4th Annual ZCCW Car Show at Performance Nissan, South Everett Sunday August 15th, 2010 12:00 PM $15.00 Early Entry Fee, by Aug. 1st $20.00 Day Of Show Open to any and all Datsun, Nissan, Infiniti cars & trucks. Awards will be dependant on number of entrants per class. Vehicles will be moved to another class if there are not enough entrants in a class. Entries will be accepted until 1:00 PM the day of the show. Complete and Mail the Form: Specify your year, make, model, and a designation of stock or modified. Stock/restored vehicles are allowed to have non-original paint, wheels, and/or upholstery. All other modifications require that you list your vehicle in MODIFIED categories. Mail your completed entry with a check made payable to Z Car Club of Washington to: Z Car Club of Washington, 16212 Bothell Everett Highway, Suite F PMB 276, Mill Creek, Wa 98012-1219 Contact: Duane Bender 425-453-7082 wk, 425-941-4479 cell Email shop@motorworksltd.com Z Car Club of Washington Car Show Sunday, August 15th, 2010 12:00 to 4:00 PM Awards at 4:00 PM Performance Nissan, 10500 Hwy 99 South, Everett, Wa 98204 Entrant Information Name Mailing Address City State Zip Phone Number Email Address Vehicle Information Year___________ Make__________________ Model_________________ Choose one: Stock_______ Modified_______