- The Z Store
Repair/restore shop ?
Have you talked to Micheal at Sunwest Motors? He's in Ventura on Palma Dr. and may be the same guy esmit208 is refering too. If you'd like to give him a call, his number is 805-644-9644. I live in Ventura and have had him as my ONLY Z mechanic for 22 years. By the way, if you're in a BIG hurry you'd better let him know in advance because he likes to take his time and do the job right. I've never had to return my car to him for not fixing it the first time. He's that good. Tell him Rob refered you to him.
Ethanol-free Gasoline Locations
"Even an analysis by the EPA found that current ethanol production techniques actually result in higher emissions of greenhouse gases than refining and burning ordinary gasoline." The full story here: http://reason.com/archives/2010/11/16/congress-let-ethanol-subsidies
my version of twice pipes
I agree, although I'd really like to hear them all the way up through the rev range.
heres an update on the collection
A white GT-R would fill them out nicely!
280z Noise & Vibration .. Getting the Shaft
She must have only had Vegas and Yugos, aside from the Pinto.
Stupid City
Try not to feel bad. Life is like a bell curve. We're born clueless, gain wisdom as we experience life, then gradually lose it all as we age. So therefore you and I have an excuse!
Stupid City
E-I'm having a senior moment that's causing me to wonder what an "OP" is. Can you splain please? Thanks, Rob
What's in a name?
Ouch! No mercy!!
Drug this home today
It also appears to have the switches for the optional remote adjustable mirrors.
91-year-old puts 562,000 miles on same car
This gal's got a lot of guts to drive 120 MPH in a car of that vintage! Maybe she was mad at one of her "unfaithful" husbands at the time.
My second Z
What better way to treat yourself than with a beautiful 240Z! Happy birthday Dave!! After watching your video I'm envious. It sounds so good.
ZCar Sales!! What's it really worth?
So much for being a "Gentleman":mad: He sounds like a "User"! Hang in there, someone will see the good value in your Z and buy it.
my NEW 500$ 240ZZZee!
Well, the SEATS are from Arizona. I can tell by the Southwest motif inserts!
Anyone driven theses roads?
Thanks spitz. I guess we can't drink and drive, now can we!