Everything posted by rcb280z
Gas tank vacuum
Hey guys sorry its taken so long to get back to you. I didn't fill the tank like I wanted to this morning just so I could hear it again. I have been working a couple of things for most of the day, Z related which is in a different thread. You are correct, it is a pressure release. So that makes me feel better about it. Sounds like its supposed to be that way. I put a few miles on it before taking the gas cap off again and the same "pressure" release is there.
Gas tank vacuum
On my 77 280 I usually don't let my fuel level get below 1/2 a tank. However, this time I let it got down to just below 1/4 of a tank. When I removed the gas cap at the gas station I got this "strong" vacuum suction sound. It was strong enough that the guy on the other side of the pump heard it. I don't recall hearing this at all before. Maybe its always been that way and I just didn't really pay it any mind before? Who knows. Anyone experience this or something similar. Our 05 Altima doesn't even do this.
What do you recommend?
Iv'e decided to wait a couple of months when I can afford the time just in case.......... I will also buy a new set of head bolts just because. If I don't break one when removing them it could happen when re-installing them.
What do you recommend?
Zed Head, I was hoping someone would say that. zKars, doing the work isn't an issue. It's "what can I avoid having to do". The back isn't so nice to me these days. So the less I have to do the better I am. Thanks guys. I will post results when I do this.
Relay Bracket Details - What Relays Go Where?
Haha....too funny! You guys made my day :laugh:
Relay Bracket Details - What Relays Go Where?
:classic: C'mon Capt. share those secrets on making a 280 faster. Inquiring minds need to know.
Relay Bracket Details - What Relays Go Where?
That is exactly how mine is set up. But yours looks much "cleaner" than mine Chas. You must have bought your Voltage regulator from Rockauto. Mine came with that same in line fuse. Not trying to jack your thread Capt :classic:
What do you recommend?
BTW, can I get away with not removing the intake and exhaust header or will that hinder the re-torquing process?
78 280Z - no injector pulse
Thats right Chas, you and I have the same manufacture date. Yes things did change as of August 77. Hope that is the issue, would be an easy fix.
Reviving an L26 - My 1st Engine Rebuild Ever.
Maybe we can meet up some day and talk Z's. Mine is driven almost daily.
Happy Birthday Mr. K
The "Z" will keep you young. Happy Birthday Mr "K" and thanks!
What do you recommend?
Which is probably why they corrode easily...makes sense. Thanks zKars, That would be the easiest and cheapest direction for sure as long as the head doesn't crack on me. For some reason I have this fear of it cracking while "re-torquing". Not sure why if I follow the proper torquing sequence.
78 280Z - no injector pulse
I would clean up that connector and re-install it and see what you get. I think the 78 will not run if there is no oil pressure, just not sure if it affects "starting". Hopefully someone will correct me if Im wrong. My 77 has the fuel cut off built into the AFM. IIRC the 78 fuel cut off is in the oil pressure circuit. Again I'm not 100% certain of this.
Relay Bracket Details - What Relays Go Where?
Yes, mine is a manual trans.
What do you recommend?
Yeah Leon I agree the numbers aren't awful. Because I couldn't manipulate the numbers on those cylinders with some oil I'm assuming the valves are not sealing as good as they should be. So I will start looking for an engine overhaul kit because like I said before if I take the head off I may as well do a complete overhaul. My timing chain is on "number 2" mark so it has stretched. There are a couple of things leading me in the direction of overhauling the engine. The good thing about is I don't have to do it right away. That gives me some time to search for a good machinist and recommended engine overhaul kit. So with that said any suggestions on an engine overhaul kit? Anyone? Thanks.
Relay Bracket Details - What Relays Go Where?
Capt, the only ones my 77 have are the voltage regulator and a/c relay (compressor) and condenser of course.
Reviving an L26 - My 1st Engine Rebuild Ever.
Hey Joel, where abouts in so-cal are you located? I'm in Oxnard. Not too many Z's this way or they just don't see the road.
What do you recommend?
ZedHead, I remembered something....I did use the felpro gasket. Now I see they are "perma-torque". I don't remember that when I replaced the HG 97,000 miles ago.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Bet you can guess where I'm going to get the HG from....yep Rockauto. Under $15 bucks for a perma torque. Have to list all the gaskets I need and then see if they have them all or see if they have a complete set.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Yeah I use the 5% all the time. Have been replacing parts on my wifes 05 altima that has 162,000 miles. I guess you had cores for the calipers? No noise from the ceramic pads? I'm thinking about the rotors myself. Hmm..., but I may to do a head gasket. Guess I better wait. Looks good! I like how nice the calipers came out.
What do you recommend?
All plugs out (plugs look really good), throttle open all the way, remote starter in hand, compression gauge hooked up and the results are from 1-6: 150-170-155-152-172-170. Took another reading of the lower ones with identical results. I squirted a small amount of oil into the 3 lower cylinders, waited about 5 minutes and tested the 3 again. Here are those results: (1)152 (3)158 (4)152. Didn't raise the numbers enough to be considered a ring issue. The funny thing is, the engine burns 1/2 a qt of oil every 3 months which about 2300 miles. Now I'm thinking maybe I didn't squirt enough oil into those cylinders when I retested. Next I checked valves for those 3 cylinders and discovered they were off from .001-.002. After adjusting the valves I ran a compression test again and got the same numbers as the first test. If #1 cyl had around 170 then I could suspect the head gasket between 3-4 was "going" but, that wasn't the case. I must have more than 1 thing going on here. Coolant leak, maybe some valve issues. Anyway, I'm still not sure what I'm going to do or should do next.
[2014] What did you do to/with your Z today?
Hey Cliff, did you get everything from Rockauto?
Channel Islands Harbor car show
Here's what I did today. It was fun. Sat there talking with a buddy of mine catching up on lost time.Just a few of my favorites. My Z looked good sitting there. And just the other day I said I was going to sell it. What was I thinking.
What do you recommend?
Good idea as well Leon. Going to run compression test this week sometime and post results.
Reman. ECU's - what's in there
Yeah I thought about that sometime after my post. I did test mine (when it was rich) but I can't remember where it is in the FSM either. Don't feel like making another trek to the garage for the FSM either, . It was a pain in the butt to get to also!