal with the result. I cut out the dog legs panel and now i tried to weld it with a new metal piece and it seems to be harder than it looks _ can anyone help me hic hic
I think I got work cut out for me (240z) :(
Hi everyone! i recently decided to repaint my 240z. I first got the car when i was 17 and now i'm 18. I though it would be cool to restore one of the all time classic. I've spent lots of hours on the car since i just started with it. -The first thing i have to do on the car was to make the engine run, first i remove the engine head and put it to a machine shop and resurface the whole engine head, then they told me that i have to buy new exhaust and intake vales, it cost me a furtune to get it running. -second i respray the whole car with flat black, at first it looks so cool but when i go crusing with my friends and look at their car all shinny, with nice body kit, so i order my air damn hahaha. -third i than start on the interior, omg the seats were rediculos old and smell :/, so i went the the junk yard and bought two used seats from a mitsubitshi and mount them in the car. -while i was still in high school, thinking i have to make some money if i want to fix up the car the way i want it. i went ahead searching around for jobs and was luctant to get hire. i worked for about a year and able to save some $. - After graduate from H.S i decided its time to make my dream a reality. i went a head and started strip out the car, wow wat do i know the car over up with bondo!!! it took me forever to remove the cracked bondo. I did some research and bought 2 qut of POR 15 to cover up the rust. - As of right now (10-23-2010) i bought polyester primer and start spaying the whole car. it took me 2 gallons to get it perfect - i save the hardest thing for last!!! its the welding grrrrrr.... at first i though it wouldn't be very hard. but as i dig deep into the project i realize that i though i know how to weld metal, and it turns out the be the opposite. like most commonly known rust spots on the 240z is the dog legs, the previous owner tried to restore the car by putting bondo hair over the rusted dog legs and now i have to deal with the result. I cut out the dog legs panel and now i tried to weld it with a new metal piece and it seems to be harder than it looks _ can anyone help me hic hic ( this pics shows from Beginning - Now)