Everything posted by rcb280z
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Pic #1....assuming it is wired in, what is it. Looks to me like it might be a 78 and newer fuel pump relay but why? It wasn't used until after August of 77. Need better pics of it's wiring and how it's connected. Pic #2....don't like your choice of links(?) You need to install the correct ones like has been suggested before. It's only going to save what ever has not already been destroyed. Pic #3....kind of dark but it seems there are only 2 wires from the black connector?...if so it's wrong. Pic #4....shows no voltage regulator which tells me the PO attempted or completed an internal regulated alternator upgrade. Pic #5....can't really tell what alternator it is. Pic #6....??? Too many things wrong. If it were me I would put it all back original and go from there. Will take some patients for sure but with the FSM and wiring diagram it will make it easier. Too bad you couldn't contact the PO for some info. I hope other members could shed some light on pic 1. It would seem to me that there was a problem with the fuel pump relay (pic 3) and for some reason the PO tried wiring in a 78 fuel pump relay instead of fixing the problem. Just a guess. I'm no expert for sure but I know this is wrong. BTW, Motorsportauto has the correct fusible links for the 77 and they are cheaper than the ones on ebay.
Newest addition to the garage.
Wish I could score a find like that! I would keep it original. The automatics are looking good (never thought I would say that) to me now....bad right knee! That is a beautiful Z. You are truly lucky man.
let the body work begin
Going to be starting my own soon so post pics and info as you go to keep us updated with progress.
- Oil Pressure drops over time
First Z car
post more pics
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Hey Zed, he said he replaced the one on the drivers side which would indicate the earlier model relay but...a pic would be good considering all the abnormalities with this car. As a matter of fact a pic of all the fusible links again would be nice to make sure they are correct. Still would like to know what charging mods were made also. Something is not right in that area for sure.
29July: TNT Autobody Annual Bikini Car Wash
yes please. wish I could be there!
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Behind the bracket that holds your fusible link boxes there should be a regulator, and an a/c relay. Is the regulator there?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Madkaw, the late model 77 is when they started with the fuel pump safety cutoff through oil pressure. They also use a different relay for the fuel pump. If he has the EFI relay "like he claims" for the early model it is the silver one above the drivers left knee. The other way to know is if he has a 5 pin or 7 pin AFM connector. The 7 pin is the earlier model.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I had to have my 77 towed home once because while I was driving it one day it died just out of the blue...died, dead, no go! The tow truck driver left the key in the on position and I didn't know it and while I was searching around the engine compartment I touched one of my 4 fusible links and she came to life....heard the buzzer in the car. That link was loose. So I fixed it. I had nothing before that, no ignition, fuel pump, nada. So just making sure you are 100 percent sure that the links are RIGHT and TIGHT. As I have said before there are some things different with your wiring. Not sure if I asked this earlier or not but did the PO wire an internal regulated alt?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I have not done the upgrade because they work How did you test them and what are the results?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
What about all those fusible links on the passenger side engine bay, have you replaced them or completed the upgrade you mentioned in an earlier post? Your car will NOT run without them.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Have you retraced all your steps?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Ok so according to your first post the car ran and then after you rebuilt the motor and installed it...it won't start?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
The fuel pump relay is that silver rectangle shaped box with two connectors on the drivers side above the left knee...as Zed described in an earlier post. And only half of it is the pump relay. I can't make out that pic. The bullet connector is under the carpet on the passenger side either under or just behind the seat.
New Tire Recommendations--16 inch
I have the Handcook Ventus V-4's 205-55-16 and they are great! The best tire yet on my Z.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Just FYI....my fuel pump didn't work and it ended up being the EFI relay (half of it) is the fuel pump relay like Zed mentioned and I also had a loose bullet connector (intermittent problem) under the carpet under the passenger seat. So I had a double whammy. But I took my time (frustrating) and I found it with the help of this site.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Pics are always good. The old saying "pictures are like a thousand words". I bought a FSM on dvd and can't view it right now...issue with cd-rom! Hope to fix that tomorrow so I can check a couple things out.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I would imagine you could do it...I fixed mine instead. I know you are anxious but the satisfaction of fixing the problem will be greater than jerry-rigging.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
A lot of guys here can help you, as you already know, to decifer it. It can be difficult at times but Zed, Blue, and several others helped me some time ago when I had trouble and I know you will get the help. You just have to keep plugging away at it.
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Only if you forget to flip the switch off. It only takes one time so I wouldn't recommend it. Just take your time and find the real problem. Did you ever get the FSM for your car?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Did you check the bullet connector under the carpet under the passengers seat. That's one that Zed was referring to. Seen those bad also!
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
never mind on the last question
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
Is it an early or late 77?
Days and Days of searching, I need help please?!
I believe that is how I tested mine 15 yrs ago.