Hi, I'm new to forums and 240z's for that matter so please bare with me. I am looking at buying a 1971 240z from a friend and I would like to get an idea of what it is worth. I can't seem to get a good idea from other classifieds so maybe you guys can help me. Alot of what I know about it was told to me by my friend, so that's what I'm working with. -It is in Ontario, Canada and has been for about 5 years now but it is originally from California. -It spent some time outside (maybe 1 or 2 years) but has been kept in a barn for the past year. -It is a 4 speed manual and apparently had been running a year ago but not driven (does not run as of right now). -The car rolls because it was pushed out of the barn. -As for rust, the floor on the driver's side has holes through it but the passenger's doesn't seem as bad (there are no carpets). The paint around the entire car is faded and cracked but there is basically no major rust (other than the floors). -The back window is badly scratched and probably needs to be replaced and the driver's side window is stuck in the door so I don't know how it looks. -The dash is badly cracked from sun damage and the seats are also cracked and ripped. -The suspension components look to be in fair shape, rusted but not damaged. So I know it may be hard to give a good estimate on the price without any pictures but I would greatly appreciate a ball park estimate. Thanks for helping and hopefully I'll be bringing this Z home soon so I can ask you many many more questions!