Everything posted by rcb280z
New front end chassis frame 78 280
Try zspecialties. 206-363-3577
zspecialties parts hoard for sale?
10-15 semi trailers!! He would make a killing at the Eagle Rock Datsun swap meet in SoCal if he went.
240Z D hubcaps ... reproduction?
First thing I noticed that was wrong! Pays to do research before buying anything online.
Project Boondoggle (or, so I went and bought a Z!)
You sure do have a lot of energy! Keep up the good work.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Picked up the aluminum radiator today. Here's a pic of the repair. Note the epoxy. They did all four corners. Said to make sure I have it grounded properly.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
I did think that yesterday but I've owned this car since 1985, the harmonic balancer was off twice and the same key went back in. The last time the balancer was off was in 1995. Replaced it with a used one because it was separating. Been on there ever since, with the same key.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Key way looks good. That's why I'm confused on why the woodruff key didn't fit tight.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
That sounds logical. If needed which one do you recommend? Thanks.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Yeah I keep going back and forth on whether or not to use some sort of locktite.
- Dashboard Repair Guide
- Dashboard Repair Guide
- Dashboard Repair Guide
- Dashboard Repair Guide
Custom Twin Cam build!
That's awesome. You going for it Wheee? Just saw the price
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Decided to clean it up a little while I await the parts. Starting to look better. I can actually see my oil pump now.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
CO, thanks for the words of encouragement. Yeah, I'm going about it differently, that's for sure. Will post when I get the parts in and installed.
Value question on a 100k all original 78 280z
Like mine is doing. Do yourself a favor and fix the rust now. You'll regret it if you don't. With that said, you have scored for sure! It is almost a perfect, just off the showroom floor condition car. And it will be after you get that rust addressed and seats restored. Good job!! I know I've said it before and I'm saying it again, sure wish I left mine stock.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Yeah Capt, I thought everything was lined up, for what I could see. Not sure how / what to do different with the new one. Kinda worried. I believe this is what gave me the trouble, too much movement. Even Tom Monroe in his how to rebuild your Datsun states you have to tap it in place for the key to seat into the keyway. I could pull mine out with a magnet, thats how loose it was. I should have stopped and pulled the damper back off when it started to get tight while bolting it in place. But I didn't and it cost me a perfectly fine damper. The cast piece that broke was still connected. When I pulled the damper back off to look at things it was attached but ready to break off. It just took the flick of a finger to break it the rest of the way. I admit that it was all my fault. I should paid better attention to what I was doing and really don't understand why I didn't. One of those, woulda, shoulda, coulda moments. I ASSumed it was going on ok and that's that. I've got a new balancer, oil slinger, woodruff key, and front seal coming. Everything is OE except for the balancer.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Radiator is already repaired. $40. Thanks for the offer Jeff, parts are already on their way.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Well guys it's a good thing I decided to take it back apart. As you can tell in the pics I have parts to order Oil slinger looks bent. What a bummer!
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Okay, it just dawned on me that it's been sitting like that for many years. The pic I posted was what it looked like after I pulled the crank pulley this morning. The last time the pulley was off was in 1995 when I had to replace it with a good used one after it separated. It probably happened then and has been that way since.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
Right. So maybe there is a reason for that rounded side of the key.(?) Just in case of movement, if it moves a little it will still seat? I tried again. I think the same thing happened but can't be 100% sure. Its locking in place, just not sitting in the crankshaft slot like I think it should be. I looked at the How to rebuild your Datsun book again and see Tom tapping the key into place will a piece of wood and a mallet. I did NOT have to do that. There was no noticeable damage to the key slot in the crankshaft that I could see. Looked normal. So I'm not sure what to think.
Hello from the UK
Me too Welcome aboard and like grannyknot said, post lots of pics.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
That's what it did. My concern is with how "loose" it is in the crankshaft slot. I can slide it back and forth fairly easy. I don't feel any side to side movement. I was just concerned when I read how Tom Monroe said to remove the woodruff key. But if you guys think I'm concerned for no reason, let me know.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
After installing my new end links I decided it was time to pull the aluminum radiator, drop it off to be repaired, and replace a leaking front main. The rad shop showed me where the leaks were and said it has to be epoxied. I've never heard of this before. I'm used to having the older style copper/brass units. Anyway, they are working on it now. I removed the crank damper and could clearly see where the leak was at the main seal. The whole front portion of the engine is pretty grungy from leaking for a long time. I did clean it up a little. The front main seal came out super easy! Cleaned the matting surface and installed a new seal. Was definitely tighter than the old one. Put the crank damper back on and torqued the bolt to 105 ft lbs. There is one thing that is now bothering me, of course after the fact. The woodruff key was cocked at an angle (in the crankshaft) when I removed the damper. I was able to remove it fairly easy. And could put in place fairly easy with a magnet and my finger. So I looked at my "How to rebuild your Datsun" book and I see they had to remove it with a screw driver and mallet. Should I be concerned about mine being loser? It's a poor pic but I think you can make out the woodruff key is sitting cocked. Let me know what you guys think.