Everything posted by rcb280z
New SU Carbs on Ebay
But they are not "right"..... Meaning what exactly? Just curious.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Replaced 20 year old ball joints and outer tie rod ends on my 77. Fairly easy. But found that both of my ball joints castle nuts were barely tight. Just beyond finger tight. Had to adjust toe out on drivers side after I was done. Now I just need to get it aligned.
New SU Carbs on Ebay
But rebuilt/refreshed are better correct?
MY first paint job
I think I like the no seam between the finder and headlight case. Im no purist as you can tell by my avatar but still like it to look like a Z. I have a stock hood that I'm going to start on soon. I have to work the metal and I may paint it myself. Have always wanted to try it. If I screw it up, its only a hood and I can sand it back down. I'm a stickler for orange peel in paint. No sure if I would have the guts to do a whole car either but, I could try it on the hood. Hmm........ Keep the pics coming Gus. How's the interior?
MY first paint job
Hey Gus, what size wheel and tires are you running? They look good.
I need an AFM
ZedHead, the "board" is worn out. Not sure how it happened. Probably one day when I was fiddling with it. Looks like a break/scratch in the wipe pattern. I will take a pic and post.
I need an AFM
I know. Same out here. Mostly just the shells left on the ones I called about. Looks like I have one coming my way soon after all.
MY first paint job
Looks really good. I would definitely color sand and buff, she will shine bright then.
I need an AFM
Wow, theses are little to come by than I had thought. Used to be a dime a dozen.
I need an AFM
Anyone have an AFM they are willing to sell? I'm in need of one for my 77. I don't want to buy one of those expensive rebuilt ones. Haven't had good luck in the past with them. And besides I want to keep the one I have and rebuild myself some day. It is the original one with the anti back fire valve built into the flap.
HellFire Status & release date annouced
If you have any questions for Len I would suggest emailing him at the above email address.
- CBS show Scorpion's main character drives 240Z
- Pumpkin Update: SHE'S HOME!
- CBS show Scorpion's main character drives 240Z
how to build my engine
Old thread..........
Ability to buy first restoration car (280z) for REALLY cheap, need advice
That's up there for sure Cliff! HA! Damienas, lots of good advice so far. Mine was "staged" and I really took my time and enjoyed the hell out of it. Was able to drive through almost every stage except for the engine and suspension work which I used vacation time for. So take your time, ask for help, and do things right and you should be successful. Not to mention the satisfaction of doing it yourself. I sent you a PM.
76 Z starts but will not idle.
MSA also has that intake boot. I would be curious to see if it will idle if you do what ZedHead recommended. There's a few other things you can do while its running but you already have a lot of things thrown at you. No need to get more confused right now. See if you can get it idling and lets go from there. And then maybe post a video of it.
Any one sell fuel hose kits for a fresh tank install?
Especially considering his profile says he doesn't own a Z yet. So what vehicle are we replacing the tank in? If you own a Z the link above is good. Okay I looked a little deeper and I see you do own a Z. Again the link above has good info. Like Steve mentioned, put some more info in your "signature"....makes it easier to help you.
Check this out...
I updated the post with more info also, hope it helps.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Here are a couple things I forgot to mention, Soaked everything down in the doors with penetrating oil. Let it set for a couple hrs and then blew everything out with compressed air. I then soaked all the linkage and window tracks with white lithium grease. Talk about smooth now! The doors open easier as well. And I thought all this time it was due to the new weatherstrip. After I replaced the door weatherstrip about 16 months ago the doors were still hard to open until I clean and lubed everything yesterday. Hope this helps someone with the same problems.
Check this out...
Anyone having problems with they're door locks check out post #153 in the "What did you do to / your Z today?" thread. It might help you out and its a simple job. Sorry no pics, I can never remember to take them as I'm doing the work.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised how simple it was. Good luck and let us know if it worked for you as well.
Running rich on idle and WOT
Tommy, where about's are you in CA? If you are close I can help you on some of these things.
Gas tank vacuum
Great info Capt! Was going to look it up, inquiring minds need to know So thanks for posting the info. I'm just glad all my lines, hoses are in good shape, knock on wood :stupid:
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Lately Iv'e been having problems with my door locks. The key would not unlock the car door locks but I could lock them using the key, barely. Aggravating! I pulled the panels off, removed the locks and noticed some considerable wear on them. I now understand why they didn't work right. I decided to switch sides with the locks. Reversed the "L" shaped arms on the back of the locks, installed the locks and now they work perfect! They lock and unlock with the key now. Just like brand new. The other thing I did, and it was a PITA, was replace the door hinge pin bushing on the passenger side door. It had flat spotted causing an ear piercing horrible sound when opening the door all the way. Been like that for about 3 years. I recommend having a buddy to help you. So a couple "fix it" jobs went well. I'm going to put the door panels back on tomorrow after I give them some detailing.