Found this 76 Kawasaki KZ 900 in a barn.
Been sitting for 20+ years in various places. It has 18000 miles on it.
When I expressed interest in restoring it the guy said if you want it you can have it:D
It was on a trailer and in my garage pretty fast.
There was no ownership. When I went to search the VIN.# there was no record of it in the system. 10 dollars and a declaration and it was mine with a valid title. They purge VIN#s if they are inactive in Ontario after a certain number of years.
Replaced all the ignition components, changed the oil and cleaned the gas tank. Put some clean gas in it.
It fired up and ran poorly at first. Now it runs good and pulls like a train. Love the Japanese engines.
Thursday it was safe-tied and licensed legally. I had my last bike plate on it with a 1987 sticker just to sneak out on the back roads to put some miles on it to shake the cobwebs out.
I hope to restore it to original trim.