- 1971 Datsun 240Z for Sale
- 1971 Datsun 240Z for Sale
1971 Datsun 240Z for Sale
VIN: HLS3029099 Year and month of production: 1971 April Can't really read the shock tower plate much but the door and shock tower VIN are the same. According to my Uncle who owned the car before me it is the original engine and transmission.
- 1971 Datsun 240Z for Sale
wesleyt started following 1971 Datsun 240Z for Sale
1971 Datsun 240Z for Sale
The car has been sold for $5000.00 to the first buyer who looked at the car. Thank you all for your questions and interest! If interested please contact me through Craigslist.org post id: 5569611377 This car has been stored indoors in Winton, CA (near Merced) and not run for the last 21 years or more. Original engine and transmission. It is missing radio, speakers, antenna, battery and some interior trim. Passenger side view mirror glass missing. It will need to be towed by whoever decides to purchase it. I will try to answer any questions to the best of my ability but I never drove the car and did not have the time to fix it. It comes with six repair/customization manuals- How to Modify Datsun 510 610 240Z Engines & Chassis by H.P. Books Shop Manual Tune-Up and Maintenance Guide Datsun 240Z Petersen's Complete Book of Datsun 2nd Revised Updated Edition Datsun 240Z/260Z Owner's Workshop Manual by J.H. Haynes Clymer Publications Datsun Service Repair Handbook 240Z Sports Car through 1972 Chilton's Datsun 240-Z/260-Z/280-Z 1970-77 Repair & Tune-Up Guide I will take $5000.00 cash or money order today or I will contact the party with the best offer on June 1, 2016.