The rollers on my guides were fairly wobbly, so I decided that the flexible washers were providing not just a preload but also a self-steering effect for the rollers...
The tarp grommets definitely take up the clearance slop, but they're not flexible...
I decided to take a different approach. A search through my 'this may come in handy some day' box of materials produced a small sheet of nice, shiny, thin-and-flexible vinyl. I already had a sheet of closed-cell neoprene foam, ~ 3/32" thick, that I'd used earlier as a gasket material when restring my Z's heater. Using weatherstrip adhesive, I glued up a composite sheet with the vinyl on both faces and the neoprene as the core, ending up with something that was both stretchy and slippery...
From there, I used a hole punch and scissors to create a set of washers...
The new washers were stretchy enough that they could be pulled over the nylon roller...
Once in place, they gave me what I was looking for...