Silver Mine Motors Review
I wasn't very impressed by Silver Mine Motors either. It became very apparent early on he's just some kid selling parts out of his apartment. I bought the front brake caliper and rotors off him and he said there was a delay on the rotors because he needed to get them drilled and coated? So... He's getting parts from who knows where and refurbishing them? Great. Sent me 2 packages. 1 with the smallest item (the wire cables) on their own instead of packing them in the big box with the rest? Who pays double for shipping?
- Security system for my S30?
240 - 280 Engine Conversion
Talked it over with some of my car guys. Gonna pass on this one. Thanks for the input. -M@
240 - 280 Engine Conversion
So there's a Robello built racing 240z racing engine ,L24 block, e31 head on my local CL for sale that caught my eye instantly. Here's the thing. I own a 280z and I've never heard of anyone doing a conversion from 280 to a 240 engine. It's always the other way around. What happens to my Fuel Injectors? What wiring harness would I need to use? Is this even reasonable? Also how can I find out what's street legal and not? I'm wondering about this because whenever I see rebuilt engines my friend is always saying "Its probably not street legal." -Cheers, all comments welcome.
First time buying a Z car - what to look out for?
Outer doesn't look too bad but keep in mind these car rot from the inside-out. Frame rails are a big one to lookout for(look at it from inside the front wheel wells and under the car). Check out the rear tire well too. Pics related.
- Dai
Frosted flakes!
Exhaust Tip - How Far Should It Stick Out?
I think it's personal preference. But just don't burn your leg on it if you choose to have it sticking out. I've heard too many stories...
OK Lets hear it! What did ya get for Christmas??
Got this pen from a co-worker I guess she thought it kind of looked like my car so it'll stay in my car. That's about it for Christmas... But for my birthday(was the 27th) I bought myself some headers, exhaust, mirrors and a new rear deck mat!
Rust rust rust! Need feed back.
Not sure why but all the rust seems to be on the driver side... Passenger side everything seems very solid. I've been trying to learn more about this car and what parts would fix what. Frame Rail & Floorboard are two things that come up often enough. But I'm don't know if I need those items? :stupid: Would picking up either of those go towards and/or fix the rust in the wheel well? Or is it a custom cut&weld to fix? That to me was my biggest concern. Some more pictures of the only rust spots on the body that can be seen on the exterior. Thanks for the input so far. Feeling a bit less stressed... I really do want to put all my time(blood sweat and tears) into the car.
Rust rust rust! Need feed back.
Rust rust rust! Need feed back.
You can see my front bumper shock on the bottom left. I dared to touch that rust and it turned to dust. I just don't know what type of trouble I'm getting into and was looking for some thoughts and advice from people that have knowledge about how to handle something like this. All comments welcome. Thanks again -M@
Rust rust rust! Need feed back.
Here was my original thread regarding my worries http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39876 Finally snagged a digital camera for some pictures. I had always thought my car was pretty good for rust because it has a solid body. But once I found these a few months its had me worried sick day in and day out. Hope the pictures speak for themselves because I'm not sure how I'd explain it. That's the the inside of my front wheel well. Also is that little plate I found on the frame (right under the driver side)someones hack job band-aid? Not sure what that is... I know everything is fixable but how gone is too far gone?
Mr. Matsuo on MotoMan..
Great video. Thanks for sharing that.
Some pictures of my '77
Second to last pictures the Z money shot ain't it