The fiberglass bumpers will probably be the best solution for me. As stated I have had thoughts of eliminating either one or both bumpers for a custom look and these might be just the ticket. Thanks for your help!
I should have been more clear on why I was asking. I have a '70 240 that I do not have bumpers for. I have been considering going "bumperless" all together but also cannot find any 240z bumpers at any of the normal places. i.e MSA, Black Dragon, Z car source... Any help and/or opinions would be appreciated!
This may be a stupid question, but will a 260z front bumper fit on my 240z? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Difference between 71 and 72 240z
Tag is on the door frame and says it was Manufactured 10/70. Does that make it a 71 model year? The VIN is HLS3012786. Any help would be great! Thanks
Difference between 71 and 72 240z
Hello All, I dug my current project 240 out of a barn in my hometown. No Title or Registration to be found. Is there any way to detemine what year this car is based on either VIN Number, body or frame differences, any clues at all? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Rear Hatch Rust
Thanks for the info... I did find that Zcars of Arizona does sell hatch's for the 240z. I will wait untill I strip the hatch down fully to see what I am really dealing with then figure out my next move...
Rear Hatch Rust
As stated in my previous posts, I am just undertaking the task of rebuilding a 71 240. The rear hatch that I have has a few areas of rust, especially around the lower corners of the glass. I plan to remove the glass and do any repair work possible. Unfortunately, I think it may be beyond repair. I have searched all the classifieds, ebay, MSA, Black Dragon, and local junk yards and have yet to find any rear hatch's. Does anyone out there have any advise as to locating such a part? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Fender Mirror Mounting Location
Does anyone have or know of a mounting template or measurements for the proper moutning location of Fender Mirrors on a 71 240z? Any help would be appreciated!
240z SU Carb Tuning?
Thanks Everyone! You have talked me into sticking with the L28 motor. Thanks for the advise on Ztherapy.com. On another note: Does anyone know where I can find the plastic wheel wells for a 71 240? When I acquired the car they were missing and I cannot find them anywhere online. Also, I have all the original gauges but they are in rough shape ( Backing cracked and haven't been in operation for many years. Car hasn't been driven for atleast 10 years.) Would it be better to try and recondition the factory gauges or just go with Auto Meter. Any suggestions as to where to find gauge overlays or replacement parts? Thanks again for all of your help!
240z SU Carb Tuning?
Thanks! Have you noticed any difference or was any different tuning needed for the new unleaded gas/ ethenol mixture at gas stations these days? I will definetly look for that SU DVD. Does anyone sell SU Carb rebuild kits to bring those back into shape? Thanks again for your help!
240z SU Carb Tuning?
I currently own a 71 240z and am building two motors. I have an 2.8L that is completely stripped down and ready for rebuild. I also own a complete VG30ET. I really want to keep the 2.8L but have concerns with tuning the SU Carbs on a regular basis versus just implementing the Fuel Injected VG. Does anyone live in the New England Area where the temperature and humidity can change hourly? If so, how does this affect your carb equipped motors? How much tuning is needed on a regular basis to make the motor run right. I understand that Carb motors need more attention than f.i motors but i want to enjoy driving the car without the hassle of needing to tune it every time i turn the key. Any help or advise would be appreciated! Thanks