Hi everyone:
I have a great mechanic that knows Z's who built my car and has done some recent work on it. He's totally perplexed by this problem.
Last year, the car would bog with light acceleration. In attempt to fix it this year, this is what has been done:
oil change
oil filter change
new spark plugs
install of an electronic fuel pump
install of electronic ignition
After this was done, the car ran beautifully. Smooth acceleration, no stalling on stops, for two trips - driving home and the next morning on the way to a golf course out of town. Two things happend - I filled the car with premium fuel (as usual) and we had a flash rain storm. On the way home the car started to pop and bog. The popping never happend before this.
I took the car back to my mechanic. Perplexed, he tested the fuel pump and put in new wires. Afterwards, it ran fine to a trip back to the gas station. Filled it up, then we have the problem again. it pops and bogs and stalls out on stops.
Bear with me, I'm still getting to know the car; my mechanic is the expert. I'll learn quick and I am super motivated to fix this and drive my Z.
Some info on the engine:
71 240 Z
Triple Weber Carb set up on a 280Z motor
82 280Z plugs
Racing cam
Flat top pistons
I have a video while driving - sorry that it is poor quality.
Anyone have any ideas?