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Everything posted by Casey_z

  1. I am going the same route this winter. My 72 is black. Original colour is 901 silver with red interior. I have started to dissassemble in preparation for the trip to my brothers body shop. The pictures and story in this thread give me incentive. Great looking car! I am taking pictures and will start a thread shortly. Casey
  2. What I did was put a 2x6 block about 16" square over the frame rail on the highest part of the dent. Use a 8lb sledge hammer and hit straight down square on the block one good blow at a time. Don't be shy:D but check that you don't go too far and watch your backswing;) Casey
  3. You need a B.F.H and a block of wood. First word of the acronym is big and the last word is hammer.You figure out the rest;) The PO on my Z did the same thing and I whacked it straight. Casey
  4. Find a good spray graphite lube Its black and messy but control cables love it. Casey
  5. Most of us invest too much in our cars. Personally I just don't mind because I love having my car. Casey
  6. Wheel cylinders changed halfway through 72. The only difference is the angle the steel line attaches to the back of the cylinder. I used later wheel cylinders on my early 72 but had to bend new steel lines to match the angle. Casey
  7. You hit the jackpot. The carburetors in the picture if set properly will give you good service and are reliable. Snow in November in Holland? neet luikLOL Casey
  8. All you need to to do is develope the fine motor control skills in your right foot;) Casey
  9. I plan on returning my 72 back to its original 901 silver this winter. I had been undecided on what to do because the car looks good black. Yours looks great:love: Regards Casey
  10. Gary is right I probably paid to much for my car. But it runs great and I have alot of fun with it. Enjoy the ride. Casey
  11. In Ontario Canada I get my wife's Honda under oiled every fall. Its messy but saves body, frame and wiring from the incredible amount of salt and liquid calcium salt mixture that is spread on the roads to combat ice and snow in the the winter. There are shops that do this. They have special wands to get inside doors rocker panels etc. On my Z I bought a product called Rustcheck and sprayed all the vulnerable areas. Casey
  12. I need to get one of the extra speakers on the right side so I can have double mono sound! Casey
  13. You don't drive a 240 to listen to music. At least not mine. This is all you get:laugh:
  14. Check inside the sockets. The wires can become twisted and be shorted. http://datsunzgarage.com/probs/ Check this link. Casey
  15. Went to local drag strip paid my 20 bucks Went for a couple of runs down the track in a straight line. Great fun. need more room couldn't get out of 3rd but I still beat the Camaro:cool: Casey
  16. Go to your local auto supply and buy a couple of 2'steel flex lines and a $10.00 line bender and you can bend a line to fit to the wheel cylinder if you happen to get the wheel cylinder with a different angle. Otherwise the wheel cylinders are interchangeable. Casey
  17. To answer the comment regarding rust. I had a brand new 73z and when I sold it after 4 years it had bad rust issues. Lots of road salt and thin steel:tapemouth I have seen Ed's car and it exceptional! Casey
  18. Use dish soap as lubricant. Great for that type of fitting plus it does not affect the parts. Casey
  19. I had the same problem with the Motorsport center caps They were a touch to large. I got a little to rambunctious and one of the tabs snapped and the cap popped right in. By this time I owned them and snapped a tab off the other three caps and they have been on the wheels for a year. If you look very carefully where they are up against the wheel it isn't quite round but until now I am the only one who knows. May or may not work but if you try you own the caps for life!:laugh: Casey
  20. My 2cents On tuesday I changed my dist cap and rotor on my 72 240z - stock ignition. Turned out the rotor was defective. I put the old parts back and could not get the car to fire up. I checked everything and it would not fire. I spoke to my brother in law who apprenticed as a mechanic at a Datsun Dealership in the 70's and he told me to change the spark plugs. The plugs were a year old and looked fine. I replaced them and the engine started on the first turn. He told me back in the day this happened when you soaked the plugs with unburnt fuel it soaked into the carbon on the tips and the plugs just would not spark well enough to fire up the engine. These plugs looked great and I wonder if I upgraded to electronic ign. the spark would have been stronger but that is a different topic. My brother in law told me that at the dealership they cleaned the plugs and sand blasted and basicly tried everything but replacing the plugs was the only solution. This may or may not be your issue Bounce but I had pulled the little hair I have left out trying to figure out what was wrong and this worked:beer: It is always nice to have the phone a friend option:cool: Casey
  21. I am 6'6" and 250 lbs My 72 is just fine with stock seats. My assistant at work has a 350z and I can not sit in it. It seems the newer the car the less room there is. I could fit a 240z when I was 19 but I certainly weighed less than 250:stupid: That was 38 years ago Casey
  22. Agree and I love my burgundy:love:
  23. I bought a brand new 73 z when I was 19. Sold it 3years later because I needed a back seat. 5 daughters later and 5 weddings:stupid: I found a 72 and I am in a position to appreciate the car even more the second time around:love:
  24. Carl I rebuilt the back brakes on my 72. There are 2 different wheel cylinders. The earlier one (roughly June 72 and before) only differs from the later one(after June 72) by the angle and position the brake line attaches to the back of the wheel cylinder. Otherwise the wheel cylinders are interchangable. I used wheel cylinders for a later model than my own. It was built May 72. I went to the neighbourhood(sorry Canadian spelling eh;)) auto supply and bought a couple of brake lines and bent them myself with a $10.00 line bender. Good luck. Casey
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