Everything posted by rcb280z
According to Z car club S.D. it is the right one for the R200.
Spark plug order
Get a pic that shows both sides if you can. Preferably the distributor and wires. Looks like a holy mess in there.
Amelia isl lot 244. $170k
Bet it is fun to drive.
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
S30, I looked at them today. I like what they have to offer. Just need to make up my mind. Thanks.
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Do you by any chance have a link to the ebay site? Your seats look nice.
[2017] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Greg, are your seats done in a brown leather? From what I can see they look good. I'm going through that "what am I going to do about my worn out seats phase" right now. Can't make up my mind what to do.
Hole in side of block??
I've never seen one connected to valve cover either but like site said, post a pic. Will help with diagnosis.
Will these fit........
Sweet, thanks. I'll check my rails.
Will these fit........
That would be helpful. Thanks!
Will these fit........
Ebay ad says 280z but clearly these are 280zx seats. Will these fit my 77 280z without major work? Has anyone done this swap before? For some reason I like them.
My Oil Pan removal 280z
That's a good thing.
My Oil Pan removal 280z
Is there one specifically for the oil? I could only find it for a/c.
[SOLD] 1974 260Z RLS30016515 3.1 stroker FOR SALE $11,999.00 Clarksville, TN
Great looking Z car. I get it about the hood. Good luck on the sale.
Amelia isl lot 244. $170k
This car again? We just recently talked about it. Lots of things wrong with it.
Yea! New Shop/Garage Lighting
Only when it gets below 29. So 30 he's screwed? LOL! Nice shed! I wish........
My Oil Pan removal 280z
Too tight can deform the pan and cause leaks. Competition pan gasket It's made from the same materials as the comp valve cover gasket. I use the valve cover gasket because you can re-use it several times.
1971 Series I Project for $3K in Orlando
Love it!
My Oil Pan removal 280z
I would check a few with the inch lb torque wrench just to verify not too tight or too loose.
My Oil Pan removal 280z
Are you positive that all bolts are torqued correctly? Not accusing you of doing it wrong. Just wondering if there is a possibility.
My Oil Pan removal 280z
Same thing happened to me. I forgot to get them while I was at the parts store. Put the old ones back on thinking I would replace them in a week. I week turned into 2 and so on. I heard something clanging around while driving and remembered what I forgot to do Those washers are expensive to replace too!
Somethings wrong...
Lol, you'll get used to it pretty quickly. Not used to having a clutch grip right. Wish I could have seen the expression on your face as you took off in her for the first time after the clutch install. I bet it was like....
My Oil Pan removal 280z
Which pan gasket are you going with. I bought a competition one and then realized i didn't have a pan leak. I'll eventually use it, just wondering what you decided to go with.
MSA satin black Konig Rewinds are coming.. need tires
Agreed, gold is too bright. Bronze is a better color if wanting something in the "gold" family. For a silver Z I think the graphite is best. IMHO.
Somethings wrong...
That's great news Jai! Now go out and drive RedBird and enjoy. You deserve it.
Grinding when going into 3rd
Just like what was said above, be prepared to fight the fill and drain plugs. If they haven't been removed for awhile they are going to be difficult. Just equip yourself with the right tools before you get started.