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Everything posted by rcb280z

  1. Yeah, but I love it! I had a set of ztherapy su's on my 280 about 15 yrs ago when I was in vegas and loved them. That's why I took my time rebuilding my FI. Now I'm back in CA and put my FI back on. And by the way, my Z passed smog with better numbers than my wifes 05 2.5 altima! And my Z has a header on it. So go figure. Bruce, I have already cleaned everything a couple yrs ago. Thanks for the tip. This was just a connector that worked itself loose it just took me time to find it. Aren't Z cars fun! Every now and again I take the cover off to stare at it. My wife just shakes her head, but she likes it too. Bob
  2. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I found the problem. After taking everything apart it ended up being as simple as a connector under the dash on the passenger side had vibrated apart. So battery voltage was getting to the connector just not from it which runs into the fuse block. Hence no power in acc position. Bob
  3. Images added to a gallery album owned by rcb280z in Member Albums
  4. rcb280z posted a gallery image in Member Albums
  5. Frank, Bruce and Dave, Thanks. I will do the vinegar thing for sure. And Dave I understand what you are saying I'm just not sure were to start yet but will figure it out. I hate electrical! Dave, I just figured out who you are. I just recently purchased a head light harness upgrade, which I will say is the best thing I've done for my 280 in a long time, and you should be receiving my combo switches anytime now to rebuild. This is Bob with the gold 280 that has the fiberglass cowl induction hood. Thanks everyone. I will post the outcome.
  6. I have a 77 280z. owned it since 1985. I am experiencing a strange electrical problem with it. It is similar to other post I have read. I have an idea what it could be but would like to know what you all think. I drove it one night and 15 Min's into the drive my dash lights went out. I took it back home and realized I didn't have side maker or tail lights. I don't drive it alot. And haven't driven it at night for several years. Then I started checking everything to see what else was wrong. Well lets see, volt gauge doesn't register voltage if the doors are open?!, Close them and it shows normal voltage. Dome light doesn't work, all dash lights don't work that includes stereo, etc. Headlights work so it's not on that circuit. Horn doesn't work. Now here is the kicker, if I start the car everything works! except dash and marker lights (parking lights) I found a disconnected wire on the combo light switch. held it in place and the parking and tail lights and dash lights came on. So that fixes that problem. I just have to figure out why it came unsoldered from the combo switch. I have a feeling it is getting hot (green with white stripe). So why no horn, dome lights, and the drain on the volt gauge with the doors open? I've looked at the wiring diagram and am missing the obvious, obviously. Anyone have an idea of what I'm missing? Could it be the ignition relay? Any help is appreciated. Bob
  7. I am searching for a place to restore my steering wheel and I came across your post. It looks great. Do you remember how much it cost? Thanks

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