Everything posted by rcb280z
Speedo Cable
Mine "goes" more often now. As I get older
Speedo Cable
Thanks Cliff. I was going to do the repair today and can't find my pinion seal and o-ring! Must have hid it from myself, been known to do that. I mean I've searched everywhere and twice. Oh well. I ordered them thru zcardepot again. I was really feeling motivated to do it today too.
Speedo Cable
Hey Cliff, I found the thread where you and I talked about the pinion seals and top hat gasket. Going to try and find time today to replace the o-ring, seal, and top hat. See where that gets me on the leak. Hopefully I can get the new top hat gasket on the end of the speedo cable without damaging it. I'll smear a little gear oil on it and hope for the best.
Speedo Cable
Well alrighty then.
What frame rails?!
So it's a small investment. Something to consider for sure. Thanks.
What frame rails?!
Any suggestions on which one to buy?
What frame rails?!
I'm sure I'll get to feel the pain. But hopefully not like Mark. Burning a hole in the eardrum had to hurt.
What frame rails?!
HAHA! that's funny Greg! Trust me, if I had to dress like that to weld, then I wouldn't be welding
Taillight panel paint
Taillight panel paint
That's what I was thinking but no one responded that very question I posted.
Speedo Cable
The "top hat" gasket is defective. Leaking gear oil into the cable and then on the ground. Can't find a replacement for the top hat gasket. Just the o-ring and pinion seal.
What frame rails?!
Thanks, I was looking there! Exactly what I was thinking, thanks.
Taillight panel paint
What frame rails?!
I'm getting there Dave. Gotta build the confidence level to do it. That's why I'll practice a little first.
What frame rails?!
Is there a particular one I should purchase? The cheaper the better.
What frame rails?!
Mine too CO. I'll practice before I attempt it. Sometime in the near future, hopefully.
Taillight panel paint
Here ya go. If you want more pics let me know. As you can see it is the "mat" looking finish that was original to the car. This is what I used to get there. I did 2 coats of gray and 1 of clear. May not be the best pic of the panel. I'll attempt a better one later.
Speedo Cable
Thanks Mike. I think I'll just put it on the back burner for now
Taillight panel paint
Are the panels the same color thru the years, 70-78? If so SEM makes a paint in rattle cans that looks real close if not identical to that gray panel color. Like CO said, it has a slight metallic look to it. I'll post a pic of the can later. I have it and applied it. Looks great! But you'll have to get their clear to put on it as well because the "gray color" is a flat finish. I'll post pics of the painted panel for you as well, as soon as I can.
Speedo Cable
I need to replace my speedometer cable. Has anyone done it without removal of tachometer and dash cap? Because the speedo and tach come out the front of the dash I would have to remove the full face dash cap I have. I know its easier to get to the speedo with the tach out. I'm just wondering if I can access it by laying on my back, reaching up into the back of speedo to disconnect the cable without the removal of anything?
What frame rails?!
Thanks for all the suggestions and advice. You are motivating me to tackle this job myself. I feel a little better about the situation and you all are giving me the confidence to do it. Truthfully, I thought is going to be much worse then it is.
What frame rails?!
Also good info.
What frame rails?!
No worries ZH. They all have given me things to think about.
What frame rails?!
I just have to find a shop that can do it. Maybe a collision shop?
What frame rails?!
Yeah I'm also thinking it will be less expensive to do also. I like it.