Everything posted by Captain_Zeros
- 1973 240z fuel pump where does it mount?
never seen this type of r200 please help me id it
thaaaaats why I'm deferring to people who know more than me :stupid:
never seen this type of r200 please help me id it
Looks like a clutch type LSD to me, but I'll defer to people who know more than me.
Su carb bowl to nozzle hose
To work right it has to be a special flexible pre-molded hose, otherwise it'll side load the nozzle and interfere with the choke returning. Last I checked ZTherapy stocks them, probably other folks too.
Got hit Friday night
If you're looking to drop a buck there are always the Group Harrington stainless steel bumpers, they're $1200 a set (plus shipping, eek), but I've heard nothing but good things about them. Stainless will outlast chromed steel any day.
Will 280zx radiator fir my 240z
I have a 280zx radiator in my 240z, I had to ream out the mounting holes about 1mm to make them line up. It fits under the hood, but the extra height of the radiator extends downwards. Watch curbs, I smashed my plastic drain plug off on a friend's driveway, it's the lowest & farthest forward point. Luckily the brass was soft and deformed instead of cracking, it still holds pressure fine. I replaced the plastic drain plug with a lower profile metal bolt I chopped down and added an o-ring. You will need 280zx radiator hoses if you want to use the 280zx radiator.
Dies Under Load
New fuel pump?
Dies Under Load
I know you said you checked fuel, but those symptoms will show up if you have restricted fuel flow too. I know I spent a week on a wild goose chase before finally looking at my rearmost fuel filter by the tank and finding it disgustingly clogged.
- 240z 1973 tachometer show +- half of real rpm
Did you ever want to look inside a L Engine?
Looking forward to more video! I pre-emptively subscribed to your youtube as soon as I found that video over a year ago
Did you ever want to look inside a L Engine?
Neat! This guy takes things one step further!
Drum and Toyota 4x4 front brake questions.
except that 16 pounds is unsprung
Thermostat question
just the housing itself, or the purpose of all the switches & sensors? The housing itself is a different casting, the late ones have three bolts and a bunch of tapped holes for sensors, the early ones have two bolts and less tapped holes for sensors, as you've probably already found. They both will bolt to any L block as long as you have the matching housing & cover.
Greasing the Rack and Pinion on a 76
Don't have to go to Japan to get that, they're often known as Ford Wrenches and I've got a couple olde timey ones in my toolbox from right here in America Not pretty and new, but definitely still full of life. (A number of companies make new ones too, as you've found)
Cooling fans
Budget fans! Junkyard dual fan assembly out of an Altima of some description, fit after I dremelled off the corners to clear the framerails and notched it to clear the upper radiator hose. Dual speed, a single fan on low speed was almost enough for summer driving in Seattle so I have both fans wired up to low. (barely adequate is not adequate). High speed turns my car into an airplane and I haven't bothered to wire it up yet, but I might some day. Overall cost ended up under $50 including fans, relays, and and a thermal switch (which was half of that!). Three row radiator out of a 280zx that I got for free with the purchase of a gas tank :cheeky: "Held water fine until I rolled the car, haven't checked it since"
Desparate to find a 240z fuel tank
I've got a spare from a '73, but it's in Seattle. Shipping alone would probably cost more than sourcing one locally, however.
240 floor pan and frame rail damage
Yes, pictures would be pretty important. It could be extremely urgent, or not very, it all depends what you mean by "connects but useless" Consider that your tension/compression rods attach to the end of those stubby little frame rails, they position the front wheels fore & aft and if one gives way you might find yourself suddenly veering into a ditch or oncoming traffic.
SS Voltage Regulator
For what it's worth I love my internally regulated alternator. The external mechanical regulator is absolutely prehistoric.
Towed the 73 home today
Congrats! Your story reminds me a lot of my '73! Except mine had always been stored inside or under a tarp for ten years before not being covered because I was coming to get it .... oh, and no snow, lovely west coast springtime for me. Good call on the brakes, mine seemed good at first glance but were totally hosed after I dug a little deeper. Had to go through my whole fuel system from tank to carbs and my whole brake system from pedal to wheels. Clutch hydraulics too! Put in the time and elbow grease and you'll have yourself a car to be proud of before you know it!
Gasoline, emissions standards, and driving habits
12.2:1, hot damn
- windshield washer sprayer nozzle picture please?
Starting a new project...Subaru STI Differential swap into my Z
Heh, I got mine from Brian at TechnoVersions and it fit the best I've ever seen a part fit on anything. I test fit it before cleaning everything up and it didn't slide in, but after I brushed the road grime off it was sittin' pretty. I bet an extra layer of paint or two would've added too much thickness.
windshield washer sprayer nozzle picture please?
Resolved, I attacked the nozzles with a pair of vice-grips and fixed a bit of a kink that was probably at least half the problem ....Then I had a fully working roof-washer sprayer A little re-aiming later and everything is a-ok! It's just nice to have a second opinion before potentially destroying a part that may or may not be function and may or may not be hard to replace.
- windshield washer sprayer nozzle picture please?
windshield washer sprayer nozzle picture please?
Anybody with a working 240z windshield washer sprayer mind taking a picture of the end of the nozzle? Mine seem to have been mangled by the previous owner. My pump was dead when I got the car and I finally replaced it, and I get a steady limp wide stream of water that comes almost to the windshield. All I can find is tips on using wire to de-clog the system, but I'm thinking with how chewed up mine are I think somebody might've reamed out the nozzles too far. Smaller orifice should provide more pressure and therefore distance, right? The closest picture to the business end of a (ostensibly functioning) nozzle is from this ebay listing and it looks pretty flat and even, whereas mine look kind of like somebody chewed on the end of a pencil. How wide is the orifice when viewed dead-on? If it's narrow I'll just mangle them further with some pliers, but I don't really want to do that without a little more info on how they're SUPPOSED to work.