Everything posted by rcb280z
The dreaded oil pan pull!
I need a new one. My cable is full of gear oil. It's even dripping from where the cable meets the car body. I have the seal and o-ring for the pinion gear, just didn't want to drain the tranny to replace those if it wasn't needed. I think I just need to replace the one that goes into the cable end. The cable is wet with gear oil about 18" down the cable from the tranny.
what brand header is this
MSA for exhaust is the way to go IMHO. Like said above, they've got it down.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
My Lowe's center here bites the big one! Went looking through those cabinets for stuff I needed one day and more than half of them were empty. But, now that I'm done bitching, I'll try it again. So the top hat seal sits in the pinion housing? I thought it went into the speedo cable end Thanks!
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Yep, that's the one. The "top hat" looking rubber seal. Not the 2 pinion gear ones. Those part numbers seem to be for the grommet in the fire wall for the cable. Now to start hunting for that rubber seal. Thanks ZedHead, my search results didn't show this thread for some reason. Going to think about my next plan of attack as far as the engine goes. I hate, as I mentioned before, seeing the mess that the coolant has made of my engine! Have to do something and changing the HG should be priority.
transmission pull question 280z
Yep, couple bucks at Homedepot.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Update, I have put 57 miles on it since I cleaned the coolant mess. Just climbed up under to look at things. The oil pan does not seem to be leaking. But I do have the coolant leaks I described in a couple posts back. The worst being between the head and block (I think) on the drivers side rear. It is also oozing along the HG on the passenger side between #3 & #4 cylinders, and running down the block. I thought usually that meant warped head. I have never overheated the motor so why would it be leaking there? Almost forgot to mention I noticed my speedo cable is leaking also . Not from around the speedo pinion but at the cable itself. Unscrewed it from the pinion and noticed a little rubber gasket in there. It was soaked with tranny oil. Is there a replacement that anyone knows of for that little gasket. I can't find any info on it. I hope I don't have to replace the cable.
transmission pull question 280z
Yep, same here. I'd rather pull the tranny than mess with the stereo.
transmission pull question 280z
The last I dropped my tranny I took the center console out because I was afraid I couldn't get the car up high enough on the stands to do what you are asking. IIRC the FSM says to remove the console as well. But, I would assume if you can get it high enough it would be possible. I would be afraid of damaging the rubber shift boot doing it that way.
Spinning My Wheels... (Yet Another Wheel Thread)
Shoot us some pics when you get them installed.
What should i do i need help
2.7 liter v6 eh? Pics would be great of that motor One more thing; you live in California. Your best bet is to stay stock or put a high performance motor in it til its time for the bi-annual emissions test and then put the stock motor back in. You'll get tired of that quick.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Hahaha! Love it.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
That is what I was thinking about last night. Sure took awhile to fall asleep. But that is ok, I do not drive it that often now. Maybe once a week. I hate what it looks like now, especially how the block looks from the coolant leaks.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Have you personally used this stuff?
The dreaded oil pan pull!
haven't tried that. Good idea. I'll look into it first. thanks.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Oh yeah, I have a truck. I'm afraid of those "while your at it" fixes. Might get costly
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Some of that you see around the oil filter is from a previous leak making it look really bad. I feel the right thing would be to pull it and just do a minor overhaul. Do you agree? I mean crank and rod bearings, rings, possibly valve seals, timing chain, repaint the block. It runs good now, just has leaks. Good compression. Doesn't burn oil.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Just edited with more info.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Well unfortunately I have put off the pan gasket. Let me explain why. I crawled under the car this morning to look at things, making sure I would grab everything I needed to reduce the amount of times having to climb out because I forgot something. Wanted to have everything ready. So while I was laying there looking at everything I noticed one of the pan bolts had a drop of coolant hanging from it! It was one of the bolts at the right rear of the pan on the drivers side "the lowest point" due to the angle of the motor. Where the hell did that come from, I said out loud. After searching around for awhile I believe I have figured it out. I think its been about a year and a half now but I had a slight coolant leak where the head meets the block on the oil filter side between cylinders 3 and 4. I used some stop leak and at the time it seemed to slow it down if not stop it. Well now it looks as if it has come back. So it seems that it is traveling the path of between the head and block "HG" area around the back of the head and down the slopped area of the block and along the oil pan. A few weeks ago I cinched down the pan bolts and was assuming that is why there were drops of, what I thought was oil, on my garage floor. Guess I was wrong. I've posted pics. I think its time to pull the motor. Been wanting to go through it so I think its time. You can see the coolant on the slop of the block in this pic Most of this was from the previous leak. But you can see where it is building up on the bottom of the block. This is as close as I could get to where the head meets the block on the drivers side. The next 3 pics are just extra shots of the passenger side of the block. So like I said it might be time to pull it out and go through it.
- Bad customer service for parts
I'm a firm believer in good customer service. Customers can make or break you. My wife is in the retail business. I could tell you some stories. Do you have a pic of it? Curious on how bad it looks.
- Bad customer service for parts
This is why I hesitate to buy anything on Ebay. I'd get it in the mail back to them now if you haven't already.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
My front seal is just oozing right now. No drip. I think I can replace it without removing the radiator. Oh yeah the engine degreaser I have used in the past is toxic on just about everything it comes in contact with. I'll be using it in the garage with the doors open and lots of rags and towels. Just going to take my time and do it right.
- 1976 280Z Restoration Project
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Haha, I was thinking the same thing! Too funny. I do have a ratchet wrench. I bought some parts dip today to soak the bolts when I remove them. They are so guncked up that they look like 12mm bolts instead of 10mm. That's how bad the leak has gotten. I may do the front seal will I'm under there. You know, "While your under there" syndrome.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
Yeah, hopefully. Might be fun getting the correct torque setting though. I'll figure something out and then post it.
The dreaded oil pan pull!
I'm going to have all 4 corners off the ground.