Everything posted by rcb280z
- What's old is new again. Alternator upgrade options
Intake pop/flap sound
Do the vacuum test again on a warm engine at idle. No Throttling, just let it idle. I think its going to be fine but want to see the results at idle while not disturbing it.
Intake pop/flap sound
It still sounds like an intake backfire to me. Its exactly how mine sounded when it was lean.What is your fuel pressure? Check it at idle and throttling it. Pull the gas cap like ZedHead says to see if it changes anything. Did this start all of a sudden? Or has it gradually gotten this way? And when you say backfire are you talking through the intake or exhaust? How do the plugs look? Has anyone messed with the AFM in any manor? If you pull the oil fill cap on the valve cover and there is no change in idle then you have a vacuum leak. If it stumbles and wants to die then your engine more than likely has "good" vacuum. A vacuum gauge is a good tool also. Run the tests everyone wants you to run and post back. Hopefully it shows its ugly face soon. Check your pcv hose and valve too. Could have a vacuum leak there.
What is this called ?
Send them to ZT for repair. You'll be happy you did!
Tranmission gear noise magically solved
Rear trans mount bushings are urethane. I should mention I HAVE NOT always had this issue. I replaced the bushings in the shifter because I thought that was causing my noise. Well it didn't solve it. Didn't even change it. Here's what I just remembered, If I drive it everyday it eventually goes away (takes a few weeks). But if it sits for less than a week it comes back. Go figure. I haven't had time to trouble shoot it either.
- Going Coilovers
- Going Coilovers
Tranmission gear noise magically solved
I don't have the metal ones in place but at least you were successful at getting rid of the noise. I assumed that was my problem but after replacing the bushings including the one at the bottom of the shift lever I still have the noise. But it is only when in 3rd and 5th gear. I have no idea what's causing the noise in mine. Glad you fixed yours.
Horn stopped working because.....
Hahaha! Thats the same problem I have CO. I guess its not a problem until, like you say, the next owner discovers it and says "what the hell".
Help me understand my HVLP gun
The last time I used a HVLP set up I had to thin the material more than what was recommended by the manufacturer. You may have to experiment on thinning your mat. until you get the "finish" you are looking for. Might help to contact the HVLP manufacturer also for advice. I would thin the mat. a little more and then try on an old body panel standing up, vertical. Probably take a few tries at thinning but I think you'll get there. Im no expert BTW. But I know if it's not thinned right it wont spray right.
Dim Headlights
As recommended above, contact Dave Irwin (Zs-ondabrain) and have him build you headlight and parking light harness's. I did several years ago for my 77 280. He made it specifically for my Z. I have been happy with my lights ever since then. No matter what you decide it would be a good idea to clean all connections.
My first z
^^^^Ditto^^^^. Very good info.
Intake pop/flap sound
Definitely sounds like AFM pop. Take another video next to the AFM so we can verify thats were its coming from. What ever you do, DO NOT start adjusting on the AFM to attempt to fix the popping. I was guilty of this many years ago and by the time I repaired the real problem I had destroyed my AFM. As mentioned above, look for a vacuum leak. cracked hoses, split AFM to intake boot, etc. Then try the yogurt cup test. Post another video first if you can.
Beautiful picture after a great summer of driving!
Nice Z. Don't know how I would deal with having to put my Z away for any period of time. Weather is nice 95% percent of the year here.
Aluminum clear coat
Sharkhide was previewed on "Gearz" I believe about 2 or 3 years ago as being the best stuff on the market for bare metal. Its self leveling too. Might be worth a shot. Been wanting to get my wheels professionally polished and as soon as I do I will more than likely be ordering Sharkhide myself.
double posted threads
I wish that was the reason...drunk. Hmm.. maybe I will have a beer or two or three or.....
double posted threads
Funny, I did try that with no success.
double posted threads
Actually it was taking too long to load so I stopped it and tried again. That was how it trapped me into hitting the "post" button twice.
Horn stopped working because.....
Ok thanks
Horn stopped working because.....
I have an aftermarket steering wheel and had to bend the arm a little to make contact. Come to think of it, it seemed to rub a little more than usual before it stopped working. Where did you get the extendo contact CO?
double posted threads
Ok I see whats happening but don't know why. When you hit the "post new topic" button it doesn't say that it has posted successfully like it usually does. So you are tempted to stop it from loading to try again. Well what we don't realize is it did load the original one. So every time you think you are stopping it from posting it is actually posting, again and again and again.
double posted threads
Why are the threads doubling and triple posting? I noticed that with my "Horn stopped working because...." thread. But the pic I down attached didn't attach in the second one. Weird. Anyone else notice this?
Horn stopped working because.....
Haha! too funny Chickenman. I'm not surprised though. I do have the part coming from another member here, Stevej. Hopefully that is. If not then that could be a possibility. Just had to customize a 1157 socket for a rear break light so..... Hmmm...slot cars. Haven't done that in over 20 yrs! Was always fun.
Horn stopped working because.....
Was cruising around in the 77 280z today. Is nice having the drivers side seat fixed, thanks to grannyknot (Chris). He had the part I needed. Beautiful day it is! I saw someone I recognized and went to tap the horn and got nothing. Tried again and still nothing. Went back home and traced it (finally) to this. Does anyone have this part? Or know where I might find one. I've searched the internet with no luck so far but haven't given up. Thanks.
Horn stopped working because.....
see other thread. this is a double post