how did he use these coilovers?
oh where can i get fender flares like these. all i can find is zg flares. also can anyone think of what size tire is on the car? thanks for all the help
how did he use these coilovers?
im not trying to destroy my car but i do want it lower. im thinking a 3'' drop is a possibility. my car barly gets on my trailer as it is so i figure what the hell. this will kinda give you the direction im wanting to go. i love the old school wide fenders wide wheels look. i think this car is practical. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClNCNOo6zu4
how did he use these coilovers?
man people are so quick to judge.
how did he use these coilovers?
oh i now what u mean. i dont wanna go as low as he went. i love my car and dont wanna hurt it in anyway. i was just looking for a 3 to 4 inch drop. i was just wondering if what he did was a good idea by using another cars coilovers to get your drop or to just cut my strut housing a little bit more then usual. i ask because i dont wanna ruin my car. plus i plan on doing a 2jz swap so being super low isnt an option.
how did he use these coilovers?
i figured i wouldn't get much help on this forum. everyone is about function over form on this site. im not bashing anyones view on there zs. id just rather lower mine more then what kits that r available to me. sorry for wanting to be different.
how did he use these coilovers?
now from what i can get from this z is that he just cut the perch where the spring sits and slid the coilover inside and wielded it. can anyone give me some inside on how you think he achieved this. i know its very very low. i cant go that low in my town anyways but i just like the fact i can go that low for the look. you ether love it or hate it. heres the link. http://www.motormavens.com/2009/10/center-stage-shakotan-s30-240z/ hes the section where he talks about how he did it but i just feel like theres more to it then this. For the car to be REALLY low, I would have to droop the springs excessively and I had no idea if I would be left with any travel. At first I tried using S13 coilovers. I cut the lower brackets to fit over the stock shock tubes, but to my dismay they wouldn’t go low enough, and I was left with less than an inch of travel at the height I was aiming for. I then started looking at different coilovers; ones meant for Miata, S2000, etc. I settled on coilovers meant for the Integra DC2. I drove out to the East Bay to pick up a used set of Function Forms, and figured I would use them as a guinea pig to see how compatible they would be with the car. They actually worked great. I went ahead and welded the lower brackets to the shock tubes in a similar fashion as I did with the S13 coilovers, except this time I would adjust pre load and ride height independently. To be honest, I was not expecting much from these coilovers, but for the time being I am quite satisfied. They ride well, very smooth, but don’t allow for excessive travel nor are they bouncy. Other than that, the rest of the modifications are readily available bolt-ons. I purchased the front/rear lower control arms, tension rods, roll center adjusters and camber plates from Techno Toy Tuning. The tie rods and the roll bar are from ZCC (the roll bar is a replica of the old OS Giken model.) thanks for all the help guys.
MSA exhaust questions
iv got this set up and man does it make all the difference. the car sounds amazing. iv got a 73 and it makes the car have a v8 kinda of sound. spend the extra money and get the one thats not gonna rust. i got mine on and with in a week it was all rusty besides the tips.
super wide fender flares???
im looking at getting really wide fender flares and can seem to source the ones that i want. does anyone know where theres are? you see them alot on bosozoku cars. heres a pic http://speedhunters.com/archive/2008/06/17/car-feature-gt-gt-battle-s30z.aspx